Concentration disorders – causes, treatment and prevention

Difficulty concentrating

Both children and adults and above all older people can suffer from concentration disorders or lack of concentration . The concentration disorders are often a reason why independence and the overall quality of life can be negatively influenced. However, there is help against the concentration disorders.

What are concentration disorders?

The term concentration disorder or lack of concentration is used quite frequently in everyday use. Concentration disorders, which can be pronounced in different ways and to different extents, involve disturbances in attention. This is then required when it comes to the absorption of sensory stimuli through the sensory organs in the case of concentration disorders.

The basis for the lack of concentration are limitations in the area of ​​mental abilities. This means that a decrease in the ability to concentrate, a strain on the brain, comes into play as concentration disorders and is represented by externally perceptible abnormalities. Concentration disorders are based on different triggers.


The causes of concentration disorders lie both in the person themselves and in unfavorable circumstances that occur in their environment. If concentration problems occur that only manifest themselves for a short period of time and then disappear again, the causes are often to be found in stress or being overwhelmed. Both components usually lead to a burnout syndrome and, like drugs , alcohol and anorexia , can lead to concentration disorders.

Various medications are characterized by side effects, which include difficulty concentrating. A lack of sleep and rest, as well as inadequate or malnutrition also contribute to problems concentrating.

As a result of diseases such as depression , an underactive thyroid and hormonal fluctuations in connection with menopause , concentration disorders are recognizable. Typical are concentration disorders for dementia diseases and circulatory disorders in the brain. ADHD and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease are equally known to be causes of concentration disorders.

When to the doctor?

In the case of concentration disorders, a doctor does not have to be consulted immediately, the illness does not necessarily have to be treated with medication and can often be cured without the use of medication. Most often, the concentration problems occur in children, adults are less often affected by this problem.

In children, concentration disorders often occur at school or in kindergarten. A doctor should be consulted if the parents or the teachers themselves cannot cope with the child’s disturbances or if the child is also disturbing other children. As a rule, parents can try to get their child to concentrate using various tricks and means. This learning effect occurs in very small steps and takes a lot of time. However, there are also children who really suffer from an illness that triggers the concentration disorders. These must then be treated by a doctor. In most cases, those affected are given medication that calms the body down a bit and thus increases concentration.

If the concentration problems are only minor, they can also be treated with household remedies such as glucose or certain juices, which will definitely increase the body’s concentration. Before prescribing medication, a doctor should always be consulted for advice.

Diagnosis and course

Possible accompanying symptoms of concentration disorders:

Difficulty concentrating is expressed in a wide variety of symptoms. In the case of concentration disorders, these are referred to as forgetfulness, difficulties in thinking and remembering, distraction and word-finding disorders. Those affected who suffer from concentration disorders cannot continuously “stay on top of something” and deal with it until it is completed. They are quickly distracted when they have trouble concentrating, find it difficult to get back into a job and quickly lose their ability to perform. Difficulty concentrating also often manifests as irritability when pressure is applied. In the case of concentration disorders, there is also a rapid loss of attention and physical restlessness increases.

When diagnosing concentration disorders, special psychological test procedures are carried out, in which the solution of selected tasks must be implemented. In this regard, the so-called distractibility is controlled. These methods are combined in the diagnosis of concentration disorders through tests of acoustic and optical abilities, hormones and the functionality of the brain ( EEG ).


Difficulty concentrating leads to a reduction in the general level of performance. There is a risk of failure, especially in exam situations. Stress, fear and panic set in. The fulfillment of professional tasks can no longer be pursued as usual. Daily activities are also impaired. Misjudgments occur and there is an increased risk of accidents in all areas of life.

Difficulty concentrating can be an indication of diseases and lesions in the brain. The reduced performance can spread further in an inflammatory process. Malfunctions occur and irreparable damage is possible. Bleeding in the brain causes trouble concentrating and can lead to a stroke . In severe cases, this can be fatal. Survivors suffer permanent paralysis or various disorders of the individual systems.

Disturbances in concentration lead to fears and insecurities. Memory is weakened. Social conflicts and misunderstandings arise. There is a risk of more mental illnesses. There is a risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Difficulty concentrating is often the first sign of this. Concentration disorders also occur with meningitis. Meningitis causes fever, headache or pain in the neck . If meningitis is caused by bacteria, it is a life-threatening condition. Difficulty concentrating causes emotional tension. Confusion, dizziness, or a tendency to lie due to shame are encouraged.

treatment and therapy

The treatment of concentration disorders depends on the implementation of several complexes. If neurological, psychosomatic or physical diseases can be ruled out, the treatment of the concentration disorders is based on the administration of medication. These contain active ingredients such as selenium or drugs that are used in ADHD.

In the context of the treatment of concentration disorders, the living conditions are also taken into account. This means learning relaxation techniques and ensuring adequate, healthy sleep . In terms of relaxation methods, autogenic training , yoga and lots of exercise in the fresh air can be helpful against concentration disorders in addition to progressive muscle relaxation .

These measures are particularly useful when concentration disorders are triggered by permanent excessive demands, various stressors and burnout . In connection with a balanced diet , foods rich in choline and niacin are recommended. Caffeine and nicotine should be avoided .

Aids that are important for concentration exercises can be used to reduce concentration disorders with the appropriate learning aids and professional support from trained educators. Specific tasks and learning aids have proven effective against concentration disorders. Logic games, puzzles and sports that require the patient to be very attentive can be used to treat concentration disorders. In addition, a quiet environment should help to put concentration problems into perspective.

outlook and prognosis

As a rule, concentration disorders have a very negative effect on the everyday life of the person concerned and can make it very difficult. Especially in children, disturbances in concentration can lead to developmental disorders and thus impair the quality of life. It is not uncommon for this to lead to consequential damage in adulthood. Furthermore, children can also become victims of bullying or teasing due to concentration disorders and develop psychological problems or depression as a result. Even in adulthood, concentration disorders can lead to difficulties in exams and in everyday life.

Memory problems can also lead to difficulties, so that those affected may pose a danger to themselves. In some cases, concentration problems improve with age. This is especially the case when the treatment of these complaints begins in childhood and is carried out continuously. In many cases, the concentration problems can be completely reduced so that there are no more problems in adulthood. Without treatment, however, there is no positive course of the disease.


In order to prevent concentration disorders, the causal factors should be recognized and avoided. A specialist-supported therapy of the primary underlying diseases can counteract concentration disorders by optimizing the ability to perceive. A healthy lifestyle, a balanced, vitamin-rich diet, which is low in carbohydrates and fats, is also indicated as prophylactically appropriate.

Difficulty concentrating, which is caused by an unfavorable environment, a lack of peace and parental attention, as well as persistent nervousness in children, is compensated for by calmness and understanding, and a further worsening of the trouble concentrating can thus be actively prevented. If there are stresses in everyday life that cause concentration problems due to worries and problems, relieving conversations and relaxation exercises as well as sport are ideal to “clear your head again”.
Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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