Burning in the chest
A burning sensation in the chest can indicate a variety of triggers. The causes range from a lung disease (e.g. asthma) to heartburn. At the latest when a burning sensation in the chest occurs regularly or even permanently, a doctor should be consulted. The earlier an accurate diagnosis is made, the faster the tormenting burning sensation in the chest will subside and secondary diseases can be avoided.
What is burning in the chest?
A burning sensation in the chest can manifest itself in a number of ways. A burning sensation in the chest is usually preceded by a cough and a gradual onset of shortness of breath and announces diseases in the chest area. Another common manifestation is a burning sensation in the chest that spreads, sometimes this burning sensation in the chest reaches the nasal cavities and is felt as a so-called hot exhalation.
A stinging or burning sensation in the chest can also occur on one side and only in places. Those affected feel the symptoms in the left or right lung. The participial zone of complaint is often located between the lungs at the insertion of the trachea. This burning sensation in the chest often occurs more intensely when inhaling.
A common cause of chest burning is bronchial asthma. The trigger of this disease are irritants that provoke inflammation of the deep area of the lungs and settle in the bronchi.These irritants can be environmental toxins in the air, excessive humidity that endangers the dry climate of the lungs, or an excess of dust particles and aggressive pollen that, under these conditions, cause a burning sensation in the chest even in non-allergic people.
With a high and long-lasting stress factor, psychosomatic asthma diseases are not uncommon. Stress lowers the body’s defenses, and with every breath, germs and irritants enter the lungs.
Heart problems or an orthopedic defect can be responsible for a burning sensation in the chest on the left side of the body. An enlarged liver can be the cause of a burning sensation in the chest on the right side of the body. On the other hand, a burning sensation in the middle behind the breastbone up to the lower neck region is often due to a backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus (heartburn).
symptoms and course
If patients complain of burning in the chest, a detailed blood test is first carried out . The blood count provides information about whether the patient is suffering from deficiency symptoms. Furthermore, the blood count shows inflammation parameters and allergy triggers. The blood is also examined for tumor markers, which are cancer cells or metabolic products that the body builds up during the formation of cancer cells.
It is mandatory for patients with a burning sensation in the chest to have their blood pressure measured and the chest cavity listened to with a stethoscope, only then is the lungs examined directly. The classic method for this is the X-ray image or computed tomography . The body’s internal images reveal physical illnesses to the physician. As soon as the burning sensation in the chest is triggered by a heart defect or by stress, the patients are subjected to a stress ECG including a lung function test, which diagnoses the performance limits of the heart and lungs.
treatment and therapy
Burning in the chest is usually an inflammatory disease, so patients are given easier breathing by being given anti-inflammatory ( anti- inflammatory ) drugs. The mostly plant-based anti-germs settle on the bronchi and regulate their function when breathing in and out.
If the burning in the chest is due to a psychological problem, preparations are also prescribed to correct breathing processes. As soon as there are no improvements, respiratory therapy relaxation exercises and, if necessary, recovery cures are prescribed.
If the burning in the chest is due to an orthopedic malformation or malformation, physiotherapy is prescribed to relax those muscle complexes in the lungs that are causing the burning in the chest due to the cramped malposition.
If there is an organic disease that is causing the burning sensation in the chest, the patient is referred to the relevant specialist. Cardiac dysfunctions or an impending heart attack are compensated for or prevented by heart-strengthening preparations. If necessary, surgical interventions and the possible use of a bypass are carried out.
Right chest burning is often caused by a hepatic, engorged liver pressing against the right lung. Hepatitis is triggered by increased alcohol consumption, gluttony or a lack of hygiene. A diet and anti-inflammatory preparations allow the swelling to subside and the right-sided burning sensation in the chest to subside.
Burning in the breast is often wrongly suspected as a cancer diagnosis. Burning in the breast usually subsides after a magnesium cure, after relaxation exercises or after organ treatment.A sensible diet , hygienic living conditions, keeping away from industrial pollution (environmental toxins, fine dust) and not nicotine keep the lungs healthy.
In the future, magnetic field-spectral medical imaging technology will record foreign bodies in the air we breathe and diseases of the lung tissue. Photo diagnostics, which are harmless to health, show the causes of a burning sensation in the chest in a single examination step.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.