The dermis is the layer of skin between the epidermis and the subcutaneous tissue . It is also referred to as the dermis.
The dermis is the layer of connective tissue beneath the epidermis. It is rich in collagen and is divided into two layers. These are the cone layer (stratum papillare) and the network layer (stratum reticulare).
The German term Lederhaut can be traced back to the production of leather by tanning this layer of skin in animals. In Latin, the dermis is called the corium.
In principle, the dermis is found in every vertebrate. It is found between the epidermis and the hypodermis (subcutis). There is a firm connection between the dermis and the epidermis. In addition, the dermis provides nutrition for the epidermis.
The dermis is one of several layers of the human skin. It is made up of the cone layer or papillary layer and the network layer or mesh layer. The papillae provide a connection between the cone layer, which owes its name to its cone-shaped protuberances, and the epidermis. This is how the skin develops its tear strength.
Small blood vessels are present within the papillae . This supplies the epidermis with the important nutrients it needs. Furthermore, the papillae also regulate body temperature, for which the smooth muscles are primarily responsible. The cone layer also contains the sense of touch, the sweat glands , sebaceous glands and several cell types that serve the immune system , among other things , and can move almost freely in the tissue.
These include in particular defense cells such as lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, mast cells, monocytes and plasma cells. The dermis contains hair roots as well as sweat and sebaceous glands. The skin layer also has blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and sensory receptors. These are pressure receptors of the sense of touch, such as the Meissner tactile corpuscles. The latter are mostly located in the fingertip region.
The name mesh layer comes from its dense collagen fibers. These have a connection to each other that is reminiscent of a network. The mesh layer is directly connected to the cone layer and ends directly at the subcutis. Together with the papillary layer, this creates an elastic skin.
The dermis fulfills different functions. The most important task is to ensure a very elastic, tear-resistant and stable skin. These factors form an extremely important skin protection, which in turn is positive for the entire organism. The stability of the human skin comes about through the interaction of the cone layer and the mesh layer within the dermis and the direct contact with the epidermis.
One of the most important functions of the dermis is the regulation of body temperature, which takes place via the papillae in the cone layer. While the papillae expand and give off heat when it is hot, they contract again when it is cold, which results in the retention of body temperature. In the case of heat, the sweat glands are also used to cool the body. Without this temperature equalization, there would be a risk of rapid overheating or hypothermia of the organism.
The dermis is also extremely important for supplying the epidermis with [[nutrients]n. This means that the epidermis does not have its own blood circulation. For this reason, it must receive its vital substances from the dermis. This process is made possible by the connections that exist between the epidermis and the papillae.
After all, the dermis forms an important part of the body’s defense system. It plays an important part in the immune response against harmful germs, which is why it fights diseases.
- discoloration of the dermis
- Siderose
- Sclera staphyloma
- Melanosis sclerae
There are different complaints and diseases that affect the dermis. For example, some diseases can cause changes in the dermis that become noticeable through discoloration. In the case of brittle bone disease (osteogenesis imperfecta), the dermis is transparent and bluish. In other diseases deposits of iron can be seen in the dermis.
Another problem is the natural aging process of the skin. With increasing age, the dermis loses its circumference. However, this often results in the formation of black-blue spots. The spots also have the shape of a rectangle. In addition, lipid deposits can occur.
Various autoimmune diseases make themselves felt in the dermis. Various complaints such as hardening, discoloration, itching and dry skin occur.
In addition, the dermis can be affected by bacterial infections. In the case of open skin areas, scars often occur. If, on the other hand, only the epidermis is affected, the wounds normally heal without any problems.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.