Difficulty Swallowing – Causes, Treatment & Prevention |

Difficulties swallowing

Difficulty swallowing or dysphagia occurs when the swallowing movement is difficult or causes pain. The swallowing difficulties alone are not an independent disease, they are merely the symptom of an underlying disease. Difficulty swallowing is often accompanied by a cold or throat infection ( sore throat , tonsillitis).

What is difficulty swallowing (dysphagia)?

Difficulty swallowing refers to the fact that the swallowing movement causes pain or is difficult. The pain arises in the pharynx and neck area. It can be a globus sensation, but it can also be a burning or stabbing pain that would be more likely to be attributed to inflammation.

In the worst case, swallowing difficulties can mean that you don’t want to – or can’t – take in any more liquids or food. More common, however, are mild to moderate courses that only make swallowing uncomfortable.


Difficulty swallowing usually occurs due to inflammation of the throat and throat or the tube systems of the head. In most of these cases there is bacterial inflammation, less often it is viral.Influenza infections or influenza come into question , but also tonsillitis. If the swallowing difficulties no longer subside, it can be a serious issue – or a more serious underlying disease.

If there is no burning pain, but a globus sensation, this can be a side effect of medication or indicate another organic disorder. In the worst case, such swallowing difficulties indicate larynx cancer – or esophagus area – but this is the solution in the rarest of cases.


When to the doctor?

Since swallowing difficulties are not a disease in their own right, the cause must first be found. These swallowing difficulties are often caused by an inflammation in the throat or pharynx . As a rule, swallowing difficulties occur at night, since the bacteria multiply during this time and explicitly infect the throat area. However, it is not absolutely necessary to see a doctor in such a case.

The first measures can be taken with anti-inflammatory agents. Honey, for example, is a very popular and effective home remedy that puts a kind of protective film on the affected areas. The pain decreases and eating and drinking becomes much easier. However, if the swallowing difficulties become more severe, a doctor should be consulted at an early stage. Otherwise there is a risk of serious consequential damage, which may have to be treated in hospital.

The tonsils may even be inflamed, which can be surgically removed. Therefore, in such a case, the following applies: If you suffer from severe swallowing difficulties, you should not put off a visit to the doctor. It may well be that the present inflammation needs medical attention. Home remedies or your own medicine cabinet are often not enough to combat or effectively contain such an inflammation.

symptoms and course

Difficulty swallowing usually occurs overnight and is noticed the following morning if bacteria or viruses are involved. With the flu , on the other hand, the first problems with swallowing appear during the day.

They usually only stay for a day or two and then go away on their own. With other diseases such as severe tonsillitis, however, the swallowing difficulties no longer go away on their own and cause a burning, stabbing pain.

Accompanying symptoms can be whitish films (fibrin layers) covering the pharynx. Globus feelings usually develop over a longer period of time or occur in certain situations, such as heavy physical exertion.


Difficulty swallowing can be the origin of various diseases. They can be accompanied by pain, but this is not necessarily the case with all clinical pictures.

A painless version of the difficulty in swallowing is the well-known lump in the throat, which can also be a symptom of various diseases.

The painful version of the difficulty swallowing is then the well-known sore throat that accompanies it and that can sometimes go away on its own or with the help of non-prescription medication.

However, if this does not happen after a few days, it is advisable to see an ear, nose and throat doctor. He can diagnose the exact cause of the sore throat with various examinations.

First, the patient is questioned so that the doctor can get an overview in advance. After that, the doctor may feel the neck for swelling to check for swollen lymph glands or a thyroid condition, such as in goiter.

If there is visible coating on the tongue or redness in the mouth area, the swallowing difficulties and their causes can be narrowed down. Otherwise, the doctor can take a swab to confirm his diagnosis.

If the symptoms do not go away even after a longer period of time, the doctor will suggest a panendoscopy in order to get a glimpse of invisible parts of the throat and nose. This is a reflection that is performed through the nose and performed under general anesthesia.


Difficulty swallowing usually leads to reduced intake of food and liquids. The pain is often so severe that the patient hardly eats or drinks anything during the day. This often leads to severe weight loss and dehydration and should be avoided at all costs. Even if there is pain when swallowing, liquids and food must be taken in any case. Treatment can be done either by the doctor or by title of self-help.

If the swallowing difficulties occur during the course of a cold or flu, they are perfectly normal and do not lead to any further complications. They usually go away on their own, but can be treated and relieved with cough drops or tea. Medical intervention is necessary if, for example, the tonsils are inflamed. In this case, the inflammation is treated with antibiotics or the tonsils are completely removed. This procedure is medically unproblematic. However, the difficulty in swallowing can recur if the patient has a cold or the flu.

treatment and therapy

The treatment of the swallowing difficulties depends on the respective cause. As a rule, slight swallowing difficulties do not need to be treated by a doctor because they disappear on their own after a few days.

If the symptoms persist over a longer period of time, if they worsen, or if the symptoms are particularly severe on the first day of the illness, the doctor prescribes antibiotics against the bacterium. As a rule, the swallowing difficulties disappear within a short time.

However, you can also treat slight swallowing disorders yourself with various home remedies: It is important to drink a lot! – Hot milk with honey, herbal teas, onion juice, broth and similar foods that are eaten lukewarm do not burden the esophagus and have a soothing effect on inflammation and irritation.

If you have difficulty swallowing caused by bacteria, gargling several times with lukewarm salt water can disinfect the throat and throat area and relieve the pain. In addition, medicinal herb inhalations (e.g. chamomile) or neck wraps can alleviate the symptoms.

In the case of swallowing difficulties with globus sensation, one would notice a lump in the throat , which occurs in certain situations or is always felt. In this case, a doctor’s visit is necessary, since a basic problem can be assumed – then this is treated, but not the swallowing problems themselves.


Difficulty swallowing is uncomfortable and can be avoided; at least when it comes to infections.Fresh fruit and vegetables, lots of exercise and protective clothing in the cold season help to protect the immune system .

You should also ask people who have a cold to throw away their tissues and to cover their mouth when sneezing to avoid contagion. Hand hygiene is also very important to prevent swallowing problems.

If you already have a cold, you should take care of your throat and esophagus and not eat any hot or particularly spicy food, as this would only irritate the inflamed mucous membranes unnecessarily and that is not good for your throat.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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