Body aches and fever
Body aches and fever are common symptoms and side effects of illnesses. These alarm signals and defense reactions of the body should be heeded. Therefore, a timely determination of the cause should be brought about by a medical diagnosis in order to be able to treat the disease in a targeted manner.
What are body aches and fever?
Joint pains appear as abnormal sensations in the arms and legs. The symptoms can develop slowly or start acutely. They can be felt selectively or spread over a large area in the area of the arms or legs. Depending on the cause, there can be serious differences in the intensity and character of the body aches. The spectrum ranges from slight discomfort to severe, almost unbearable pain. The character of the pain can be burning, tearing, pulling, throbbing or stabbing. Pain in the limbs can occur as a temporary phenomenon or, depending on the underlying disease, can also develop into a chronic condition.
On the other hand, fever acts as a temporary reaction of the body’s immune system against the pathogen by increasing the body temperature. This is intended to kill viruses and bacteria in infectious diseases . However, fever can also occur in non-infectious diseases. Body aches and fever often occur together, as with the flu or a cold. Body aches and fever can affect people of all ages. Fever as a reaction of the immune system is assumed at a body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius. At 37.5 degrees Celsius, the temperature is slightly too high. The normal value is around 37 degrees Celsius.
The causes of body aches and fever can be very different. One reason for joint pain that occurs can be an infection. These could be, for example, the following specific infectious diseases: influenza, measles, mumps, tick-borne encephalitis (a viral disease transmitted by tick bites ) or kidney and bladder infections.
Body aches can also be the result of inflammatory diseases. These include nerve inflammation, rheumatism and arthritis. Pain in the extremities can also be caused by diseases of the spine , bones and muscles as well as tendons or connective tissue. Acute or chronic body aches can also develop from wearing shoes that are too tight or a plaster cast. In addition, foot malpositions can be considered as a cause.
Pain in the limbs can also be caused by side effects of medication or heavy sweating and lack of water without accompanying fever. Hardening of the arteries in connection with circulatory disorders can also be the cause of body aches. The emotional state, excessive physical exertion or an unhealthy lifestyle can also trigger complaints in the extremities. Smoking , obesity and excessive alcohol consumption in particular increase the risk of body aches.
Numerous diseases can be considered as the cause of fever, in which fever, as a fundamentally beneficial bodily reaction, contributes to combating the underlying disease. This can be a flu-like effect or an illness caused by viruses or bacteria. The fever is caused by the fact that pyrogens (substances to increase cell metabolism) are produced in the body as antibodies, which trigger the fever. Fever also occurs with rheumatic diseases, pneumonia or tumors as well as with blood poisoning, purulent abscesses or thrombosis .
When to the doctor?
Fever does not imply immediate danger to the human body, as it performs a protective function in case of infection. It becomes dangerous when the fever exceeds the temperature mark of 40° Celsius. In addition to severe dehydration, the heat build-up stress on the body is enormous and potentially life-threatening. However, noticeably long-lasting temperatures above 37.5 °C also need to be checked out by a doctor.
During a common infection , an increase is considered a normal defensive response. It is not uncommon for body aches to be a typical accompaniment, for example to colds or seasonal flu. However, great care is required during a holiday abroad. Here, the immune system often encounters foreign pathogens and reacts correspondingly violently to the first contact. After travel, animal bites or simple injuries, flare-ups of fever or body aches must be thoroughly examined by a doctor.
Under normal conditions in the familiar living environment, the intensity is the most important warning sign. Sepsis (blood poisoning) or tick-borne meningitis belong to this category and are often associated with additional symptoms such as clouded consciousness.
Babies and small children represent a special case. Due to the great strain on the still very small bodies, a speedy check of the state of health by a doctor is also mandatory here. This also applies to feverless joint pain without a sporting cause due to overuse of the musculoskeletal system. They indicate metabolic problems or chronic inflammatory diseases and require professional treatment.
diagnosis and course
A minor fever can regress on its own after a short period of time as an identifiable consequence of a bad cold without any medical diagnosis and treatment. In all other cases, if a fever occurs, a medical diagnosis should be obtained based on the cause. This usually included a physical examination, observation of the course of the fever and technical examinations of the organs. In individual cases, blood tests are also carried out.
In the case of serious illnesses, the fundamentally positive defense effect of fever can dangerously turn into the opposite due to excessively high body temperatures. If an illness progresses over a longer period of time with a significantly increased body temperature, there is a risk of dehydration due to lack of fluids. This can affect the cardiovascular system and also cause organic ailments. If the fever (39 to 40 degrees Celsius) persists for more than a day, you should definitely see a doctor.
Chills can also increase heat production due to muscle tremors. Fever makes the skin red, clammy, or sweaty. The loss of liquid caused by the considerable amounts of sweat leads to severe thirst . Special forms of fever occur in diseases such as malaria (intermittent fever) or yellow fever. A fever higher than 41 degrees Celsius is obviously limited by an endogenous reaction.
In children, middle ear infections and typical childhood diseases mean that they get fever more often than adults. The loss of fluids through feverish sweating represents a particular danger for children that must be reacted to at an early stage. Febrile convulsions can also occasionally occur in children. Existing body aches with low intensity can recede after a short time. In these cases, medical assistance can be dispensed with. In the case of sensitive symptoms caused by body aches, a medical diagnosis should always reveal the underlying disease. The course of the joint pain can also be chronic.
Body aches and fever are among the flu symptoms that, if left untreated, can cause some serious complications. The body is significantly weaker and therefore more susceptible to other diseases. Complications caused by body aches and fever are particularly common in children, pregnant women and the elderly. The main complications of body aches and fever are sinusitis and pneumonia . In particular, people suffering from asthma or COPD usually suffer from pneumonia caused by bacteria. Body aches and fever can take a fatal flu course due to complications such as pneumonia.
Another complication is cardiac inflammation. The heart muscle becomes inflamed, which is also known as myocarditis . It is one of the most dangerous complications resulting from body aches and fever. If those affected exert themselves during this, it can lead to sudden cardiac death. Complications include meningitis. If pronounced body aches and fever are not completely healed, the risk of meningitis increases.
treatment and therapy
Since the onset of fever sets off a body reaction to fight the disease, it should not be stopped prematurely. Treatment with antipyretic drugs or accompanying measures should only be given if the intensity and duration of the fever must be limited in order to counteract counterproductive health effects. Various methods are available for determining body temperature. Measurements can be taken with varying degrees of accuracy in the following areas of the body: armpit, mouth, ear, anus, groin and vagina.
Fever-reducing drugs such as ibuprofen or paracetamol are usually also pain-relieving and sometimes anti-inflammatory. In addition, special drugs are used to treat the underlying disease as the trigger for the feverish body reaction. Antibiotics are also often used. Cold calf wraps, ice packs or lukewarm baths are used as natural measures to reduce fever, especially when the outside temperature is high. In any case, you have to drink a lot to balance your fluids. Physical exertion should be avoided.
If the fever remains constant for more than three weeks with measured values of at least 38.3 degrees Celsius as part of medical treatment, there is a fever of unclear origin. Depending on the type of disease, joint pain can be acute for a short time or chronic and of varying pain intensity. Pain in the limbs can be treated in a number of ways, depending on the cause. In the case of joint pain due to circulatory disorders or inflammation, blood circulation-enhancing or anti-inflammatory drugs can be administered.
In addition, additional exercise can improve blood circulation and thus contribute to the relief of symptoms. Special drugs can also be prescribed for pain relief in the case of severe impairments. In the case of joint pain as a result of physical or mental stress, ways to reduce these causes must be sought in individual cases.
outlook and prognosis
As a rule, joint pain and fever can occur with many different diseases, so that a general prediction of this complaint is not possible in most cases. As a rule, the further course depends heavily on the underlying disease and its treatment. In many cases, however, body aches and fever also occur with an ordinary flu or a cold and can be treated again very easily. These symptoms can be reduced primarily by bed rest and medication. Special complications usually do not occur and in most cases the disease progresses positively.
Only in the case of serious diseases, the underlying disease may need to be treated surgically or with the help of antibiotics. In many cases, the underlying disease is contagious, so the affected person should avoid contact with other people. The symptoms can also be solved with the help of ointments or painkillers. In the case of fever, antipyretic drugs are usually used to relieve the symptoms and make everyday life easier for those affected.
The classic preventive measure against fever and body aches is to improve the immune system through healthy nutrition , sufficient exercise and the reduction of stress factors. A strengthened body’s defenses can prevent numerous diseases that are considered to be the triggers for fever and body aches. Special preparations are also available for general strengthening of the immune system. Avoiding stimulants such as tobacco and alcohol also contributes to improving the body’s immune system.
Reducing body weight and avoiding bad posture when sitting at work can also prevent complaints in the extremities. Especially before starting running sports, even minor foot deformities should be treated orthopedically to avoid joint pain.
Body aches and fever are common symptoms of a wide variety of diseases. As a rule, a medical diagnosis should be made to reliably determine the underlying disease. Appropriate treatment for a speedy recovery usually also alleviates painful side effects. To prevent fever and body aches, which often occur together with illnesses, preventive measures are possible.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.