Bump On The Back Of The Head – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Bump on the back of the head

Doctors refer to edema as a bump or swelling. Edema is an accumulation of water in the tissue. Such swellings or accumulations of water are mainly caused by illnesses or injuries. It is therefore advisable, especially in the case of swelling that has occurred without direct violence, to have a medical evaluation carried out. The classic bump on the back of the head , which occurs in 99 percent of all cases as a result of violence, is usually not a medical emergency.


Swelling occurs when water or liquid builds up outside the cells and accumulates. During this process, the liquid collects in the interior of the body and in the tissues. Swelling can appear anywhere on the body. Classic edema or swelling occurs on the legs. Among other things, violence can also cause a bump on the back of the head. The patient usually hits his head.

It is important – after the headbutt – to wait for any symptoms that could very well be a sign of a more serious injury. Normally, however, the bump on the back of the head is not a medical emergency and will heal on its own after a few days. Occasionally, however, various bumps can also occur without trauma. Especially when there are hormonal changes or the patient is affected by an illness. Classic diseases that sometimes cause swelling are heart failure or cirrhosis of the liver.


The reasons why swelling occurs are different. However, a classic bump on the back of the head mainly occurs when the patient hits his head. As a result of the force, the tissue is injured; as a result, liquid or water enters the surrounding skin. This creates the classic bulge, which is not only visible, but sometimes also causes pain when pressure is applied. In the end, a classic swelling at the back of the head – after a violent impact – is not dangerous.

However, if a bump occurs without injury, it must be examined medically. Of course, symptoms such as nausea , dizziness or vomiting as well as brief unconsciousness or memory loss are further indicators that make medical care necessary. Ultimately, if there are such signs, there may be more serious injuries, which can sometimes be a medical emergency. Ultimately, the patient may have suffered a concussion; in the “worst case” even a cerebral hemorrhage can occur.


Typical diseases:


The doctor examines the bump on the back of the head and clarifies whether any injuries are known. Especially if the person concerned has hit their head, any further questions about the patient’s condition will be asked. For the doctor it is important how the patient feels or in what general condition he is.

  • Does the patient feel unwell?
  • Does the patient complain of nausea or vomiting or was he unconscious for a short period of time?
  • Does the patient suffer from short-term memory loss?

If such symptoms are present, the doctor must assume a concussion. It is important that the bump is observed.

Another factor is the monitoring of the patient by the doctor or a relative. In the worst case, a cerebral hemorrhage can occur. With that injury, specific symptoms only appear a few hours after the accident. If the first signs of a corresponding injury appear, a doctor must be contacted immediately. There is acute danger to life here!

Treatment and therapy

The treatment primarily depends on the cause of the swelling at the back of the head. The doctor checks the intensity of the swelling, discusses what symptoms have occurred and then decides whether any further medical check-ups (such as X-ray examinations , MRI or CT ) are necessary to rule out any injuries.

As a rule, cool compresses and sufficient rest are sufficient to relieve the swelling. For a classic bump that has occurred as a result of a head injury, any painkilling pills may be given. Those alleviate the possible headache that is possible due to the impact of violence. If the patient complains of nausea, vomiting or was unconscious or unconscious for a short time, the doctor must assume a more severe injury (such as a concussion). Cool compresses, painkillers and rest can also help here.

In the case of severe injuries or a severe concussion, it may be advisable to spend a night in hospital. Here the patient is observed for any changes in the general condition, since sometimes – in the worst case – a cerebral hemorrhage can occur. If there is a cerebral hemorrhage, it must be treated surgically. If medical contact is made too late, the cerebral hemorrhage can very well endanger the life of the patient.


Since it occurs as a result of an injury or spontaneous violence (e.g. a headbutt), swelling can only be prevented to a limited extent. Ultimately, the patient must be careful not to injure himself or hit his head and – for example in various sports such as cycling or skiing – wear a helmet or other protective equipment.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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