Bleeding gums – causes, treatment and prevention

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums can indicate poor oral hygiene. Many people occasionally notice traces of blood on their toothbrush or dental floss. The reasons are mostly inflammatory processes of the periodontium. However, in some sufferers, bleeding gums occur much more frequently (daily). This can also be an indication of an underlying disease outside the mouth region.

What is bleeding gums?

Various types of bleeding in the gums, which are technically correctly referred to as bleeding gums, occur after mechanical, superficial injuries to the gums. In this regard, some foods that are quite hard and brittle can injure the gums.

Small vessels in the gums are injured when the gums bleed, resulting in relatively short and quickly transient bleeding. The injured blood vessels are located in the squamous epithelium, which consists of several layers and can lead to bleeding gums as a result of injuries.

In addition, the bleeding can be due to other causes that are not caused by injuries to the periodontium. Bleeding gums usually occur where the teeth meet the gums.


Bleeding gums have many different causes and triggers. These do not always have to be due to injuries to the gums during the chewing process. Special inflammatory processes also contribute to the fact that those affected suffer from bleeding gums.

There is a close causal connection between bleeding gums and inflammatory processes in the gums and inflammation of the periodontium. In this regard, bleeding gums are referred to as existing gingivitis or periodontitis .

In addition to the chewing process, braces or dentures that are not optimally adapted and grinding the teeth can also contribute to bleeding gums.

Blood diseases of the red blood cells, changes in the hormone balance , lack of vitamin C , leukemia, diabetes mellitus and a supply disorder with calcium promote bleeding gums. Some medications that are administered as blood thinners, especially when there is a risk of thrombosis , can also trigger bleeding gums.

When to the doctor?

It is not possible to universally predict whether a doctor needs to be consulted if gums bleed. Bleeding gums usually occur when brushing your teeth. If it doesn’t bother the patient and doesn’t cause pain or uncomfortable feelings, bleeding gums don’t necessarily need to be treated by a doctor. Treatment at home is possible with a special toothpaste or dental rinse and can both treat and prevent bleeding gums.

However, if the gums bleed while eating or drinking, a dentist should be consulted. This can lead to inflammation or infection from leftover food. Also, bleeding gums when eating usually causes pain that should be treated.

In any case, a doctor should be consulted even if the bleeding gums occur in the usual state, without the patient brushing his teeth or eating. In this case, the bleeding gums do not have to be caused directly by causes in the oral cavity, but can also be caused by fluctuations in blood pressure . However, a dentist should still be consulted first to get an initial assessment of the causes.

symptoms and course

In the case of one-off injuries to the gums caused by mechanical impact, the bleeding gums are only temporary. However, if there are other causes, bleeding from the gums occurs less frequently at first, and later, if left untreated, much more frequently, more intensively and regularly.

Bleeding gums are often accompanied by more or less severe painful symptoms and clear signs of inflammation of the gums . When bleeding gums are brought on by an overdose of blood thinners, the gums bleed longer. Visiting a dentist is strongly recommended.


In the case of bleeding gums, the dentist is the point of contact. In the first consultation with the patient, the doctor asks whether certain diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, bleeding disorders or osteoporosis are present and what medication the patient is currently taking. He is also interested in how long the gums have been bleeding and whether they hurt. Female patients are asked about an existing pregnancy and their last period.

During the examination of the oral cavity, the doctor gets an overview of the health of the teeth and gums. The dentist can see immediately whether the gums are swollen, reddened or even bleeding. A probe can be used to measure whether the gums are receding and whether the sulcus, which is the gap between the tooth and the gums, is deepened. If bleeding occurs in the oral cavity during the examination, this is a sign of the presence of an inflammation.

In the case of chronic or aggressive forms of bleeding gums, the dentist also takes x-rays of the jaw, which reveal a regression of the jawbone. In certain cases, it may also be necessary to take a smear in the sulcus in order to precisely identify the pathogen.

If the bleeding gums are due to general illnesses, the dentist may refer the affected person to other specialists, who will then arrange for further examinations.


Bleeding gums usually indicate an inflammation, so that different complications can also occur. If there is such an inflammation, pus may formcome. Leftovers from food bring bacteria with them and in such cases are the trigger for such a complication. In addition, such inflammation can occur when eating or even at rest. Treatment with anti-inflammatory agents is essential in such a case. Bleeding gums can also be caused by an external force. Even in such a case, there is a risk of serious inflammation. If oral hygiene is neglected, the probability of infection is increased many times over. In such a case, a dentist should definitely be consulted, otherwise there is a risk of further complications. In the worst case, it can lead to dangerous blood poisoningif bacteria or pus get into the blood. These complications can only be treated at an early stage with appropriate medication, so that a full recovery can be guaranteed.

treatment and therapy

Bleeding gums are treated independently and largely by the dentist. He is able to clearly identify the causes of the bleeding gums and to carry out a therapy.

If patients describe bleeding gums as unique and rare, gingivitis may be the underlying cause.

Bleeding gums can be treated by using medical mouthwashes in the form of a clorhexidine solution or based on natural remedies such as chamomile, myrrh and sage extracts. These products have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

When gums bleed due to periodontitis, targeted dental therapy is carried out as part of professional teeth cleaning and other measures. During these procedures, both stubborn plaque and tartar are removed.

In addition, if bleeding gums occur during dental therapy, cleaning out the periodontal pockets is considered. If there are already diagnosed underlying or concomitant diseases, disease-related therapy is used. As a rule, this must be done in consultation with the other treating specialists.


The most effective preventive measures against bleeding gums, which can already be implemented during individual dental care, include gentle yet intensive cleaning of the teeth and preventive oral hygiene.When cleaning your teeth, it is particularly important to gently clean the spaces between your teeth.

In addition, antibacterial mouthwashes can help to prevent inflammatory processes in the gums.

This contributes to an excellent prophylaxis against bleeding gums. Regular check-ups and treatments are also helpful in preventing bleeding gums.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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