Antioxidants – Effect, Application & Risks


Antioxidants are substances that occur naturally in certain foods (fruit, vegetables, etc.), but can also be produced synthetically. Its health-promoting effect has been proven in various clinical studies.

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are chemical compounds that protect the body from oxidative stress. It is caused by an excess of free radicals. These are particularly aggressive oxygen molecules that are released by environmental toxins, stimulants, UV rays, exhaust fumes and medicines. The unstable oxygen compounds lack an electron, which they steal from cell membranes and cell DNA.

The excess of oxidative stress causes various diseases and premature aging. However, since the body can only produce them to a small extent itself, the antioxidants must be supplied to it through food or dietary supplements. Antioxidants are found in fruits and vegetables , grains, seeds (nuts, almonds), vegetable oils, spices ( cinnamon , cloves) and some microalgae.

Consumers should ensure that the food they buy is of organic quality. Since natural foods usually contain several antioxidants that work synergistically, they have a higher health value than vitamin supplements. Antioxidants are either water or fat soluble.

Effect and medical application

Antioxidants act as free radical scavengers and thus protect the body from premature aging and diseases (inflammation, cardiovascular diseases , allergies , cancer, etc.). They give the dangerous oxygen molecules an electron and in this way deactivate it. However, so that they do not become chemically unstable themselves, other antioxidants replace the missing negative particle. As a result, they regain their anti-oxidative properties. For example, vitamin E reactivates vitamin C.

In their natural form, antioxidants work synergistically. The OPC contained in grape seeds, for example, supports the anti-oxidative properties of vitamins and vice versa. Since the antioxidants in fruit and vegetables occur in different forms and preliminary stages, they are also easier for the body to utilize than artificial vitamins. The anti-oxidative effect is given in ORAC units. Nutrition experts recommend consuming 5,000 ORAC units daily through natural foods. Fat-soluble antioxidants such as beta-carotene should be gently cooked with a little fat. (Organic) fruit is best not peeled before consumption, as many antioxidants are in or under the peel.

shapes and groups

Antioxidants are divided into several groups. They are available in the form of vitamins (C, E, beta-carotene and other carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene and astaxanthin), minerals (selenium, zinc , iron ), enzymes (superoxide dismutase), protein compounds (glutathione), phytochemicals, sulforaphane and phenolic acids (ellagic acid). Carotenoids are abundant in tomatoes , carrots, spinach and kale, vitamin C is found in aronia berries, acerola cherries, citrus fruits, kiwis and peppers.

Vitamin E is found in corn and coconut oil. Selenium, zinc and iron are only anti-oxidative as part of enzymes. Sulfur compounds (allicin) are found in garlic, onions and chives. Cherries , grapes, red cabbage , flaxseed , soybeans and grape seeds contain phytochemical antioxidants .


Nutritionists recommend consuming 5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily (about 100 g per serving) to get enough antioxidants. This is preferably done with fresh seasonal products. Antioxidants in the form of dietary supplements (capsules, powder, tablets) are taken according to the instructions on the package insert. However, they cannot be a substitute for a healthy and balanced diet . In the case of acute or chronic diseases, the patient’s need for antioxidants can be increased. In addition, the dosage of the antioxidants often depends on the respective medical indication.

Herbal, natural and pharmaceutical alternatives

An alternative to the antioxidants found in natural foods are natural dietary supplements and synthetically produced vitamin preparations. The natural dietary supplements are obtained from fruits and are available, for example, as pressed juice or powder in health food stores, health food stores, pharmacies and on the Internet (acerola powder, acai juice or fruit pulp ).

Vitamin and mineral supplements are usually sold in capsule or tablet form. Then there are the synthetically produced gallates and citrates that are added to foods to help preserve them. Gallates are esters of gallic acid and are indicated on the food with the designations E310, E311 and E312. The salts of citric acid (citrates) are usually obtained from the mold Aspergillus niger using biotechnology and act as an antioxidant and acidifier at the same time. The antioxidants prevent premature spoilage of jams, desserts, beverages, canned vegetables and fruit, etc.

Interactions and side effects

Natural antioxidants have no side effects. However, under certain circumstances, synthetically produced individual substances can themselves cause oxidative stress. As a Danish meta-study showed, vitamin E supplements could increase mortality by 4%. Artificial beta-carotene and vitamin A even caused 7 and 16% more deaths, respectively. The patients died from the very diseases that the vitamins were originally intended to help prevent.

The Finland study found that heavy smokers who received artificial beta-carotene were significantly more likely to die of lung cancer . The preparation should have a preventive effect on them. Too high a dose can also have a damaging effect over a longer period of time: The free radicals also have important functions in the body that are blocked by the excessively consumed antioxidants.

Excessively high doses of ACE juice can lead to malformed fetuses in pregnant women. Children get diarrhea, nausea and skin rashes with artificial vitamins.

Synthetically produced citric acid and citrates can cause allergies in sensitive people and should not be consumed by those with mold allergies. Artificial gallates may also lead to hypersensitivity reactions in asthmatics .

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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