Blue monkshood – uses and health benefits

Blue monkshood

Monkshood belongs to the monkshood genus and the buttercup family. While the plant is beautiful to look at, it is best not to touch or eat it. Monkshood is one of the most poisonous plants in Europe. Just one or two grams of this plant can be deadly.

Definition and Occurrence

The blue monkshood usually reaches a height of 50-190 centimeters. It is a perennial, herbaceous plant and consists of a sturdy stalk that sprout from a bulbous root.

The lower part of the monkshood has dense leaves that are divided five to seven times. The upper part of the plant bears a dense and branched inflorescence. The petals are a dark, bluish-purple color, which gives monkshood its name. The color can vary: the color palette ranges from light blue to deep blue to blue-white. The flowering period begins in June and ends in October. For reproduction, the monkshood forms a scattered fruit from three carpels, which can contain several seeds.

Monkshood likes to grow on calcareous, humus-rich and moist soil. Since it also prefers nitrogen-rich soils, monkshood is also known as an indicator plant for nitrogen deposits in the soil. The plant can often also be found on the banks of streams and springs, since the necessary soil moisture prevails there. The main area of ​​distribution of monkshood is Central and Western Europe, and above all the European mountains and the high elevations of the low mountain ranges. The blue monkshood can be found up to an altitude of 2500 meters. Although the plant is mainly found in the highlands, it can also be found sporadically in the lowlands.

Despite its high level of toxicity, monkshood is often planted as an ornamental plant in gardens and perennial beds. That is why the monkshood can often be found outside of its original distribution area due to naturalization. Breeding has also made it possible to create new varieties of monkshood. These differ mainly in their flower color.

Ingredients, effect and dosage

Monkshood is one of the most poisonous plants in the world. All parts of the monkshood plant are extremely poisonous. Already 1-2 grams of the root tuber have a deadly effect. The toxic effect is caused by the highly toxic alkaloid aconitine. The aconitine is mainly present in the root, but also in all other parts of the plant. Symptoms of poisoning typically manifest themselves as immediate numbness in areas of the body that have come into contact with the plant.Since the poison can penetrate human skin, children are particularly at risk as they play with the plant and can absorb the poison through their skin. It becomes particularly dangerous if parts of the monkshood plant are swallowed. Then, after about 5-15 minutes, the toxic effect sets in, which initially manifests itself as a strong tingling sensation in the mouth, hands and feet. This is followed by vomiting , diarrhea and severe colic .

At the same time, body temperature and blood pressure drop and breathing becomes shallower. Ultimately, death follows from respiratory and circulatory arrest . In the case of poisoning caused by swallowing parts of the monkshood plant, measures to avoid absorption should be initiated immediately. The most important measures include administration of activated charcoal and gastric lavage. Further treatment then usually takes place in an intensive care unit. Benzodiazepines can be given if you are very excited.

However, monkshood is not only poisonous to humans. Many animals also react with severe symptoms of poisoning when they come into contact with the plant. Since almost all farm animals (horses, cattle, pigs, cows, sheep) are endangered by monkshood, the plant should be completely removed from pastures. The plant only appears to be non-toxic to goats. However, they still avoid the blue monkshood. Contact with monkshood can also be fatal for dogs and cats.

What does Blue Monkshood help against?

importance to health

In traditional Chinese medicine, monkshood species are used for rheumatism, pericarditis and nerve pain. In conventional medicine, the active substance aconitine was used in its pure form.Since the toxic effect is so strong, the active ingredient cannot be used in the form of ointments or tinctures.

Due to the low therapeutic range of blue monkshood, however, its use can hardly be justified nowadays. The reason for this are the symptoms of poisoning, which can occur even at therapeutic doses.

In homeopathic medicine, however, monkshood is still used for colds, fever, toothache, bladder infections and sleep disorders. Various forms of application are used. The diluted active ingredient is mainly used in the form of drops, globules and injection solutions.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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