Antiemetics – effect, application & risks


Antiemetics (antiemetic) prevent vomiting with medication. They are used when the patient vomits as a side effect of another drug or an underlying disease without detoxification function.

What are antiemetics?

Antiemetics refers to the group of drugs that prevent the patient’s vomiting. They are used only when vomiting is not functional. Humans are one of the mammals that are able to vomit their stomach contents again in order to remove toxins from the body faster. If there were a toxin in the intestine, it would no longer be possible to remove it directly from the body, so that it could be toxic for a long time. This process is controlled by the vomiting center of the brain: this triggers nausea and subsequently vomiting.

As a side effect of drug treatment, pregnancy, injuries or diseases affecting the brain as well as mental disorders such as anorexia, unwanted vomiting occurs as a result. In some cases, treatment with an antiemetic is recommended to stop vomiting and minimize the harmful effects on the patient.

Effect and medical application

As a matter of principle, antiemetics are not prescribed for vomiting caused by food poisoning or gastrointestinal infection. Vomiting carries toxins out of the body and must therefore not be interrupted. In addition, antiemetics are ineffective in vomiting due to gastrointestinal occlusions, since this type of vomiting is not exclusively controlled by the vomiting center in the brain. Antiemetics affect this and prevent it from being stimulated to vomit by various influences.

Antiemetics are often used in oncology, as many chemotherapies lead to severe nausea and vomiting over days and weeks after treatment. Pregnancy nausea can also be treated with antiemetics if it leads to vomiting that is hazardous to health or if the suffering of the pregnant woman is high. Diseases of the brain such as sunstroke, injuries, brain tumors or a simple balance disorder during sea travel (sea sickness) can also lead to vomiting without detoxifying sense for the body. Antiemetics also serve well in these cases.

Shapes and groups

Synthetically produced and natural active ingredients are suitable as an antiemetic. The ginger rhizome contains active ingredients of the group of antivertiginosa, which help well with dizziness and nausea. Antihistaminesneuroleptics or benzodiazepines also prove to be potent antiemetics. Occasionally, concentrated oxygen can help against nausea and vomiting. Within these groups, there are several medications that can be used depending on the trigger of vomiting.


Antiemetics are dosed as needed and as low as possible. At the first treatment, a very low dose is taken and tried out how the antiemetic affects nausea and vomiting. If it works too weakly or not at all, it can be taken in higher doses or more often. Some antiemetics should not be taken too frequently, including diazepam (Valium), which is also not used primarily as an antiemetic. Here, medical control is necessary, especially since the patient can also become dependent on this group of antiemetics.

In case of existing disease, the attending physician should be asked what amounts of the antiemetic can be safely taken. If it does not work in this dosage, another preparation can be tried. In the case of antiemetics, it should be noted that the stronger active ingredients can also trigger correspondingly strong side effects. Therefore, small doses and rather weak active ingredients should first be started in order to give the patient the greatest possible freedom from symptoms.

Plant-based, natural and pharmaceutical alternatives

Within the group of antiemetics, there are a number of different active substances. If one antiemetic works poorly, another can be tried until the patient feels relief. For self-treatment, natural antiemetics come into question, for example, ginger. As a tea or too spicy foods, this can have a beneficial effect on mild nausea and helps especially pregnant women, as they like to rely on natural food.

Other herbal alternatives are also available, such as peppermint tea for mild abdominal pain. However, since they have only a weak effect, they are not considered antiemetics and often prove to be of little help in the treatment of cancer patients, brain injuries or severe pregnancy nausea. It is better to rely on an effective antiemetic, as vomiting can be harmful to the patient’s health if it does not improve in the long term.

Interactions and side effects

Antiemetics provide a remedy for uncontrolled vomiting without detoxifying function, which is harmful to the patient’s health. Thus, they provide a valuable service: they protect against dehydrationmalnutrition and injury to the stomachesophagus and teeth caused by constant vomiting. However, some antiemetics also have side effects. Dry mouth is not immediately noticed by the patient, as he could also have it due to vomiting.

However, heart palpitations , Fatigue or even psychotic states are more noticeable (only with scopolamine). Other psychological side effects are states of anxiety with sweating and increased nervousness as well as inner restlessness .

Stronger antiemetics usually lead to stronger side effects. Since they are usually prescribed when the patient is already in poor health, any change in physical or mental condition under antiemetics should be clarified with the doctor, as these can also be due to the underlying disease or other medications.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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