Behavioral disorders
Both temporary and permanent behavioral disorders can occur in humans and animals during the growth phase or later in life . These are clear deviations in perception, feeling and behavior compared to the comparable majority.
What are behavioral disorders?
Behavioral disorders are inappropriate behavior that deviates from normal. The conspicuous behavior patterns can affect the individual, but also the relationship to others. Behavioral disorders can present themselves in very different ways. They show up, for example, in the form of aggression, fears and attitudes of denial as well as restlessness, feelings of inferiority or sleeping or eating disorders . These unusual behavioral deviations can have various causes. Possible psychological causes include reasons such as upbringing, individual and social development or illnesses. Behavioral disorders can present themselves differently in children and adults as well as in animals.
A causal delimitation of identifiable behavioral disorders can be difficult in individual cases. For one thing, there can be a number of reasons for abnormal behavior. On the other hand, truthful explanations by those affected are often indispensable as a contribution to specific cause research. Significant behavioral problems should always be expertly questioned.
The multiple triggers of behavioral disorders include brain damage, traumatic childhood experiences and difficulties in the family environment in the context of the upbringing process. Often the causes are also in the professional or school area. The increase in bullying plays a major role in this. Constant pressure from the misconduct of superiors or employees as well as from classmates or teachers can bring about significant changes in the behavior of those affected.
Too high expectations related to personal or professional goals can also be the reason for behavioral disorders in connection with failure. Behavioral changes can also be drug-related. Behavioral disorders are also often the result on the emotional relationship level in partnerships or in the parent-child relationship. Sexual behavior is sometimes subject to abnormal changes as well. Assessing the causes is difficult because there is no clear, universally applicable boundary for abnormal sexual behavior and the causes usually lie in a wide range of psychological experiences.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of behavioral disorders:
- Aggression
Symptoms can vary greatly depending on the type of behavioral problem. In some cases, classic symptoms can indicate the specific form of a behavioral deviation. On the other hand, the signs are not always clear, so that misinterpretations and wrong conclusions are possible. Most behavioral disorders are publicly observed. Individual behavioral disorders are kept secret as much as possible by those affected and therefore tend to take place in secret or are only noticed by chance.
Characteristics of a temporary change in behavior can also be influenced by substances such as drugs , alcohol or pills that induce changes in consciousness. Symptoms of behavioral disorders include excessive irritability, hyperactivity and severe mood swings, as well as frequent difficulty concentrating, inhibitions or lack of drive.
The transitions from behavioral deviations to mental illnesses are fluid. The phenomena can be temporary, repeated or permanent. Overload-related behavioral deviations usually change back to normal behavior when the cause is gone. The course of behavioral disorders depends on the type and extent of the abnormality, the personality of the person affected and the social environment and the help and support of other people.
It is essential for the course of behavioral disorders to determine the cause of the change as precisely as possible. In the case of serious, long-lasting changes in behavior, a psychologist should definitely be consulted as an expert. For an initial diagnosis, detailed discussions with the person concerned are often sufficient. The existing conflicts that are the cause of the symptoms must be identified.
In the case of children, it is advisable to also ask the parents and possibly the teachers. If, due to shame or fear, direct individual questioning is difficult to carry out, a written statement can also be made to make a diagnosis. Alternatively, it is also possible to fill out a questionnaire to protect anonymity.
treatment and therapy
Most behavioral disorders can be treated. The best chance of success is to identify the causes early on. For the person concerned, just pointing out the reason for the behavioral deviation can cause a first helpful reaction. Helpful bundles of measures, the establishment of new rules or changes to the framework conditions can lead to quick relief of personality problems, which are often associated with great suffering. This can, for example, be an implementation at the workplace or a change of school class or school.
In the frequent cases of bullying this is certainly promising. A change in the level of social relationships can also provide noticeable relief for those affected. This can bring about a return to normal behavior. In the case of children/parents, it may also be advisable to use special advice centers. In view of the large number of different behavioral deviations, numerous forms of therapy and individual measures are conceivable.
The various behavioral disorders such as sleep or speech disorders, sexual dysfunction or, for example, eating disorders each require targeted, individual treatment. In certain cases, medication can help. If the behavioral disorder is a mental illness , in addition to determining and eliminating the cause, professional treatment of the illness is also necessary. In the case of severe symptoms, it may even be necessary for the person concerned to be temporarily admitted to inpatient treatment.
Conflict-free framework conditions and a tolerant environment can contribute to the prevention of behavioral disorders. In addition to the general requirements, targeted measures can counteract common causes of noticeable behavioral deviations. Company agreements, problem-solving in school lessons and attentive, consistent management responsibility can all contribute to preventing bullying.
An important basis for prevention is the possibility of unrestricted, unprejudiced communication in everyday life. If symptoms of a longer-lasting behavioral disorder are perceived, professional diagnosis and support should be brought about promptly. Any therapy also acts to prevent behavioral problems from getting worse.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.