Arthritis – causes, symptoms & therapy


Arthritis is a ( joint inflammation ). Although arthritis is often thought of as a sign of aging, it is a condition that can be contracted at any age, even as a child. Arthritis must be clearly distinguished from the term arthrosis , which in turn describes wear and tear-related symptoms or joint inflammation that occurs in phases.

What is arthritis?

The Greek term arthritis literally means: inflamed joint. Depending on the underlying cause, different forms of arthritis can be distinguished: eg rheumatoid arthritis , gout .

Joint inflammation can occur either as an acute infection (caused by bacteria) or as a recurring form (chronic arthritis).

In contrast to non-inflammatory arthrosis, arthritis shows the typical signs of inflammation, such as: redness, swelling and heat.


The causes of arthritis vary greatly depending on the type of inflammation. Experts suspect that genetic factors (predisposition) are also the cause of arthritis.In the case of a hereditary autoimmune disease, the inflammation in the joints is triggered by a malfunction in the immune system . The body forms antibodies that are directed against the body’s own healthy tissue and attack the synovial membrane.

In addition, metabolic disorders (gout) or infections (e.g. bacteria , fungi ) can trigger arthritis. In bacterial arthritis, germs get into the joint due to injuries or via the blood and trigger an inflammatory reaction there.

Environmental influences cannot be ruled out when researching the causes of arthritis. At least it is known that they can promote the development of arthritis.

When to the doctor?

In the case of joint problems that occur after strenuous physical activity, there is usually no need to see a doctor. After sports activities or carrying heavy loads, symptoms can arise. Rest, rest and cooling of the joints help to alleviate it. In most cases, the symptoms are significantly reduced or completely gone within a few hours.

If the joint problems persist for several days or if they occur even with light physical movements, a doctor’s visit is necessary. If the person concerned notices a steady and creeping increase in symptoms over a long period of time, a doctor should be consulted. Arthritis is a chronic disease that has a progressive disease course and requires treatment.

If the symptoms suddenly increase in intensity or spread further in the body, medical examinations must also be carried out and treatment measures taken. Swelling of the joints or particularly warm joints are a cause for concern. If pain occurs or if there is reduced strength, a doctor must be consulted. If you notice particularly stiff joints in the morning or if the joints can no longer be moved as usual, a doctor should be consulted. Reddening of the skin , circulatory disorders and tachycardia must be clarified by a doctor.

symptoms and course

Typical early symptoms of arthritis are circulatory disorders and stiff joints in the morning, which, for example, mean that you can no longer hold your cup properly. This condition persists for a long period of time (more than an hour).

Due to the inflammation and destruction of the synovial membrane, the immune system produces antibodies and cytokines again. This causes the inflammation to worsen and creates a vicious circle. At the end of the circle is the destruction of cartilage and bone. This leads to the typical deformations of the joints and their functionality.

If this inflammation is not treated early enough with the right medication, the joints will be destroyed by arthritis.

A problem in this respect is the insidious course of arthritis, which often goes unnoticed and diagnosed for a long time. More and more joints are affected. The patients can then hardly move and in the worst cases even become disabled due to arthritis.

As arthritis progresses, joints become swollen, red, and painful. The small finger joints on both hands are usually the first to be affected. Joint deformities and loss of joint function indicate the end stage of arthritis.


Only if arthritis is detected as early as possible can possible late effects be avoided. A suitably trained doctor is generally responsible for making a diagnosis. For example, arthritis can be diagnosed by a rheumatologist.

Questioning the affected persons is seen as an essential part of the diagnostic procedure. This is the only way to explain the course of the disease so far. Only when the persons concerned have been subjected to a detailed questioning is a comprehensive examination of the affected parts of the body carried out. For example, a slight tenderness to pressure can be seen as a first sign of arthritis.

A blood test is ordered at the first sign of arthritis. This is the only way for the doctor treating you to clearly determine the inflammation values. Imaging methods are also used at the same time. X-ray examination is considered to be a relatively reliable method . An examination in a CT machine is often also ordered. Arthritis can also be diagnosed using an ultrasound device .


If the arthritis is not treated medically, there are various consequences. Since there are different forms of joint inflammation, the complications are also different. Sometimes they even show up despite appropriate therapies. If the disease lasts longer, there is a risk of severe damage to the affected joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most severe forms of arthritis. As the disease progresses, the bones and cartilage surrounding the joints are increasingly destroyed. This process becomes noticeable through loss of movement and deformations. Sometimes the bones continue to grow together until they fuse, which in turn leads to joint stiffness.

Another consequence of rheumatoid arthritis is sleep disturbances due to pain or the side effects of the medication. Because of the pain or restricted mobility, patients are often no longer able to perform certain activities. This can be working on the computer, doing housework or getting dressed. Sometimes the joint inflammation also has a negative effect on the psyche of the patient. In addition, arthritis patients are more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases such as a heart attack. People who suffer from psoriatic arthritis also have to struggle with limitations in their quality of life. For example, they suffer from painful, swollen and stiff joints, which in turn is accompanied by psoriasis. Bacterial arthritis is considered particularly serious because it can have life-threatening consequences. Blood poisoning is possible due to the rapid advance of the pathogen.

treatment and therapy

Arthritis is not curable. However, if the diagnosis is made early enough, the disease can be contained and further progression can be prevented or at least delayed. Patients diagnosed with arthritis must take medication throughout their lives.

Physiotherapy, physiotherapy , massages and alternative healing methods support drug therapy. In any case, it is beneficial to supplement conventional medicine with naturopathic treatments such as acupuncture , homeopathy , phytotherapy or hydrotherapy. The drugs try to counteract the malfunctioning of the immune system that occurs in arthritis. In addition, preparations are used that inhibit inflammation in the joints and relieve pain.

↳ More information: Home remedies for arthritis

Because arthritis progresses differently in everyone, treatment needs to be monitored and adjusted by a doctor. If the joints have already become very deformed, an operation is necessary.


Because arthritis is believed to be primarily genetic, prevention is difficult. However, it is known that smoking promotes the development of arthritis and has a negative impact on the course of the disease. Other factors, such as diet, have not yet been proven.However, a low-meat diet is said to have a beneficial effect on arthritis. Sports that place equal stress on all joints are also considered potential arthritis preventatives. These include swimming, cycling, walking and gymnastics.

In addition, early and appropriate treatment of open wounds on the knee can prevent the spread of inflammation to the joint and the development of arthritis.

Likewise, joint inflammation that occurs in connection with other diseases ( e.g. gout ) should be treated correctly. In this way, arthritis can be avoided.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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