Alcohol Poisoning – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Alcohol intoxication

Consuming too much alcohol can lead to symptoms of intoxication. Alcohol poisoning can affect the health condition so severely that hospitalization is required and life-threatening conditions occur.

What is alcohol poisoning?

In the case of alcohol poisoning, there are symptoms of poisoning which occur in connection with the processing of ethanol. Alcohol poisoning is also known as alcohol intoxication or C2 abuse and can be observed in a wide variety of people and age groups.

When the concentration of ethanol or alcohol in the blood reaches a certain level, alcohol poisoning occurs. If the measured blood alcohol level exceeds 5 grams per liter, this can lead to the death of those affected. Basically, the amount of alcohol that contributes to alcohol poisoning varies from person to person.


Chronic alcohol intoxication is alcoholism that should not be confused with acute alcohol intoxication. In the case of alcohol poisoning, the so-called simple and the pathological course or alcohol intoxication are described in the medical sense.When examining the causes of alcohol poisoning, a distinction must be made between adults and adolescents, between women and men. In the case of alcohol poisoning, this fact relates primarily to the individual tolerance limits.

Basically, alcohol poisoning always occurs when the ingested amounts of alcohol exceed these natural thresholds.

Alcohol poisoning is often unintentional. In many cases, however, drinking alcohol is aimed at alcohol abuse to the point of coma. Rather unintentionally, alcohol poisoning can be triggered as a side effect of “drinking away” from problems, grief and worries. Alcohol poisoning does not occur immediately with all alcoholic beverages. However, high-proof spirits with more than 40% alcohol by volume can cause the corresponding symptoms within a short time.

When to the doctor?

Alcohol poisoning should definitely seek medical attention. Victims of alcohol poisoning are unlikely to be able to see a doctor. It is therefore important to recognize such alcohol poisoning in third parties at an early stage. Of course, not everyone with an alcohol intoxication needs medical attention. However, if the person concerned can no longer stand on their own, this is a first sign of excessive alcohol consumption.

Another indication of alcohol poisoning is severe vomiting and drowsiness . If the person concerned is no longer responsive at all, a doctor should definitely be consulted. With the help of a blood sample , the exact alcohol content can be determined so that appropriate treatment can take place. Otherwise serious consequential damage can occur, which can be prevented with medical care.

In general, the following applies: If a heavily intoxicated person can no longer be spoken to, a doctor should definitely be consulted. Only then can alcohol poisoning be recognized early and treated accordingly. Otherwise, life-threatening complications can occur that can cause permanent consequential damage.

symptoms and course

Alcohol intoxication is based on stages one through four. Alcohol intoxication begins with increasing lack of control and deterioration in sensory perception (impaired balance), increased talkativeness, deterioration in articulation, and prolongation of the ability to react.

As the disease progresses, memory and speech disorders, a reduced stimulus threshold (aggressiveness, tearfulness), visual disorders and fatigue occur .

In the third stage of alcohol intoxication, the pupils dilate, nausea can occur and unconsciousness with associated circulatory shock can occur. From a blood alcohol level of 4 to 5 per mille, breathing stops and the circulatory system collapses. Those affected by alcohol poisoning are comatose and may die.


The diagnosis of alcohol poisoning may have to be made quickly because it is usually not known how much alcohol was actually consumed. The focus of the diagnosis of suspected alcohol poisoning is a medical assessment of the clinical symptoms.

The diagnosis also includes a test to measure the alcohol level by examining the exhaled air. This is extended by determining the alcohol level in the blood. The increased function of the liver can also result in noticeable changes in various liver values , which are important in detecting alcohol poisoning.


In the worst case, alcohol poisoning can lead to death. To do this, however, the person affected must have consumed a very large amount of alcohol and have already damaged the body beforehand. Alcohol intoxication is a very dangerous and unhealthy condition for the body, which is why the stomach is usually pumped out. If alcohol poisoning is not a life-threatening amount of alcohol, it is usually treated at home. The person concerned feels bad and sick. He usually suffers from severe headaches and nausea . It is often not possible to eat because eating causes vomiting.

Difficulty concentrating and gait disturbances can also occur. With a large amount of alcohol, the patient often loses consciousness and falls to the ground. The patient can sustain various injuries. A single alcohol intoxication does not lead to further complications. However, if the person concerned suffers from alcohol dependence and tall people often drink alcohol, the liver is irreversibly damaged and life expectancy is reduced. Alcohol poisoning also damages the brain. If poisoning occurs frequently, life expectancy is reduced.

Risks of chronic alcohol addiction

The biggest risk of drinking alcohol is the risk of addiction. Alcohol addiction ensures that life only revolves around alcohol and that social obligations such as work or family are forgotten and neglected. This alone creates significant problems.

Furthermore, the body gets used to the toxin so quickly that you continue to poison it in order to get the high experience – possibly even to the point of coma. Various studies show again and again that alcohol also has or could have harmful long-term effects on health.

Above all, it damages the liver, but also the cardiovascular system and other vital systems in the human body, without which it would be dependent on constant medical help.

treatment and therapy

In the majority of cases, alcohol poisoning must be treated by an emergency doctor. This is called because the patient is no longer able to speak or is constantly vomiting. First responders bring the drunk into a stable lateral position. If it is foreseeable that a circulatory failure will occur, resuscitation measures are taken.

Basically, the people come to an inpatient facility and are permanently monitored in an intensive care unit. In the case of alcohol poisoning, this primarily affects the circulatory system and breathing. In addition, in the treatment of alcohol poisoning, infusions run into the veins, which usually consist of a sugar solution. Most of these activities are initiated in the ambulance and continued in the clinic.

If, due to poisoning of certain brain centers, the patient has to be artificially ventilated, this can also be done in the hospital in the case of alcohol poisoning. Other sensible actions in the case of alcohol poisoning are the intake of fluids and the induction of vomiting .

The latter approach is only possible if the people with alcohol poisoning are conscious. In addition, pumping out the contents of the stomach has also proven itself to draw all the alcohol out of the metabolism. As a result, faster detoxification can be achieved in the event of alcohol poisoning.


To prevent alcohol poisoning, alcohol should be consumed in moderation. That is, in individually tolerated amounts and occasionally. At the first sign of a mental and physical change as the onset of intoxication, it is better to switch to soft drinks to avoid alcohol poisoning.

Children and adolescent adults should not have access to alcoholic beverages so that early prophylaxis against alcohol poisoning can be implemented. Therapy is ideal for alcoholics to prevent chronic alcohol poisoning.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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