Connective tissue weakness – causes, symptoms & therapy

Connective tissue weakness

The human body must be internally “padded” with connective tissue. If the connective tissue loses its structure, a so-called connective tissue weakness develops . The connective tissue has different functions. It is only when the connective tissue does not fulfill these tasks that the connective tissue is weak.

What is connective tissue weakness?

The primary task of the connective tissue is to pad the body. This is important for the body insofar as the organs in the body remain in the place where they belong. This is ensured by the connective tissue that encloses the organs. As a collective term for all types of tissue that fill the body, connective tissue is in contrast to those types of tissue that only cover surfaces.

Other functions of the connective tissue include storing water and guaranteeing the body’s elasticity. It also serves as a natural buffer pad that protects the organs from external pressure. For this purpose, the connective tissue must be robust, but at the same time elastic. If this structure is damaged, doctors speak of a connective tissue weakness.


The causes of connective tissue weakness can be different. However, in the rarest of cases, diseases in the narrower sense play a role in the weakness of the connective tissue. One of these rare cases is Marfan syndrome. Here the patient suffers from a genetic defect. This genetic defect leads to an abnormal structure of the connective tissue.The cause of weak connective tissue is found much more frequently in hormone fluctuations . The female hormone estrogen ensures a firmer connective tissue structure. Now the problem for women is that they have to go through a fundamental hormonal fluctuation during their menopause , during which their estrogen levels drop drastically. Estrogen, which is now rarer in the body, leads to a weakening of the structure of the connective tissue.

Weakness of the connective tissue does not have to show up at an advanced age, when the menopause sets in, but can also develop at a young age. Because another cause of connective tissue weakness is a wrong diet . All cells in the human body depend on the permanent exchange of substances with other cells.

The connective tissue that surrounds the cells of the organs is therefore directly affected by the metabolism, because every metabolism also runs through the connective tissue. This means that toxins that are produced during metabolism are temporarily stored in the connective tissue. However, since the connective tissue has only limited storage capacity for such toxins and the stores are not emptied quickly enough, an incorrect diet with many toxins can lead to connective tissue weakness. In this context, lack of exercise is also mentioned as a possible cause of weak connective tissue. Because sporting activity promotes the detoxification of the body and thus also that of the connective tissue. If you suffer from a lack of exercise, your connective tissue is usually significantly more stressed than that of athletes of the same age.

When to the doctor?

However, if the dents under the skin become larger and tissue bulges form on the thighs or lower legs, there may be a lymphatic blockage. In this case, the doctor should be consulted.

Even if skin surfaces, for example in the area of ​​the ankle, turn dark red to bluish and cause pain, it is high time to see a doctor. These can be signs of necrosis, which can cause tissue death. This can be the case for heavy smokers, diabetics or bedridden people. You should also see a doctor if veins emerge around the weakened connective tissue, turn bluish, itch or hurt. These could be varicose veins, but also signs of deeper venous problems.

If the uterus hurts after the abdominal tissue has sagged, for example after childbirth or after major weight loss, the gynecologist should be consulted. The same applies if the severe cellulite is associated with muscle and joint pain. There could be a misaligned vertebra that requires treatment. Blue veins around the sagging connective tissue, so-called spider veins , and the cosmetically disturbing cellulite around the stomach, hips, buttocks and thighs do not need medical treatment. However, they can be surgically removed.

symptoms and course

Due to the fact that the connective tissue has several tasks at the same time, the symptoms in the case of connective tissue weakness vary. If the connective tissue weakens, the tissue covering the surface also loses its structure because it is no longer optimally padded with connective tissue on the inside. Connective tissue weakness is therefore the cause of so-called cellulite , which is also colloquially referred to as orange peel skin . Here the skin sags due to the fact that the connective tissue can no longer tighten the skin from the inside out. In this context, so-called stretch marks also form : visible strips of skin that indicate a weakness in the connective tissue.

In the case of advanced connective tissue weakness, i.e. when the connective tissue has lost a particularly large amount of its structure, the internal organs can no longer hold themselves in place and literally “sink” into the lower regions. A particularly severe case of connective tissue weakness is a hernia. The abdominal wall surrounds the intestines. In the case of severe connective tissue weakness in the abdominal wall, the abdominal wall can no longer hold the gastrointestinal tract , so that it protrudes and collects under the abdominal skin.


Since no pathogens can be considered as the cause of connective tissue weakness, the diagnosis is mainly limited to the clinical picture. Cellulite and stretch marks in particular are reliable signs of connective tissue weakness. In women, an estrogen concentration test can also be useful to determine whether a lack of estrogen is the cause of connective tissue weakness.


Connective tissue weakness can have different effects. One of the most well-known complications is the so-called orange peel skin (cellulite). These are unaesthetic dents that are mainly seen in the female sex. As part of cellulite, there is a change in the fatty tissue directly under the skin, which is non-inflammatory. Because the surface of the skin is reminiscent of an orange peel, it was given the name orange peel. In old age, around 90 percent of all women are affected by cellulite due to a weakness in the connective tissue.

Another consequence of the connective tissue weakness are stretch marks, in which the subcutaneous tissue is excessively stretched, which can happen as a result of pregnancy or heavy weight gain. The main parts of the body that are affected are the hips, stomach, buttocks, chest and upper arms. In addition, tearing of the subcutaneous tissue is possible. It becomes noticeable through the formation of stripes that are blue-red in color. Varicose veins (varicose veins) are also caused by a weakness in the connective tissue . The walls of the veins lose their elasticity, so that the vein valves can no longer close properly. As a result, blood flows back towards the feet.

If the weakness of the connective tissue is advanced, there is a risk of a hernia forming, also known as a hernia. The abdominal wall can no longer fulfill its support function, which results in a prolapse of the abdominal viscera through a gap in the abdominal wall. As a result, there is a risk that parts of the intestine will die off.

treatment and therapy

The treatment depends on the cause of the connective tissue weakness. If a lack of estrogen is responsible, it should be examined here, for example, whether medication last taken could have caused a deficiency and whether the intake can be stopped. In the majority of cases, however, an incorrect diet in connection with a lack of exercise is the cause of a weakness in the connective tissue, which is why the primary treatment is also linked to this.

According to nutrition experts, sufferers should increase their intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. The dietary fibers contained there strengthen the connective tissue structure. The same applies to the high silicon content in millet and oats.Since the connective tissue also acts as a water reservoir, it is recommended to drink two to three liters of water a day if possible, in order to promote the water-based detoxification of the connective tissue. Regular physical activity also supports the detoxification of the connective tissue and thus protects against connective tissue weakness.

On the other hand, you should avoid those foods that are metabolized “sour” in the body. This includes, above all, animal protein , which is contained in fish, meat and dairy products. The acid metabolism, the deposits of which are temporarily stored in the connective tissue, only puts a strain on it, which ultimately leads to a weakness in the connective tissue.


A weakness in the connective tissue can be prevented by following the above-mentioned rules of a conscious diet and regular exercise. These measures support the strengthening and detoxification of the connective tissue, which makes them less susceptible to connective tissue weakness.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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