Constipation in Pregnancy – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Constipation in pregnancy

During pregnancy, “classic pregnancy symptoms” occur again and again. This includes constipation during pregnancy . Every second woman complains about infrequent bowel movements during pregnancy. However, constipation poses no risk to the unborn child or the mother; it’s just uncomfortable.

What is constipation in pregnancy?

Constipation during pregnancy is one of the most common complaints of pregnant women, along with nausea . Even if the constipation does not affect the health of the mother or the child, it is still uncomfortable. Finally, the pregnant woman suffers from relatively severe cramps in the lower abdomen , which can become stronger the longer the constipation lasts. The strong pressing can also promote the formation of hemorrhoids . In some cases, the intestinal mucosa is also injured, so that blood can be found in the stool .


The causes are manifold. Especially during pregnancy , there are several reasons that can trigger constipation . The hormonal change is mainly responsible for the fact that the muscles and connective tissue become “flabby”. This means that the food pulp is transported much more slowly in the intestine . As a result, it takes significantly longer for the next bowel movement to occur. Other causes include changes in diet during pregnancy, stress , iron supplements and too little exercise.

When to the doctor?

Constipation during pregnancy is a common phenomenon and in most cases it is of little concern or concern. The hormonal changes in the organism can lead to the symptoms. The body adapts to the changed supply needs of the body and thus triggers changes in metabolic activity .

Pregnant women pay attention to a particularly healthy diet, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. This can lead to adaptation problems in the processing of the ingested food in the organism and cause temporary constipation. A doctor’s consultation is only necessary if the bowel movement cannot occur for more than 3-4 days with sufficient food intake. In addition to constipation, flatulence or, as the pregnancy progresses, feelings of pressure in the abdomen are usually not a cause for concern. The growth of the fetus triggers the symptoms. A doctor’s visit is not necessary.

If you experience abdominal pain, bleeding or general discomfort, you should see a doctor. If there is a reduction in food intake over several days, a doctor must be consulted. In the event of an unusual physical sensation or severe hardening in the abdomen, it is advisable to have the symptoms clarified by a doctor. If the constipation in the pregnant woman leads to emotional problems, severe worries or an experience of anxiety , a doctor should be consulted.

diagnosis and course

Ultimately, no medical treatment is required. The constipation usually goes away on its own. However, if severe abdominal pain occurs or the woman presses so hard that blood is visible in the stool, the doctor should be consulted. In the further course, care is taken to ensure that the diet is changed or preparations are prescribed that sometimes – on a natural basis – promote or accelerate bowel movements.


Constipation during pregnancy can occur at any time of the trimester and affects some women not at all while others throughout pregnancy. However, complications usually do not occur with constipation. The constipation itself is unpleasant, but in most cases it goes away on its own after a few hours or, in the worst case, days. Until then, however, there may be the usual accompanying symptoms that the woman would have with constipation even without an accompanying pregnancy. These are abdominal pain first in the upper and then in the lower abdomen, flatulence, and an aggravation of existing problems with hemorrhoids .

Serious complications, on the other hand, can develop from the long-term use of light medication for constipation during pregnancy. Pregnant women are generally not allowed to prescribe medication for themselves without first consulting their doctor. This also applies to laxatives. Especially during pregnancy, these can damage the gastrointestinal tract if taken over a long period of time and ensure that nutrients are no longer absorbed properly. This not only harms the woman during pregnancy, but also causes serious complications in the baby due to a lack of vital micronutrients. In rare cases, the baby is born with avoidable deformities and malformations that cannot be treated easily.

treatment and therapy

Of course, you should avoid medication. However, there is always the danger that ordinary home remedies will not help. For this reason, the doctor can prescribe various active ingredients that are intended to combat constipation. These include macrogol and lactulose. If both active ingredients also do not help, the doctor can administer bisacodyl, Glauber’s salt, sodium picosulfate, glycerol or sorbitol and mannitol. However, mannitol and sorbitol are administered rectally. However, these active ingredients are only prescribed if no other home remedies help or if a change in diet has not changed the situation.

The doctor mainly tries to give the pregnant woman tips and tricks on how to get rid of the constipation without giving medication and active ingredients. Ultimately, the pregnant woman should change her diet and avoid white flour products and sugar . On the other hand, whole grain products or mueslis are advisable. It is important that yoghurts with swelling or so-called fillers are eaten. These include psyllium husks, wheat bran or linseed .

Of course, caution is also required here; too much would entail the exact opposite, so that the patient would no longer suffer from constipation but from diarrhea. Here the pregnant woman should slowly test to what extent the fillers and swelling substances help her digestion. Too large a quantity could ensure that home remedies for diarrhea are needed.

Another option is prunes. Those should be soaked in water overnight and eaten for breakfast the next morning. Sometimes, however, no more than two to four prunes should be eaten; Here, too, there is a risk that the pregnant woman will then suffer from diarrhea. Sauerkraut juice (around 2 to 3 glasses a day) should also help to make constipation a thing of the past. However, the sauerkraut juice can lead to flatulence or significantly increase existing flatulence. Flatulence is also one of the most common complaints of a pregnant woman and can be relatively uncomfortable.

Of course, you should also drink enough liquid. 2 to 3 liters of fruit or herbal tea, mineral water or fruit juice spritzers help to combat constipation. The liquid ensures that the stool remains “soft” or that not all of the water is removed and then degenerates into hard stool, which sometimes makes bowel movements significantly more difficult. However, exercise also helps. Prenatal gymnastics, swimming and walking are classic sports that can also be practiced during pregnancy.

It is important that the pregnant woman does not overexert herself or only does those sports activities that she would like to do or that she can do. In the last trimester, any sporting activities – due to weight gain or general condition – can only be practiced rarely or not at all. Overexertion must be avoided at all costs. It is important that no laxatives are taken without consulting a doctor. Finally, a laxative promotes the loss of both water and electrolytes, so these factors can adversely affect the unborn child. Doctors also advise against laxatives.


There are enough preventive measures. A healthy and balanced diet, regular exercise and enough fluids are probably the most effective measures that a pregnant woman can take to avoid constipation.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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