Balance disorders in children – causes, treatment & prevention

Balance disorders in children

Balance disorders in children , just like in adults, are common. Migraine-associated forms of dizziness are the causes in about half of the diagnoses, but many other triggers are possible.

What are balance disorders in children?

When it comes to balance disorders , everything seems to revolve. The sense of balance, which is used for posture and spatial orientation, is impaired. The feeling is sometimes very uncomfortable and is accompanied by a high degree of insecurity. Luckily, the dizziness usually goes away very quickly. However, if the balance disorder is caused by a disease, it can last longer or recur frequently. This is dangerous because injuries can result from a fall caused by dizziness.


Balance disorders in children can have various causes. A disease of the vestibular system is a direct trigger. If this organ is affected, vestibular dizziness and often nausea occur as well. The reasons can be tumors or nerve inflammation in the inner ear . Other causes include cardiovascular diseases such as high or low blood pressure, circulatory disorders, head injuries, impaired vision and even brain damage.

Travel sickness is one of the well-known triggers of balance disorders. Due to the constant change, the brain can no longer react sufficiently. In addition, insufficient fluid or nutritional intake, sunstroke or heat stroke , lack of oxygen or psychological problems can cause balance disorders.


When to the doctor?

Balance disorders in children should be reported to the pediatrician if parents observe balance problems over a period of days unrelated to the unsteady first steps of a beginning walker.

Balance disorders that occur unexpectedly and inexplicably and last for days indicate a neurological problem. A prompt visit to the pediatrician is therefore urgently needed. Here, after anamnesis, it must be clarified whether further examinations by a neuropediatrician are necessary. Imaging may also be useful. In rare cases, a mass in the brain can be behind newly occurring balance disorders in the child. The earlier a diagnosis is made, the better the chances of a full recovery.

Parents should go to a pediatrician or a pediatric clinic immediately if, in addition to unexplained balance disorders, other neurological symptoms occur and rapidly worsen. These include, for example, visual disturbances, sudden clumsiness in fine motor skills, but also drowsiness, confusion and even apathy. In rare cases, such symptoms can also indicate a cerebral infarction or epilepsy in the child . These clinical pictures are medical emergencies that must be examined by a doctor immediately in order to avoid consequential damage to the child.

diagnosis and course

Balance disorders in children are diagnosed very carefully due to the many different causes. First of all, the type of dizziness must be precisely identified. Here it plays a role whether it is dizziness at rest or the symptoms are triggered by the position of the head. It is also important whether medication is being taken or whether there are illnesses that may impair the sense of balance, such as earache, cardiovascular disease or nausea.

This can be instructive as to the cause. Balance checking is a typical diagnostic method. For example, the child tries to walk with closed eyes or to stand on one leg. The physicians who can determine the cause include the ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, cardiologist, radiologist and orthopedist.

Changes in the brain can be examined with imaging methods . If the cause of the balance disorders is unclear, the psychological diagnosis is also included. Depending on the suspected cause, further examinations are hearing tests , blood tests , EEG ( electroencephalography , EMG ( electromyography ), ENG ( electroneurography ), CT ( computed tomography ), MRT (magnetic resonance imaging) and the brain water examination. The search for the cause of the balance disorders in the child can be time consuming and stressful.

Children who suffer from balance disorders have problems maintaining their balance because their sense of balance is impaired. For those affected, this feels as if the environment is turning or the ground is disappearing from under their feet. Balance disorders are expressed in particular by dizziness, which is often accompanied by black vision, nausea, vomiting , malaise , sweating and visual disturbances .

At this moment it is not possible to stand on one leg. In the case of severe dizziness, the balance can no longer be maintained, which can lead to a fall and often to injuries. In diseases of the inner ear, there is usually also ear pain and noise as well as hearing disorders. The most common balance disorders in children can be treated successfully and have a benign course.


Balance disorders in children have a wide variety of causes. These also have a variety of complications. In children, inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media) is often the cause of balance disorders. The most common complication is inflammation of the mastoid process ( mastoiditis ) behind the ear, which can suppurate and swell. In some cases, this can also spread to the bone.

Another complication can be a unilateral facial paralysis, since the cranial nerve that is responsible for the facial muscles runs near the middle ear. In addition to balance disorders, there is usually nausea and vomiting, as well as impairment of hearing, since the hearing organ is close to the organ of balance. In the worst case, the inflammation can spread to the brain and meninges (encephalitis and meningitis). The affected child suffers from neck stiffness, nausea, fever, headache and paralysis.

Inflammation of the outer ear (otitis externa) can cause similar complications. The eardrum can also be affected, which can tear and impair hearing. High or low blood pressure can also cause balance problems. While low blood pressure (hypotension) is unlikely to cause any complications, high blood pressure (hypertension) can increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis in adulthood and thus also increase the likelihood of a heart attack.

treatment and therapy

The treatment options are just as varied as the causes. The therapy for balance disorders depends on the disease that is the trigger. First of all, it must be clarified since when and how often the balance disorders in the child have appeared. It is also crucial whether these occur at rest or when moving, or whether medication is a possible cause.

During an examination by a doctor, mobility, reflexes and sensations are checked. Based on the knowledge gained and the diagnosis determined, treatment can be initiated. This is often done with medication, for example if your blood pressure is too low or too high. All balance disorders should be clarified by a doctor in order to diagnose the cause at an early stage and to prevent permanent damage.

outlook and prognosis

Balance disorders in children can indicate many different diseases. For this reason, a general prediction in this case is not possible and unfortunately also not meaningful. If the child’s balance problems occur, especially when travelling, they are harmless and do not need to be treated. It may be possible to limit these symptoms during the trip with the help of medication. However, balance disorders in children can also be caused by high or low blood pressure and must therefore be examined by a doctor. Other diseases of the heart or circulatory system can also cause these symptoms and must be treated.

Self-healing usually does not occur. Furthermore, the balance disorders in the child can also lead to confusion or epileptic seizures . It is not uncommon for the children to suffer from teasing or bullying as a result of the disturbances. If left untreated, balance disorders in children can also lead to complications or consequential damage in adulthood. This may also reduce the life expectancy of the person affected. Symptoms can usually be reduced with early treatment.


Prevention consists of regular check -ups , during which the age-appropriate condition of the child’s eyes and ears is checked in order to identify possible complaints or diseases at an early stage. Since cardiovascular diseases are often the cause of balance disorders, a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and sufficient exercise should be taken as a preventive measure. It is also important to reduce mental stress ( stress ). A lack of fluids ( dehydration ) can also lead to balance disorders. It is therefore very important that two to three liters are drunk every day. This applies to children and adults alike.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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