Acupuncture – Treatment, Effects & Risks


Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine. The name acupuncture is made up of two terms, the Latin acus = needle and punctio = prick. The pricking with the needle, that’s how acupuncture can be translated in the broadest sense.

History of acupuncture

It was not until the 17th century that the term “acupuncture” reached mainland Europe. Travelers from China reported on their experiences with the way Chinese doctors worked.

They treated their patients with needles in their bodies. What was amazing was not only the fact that needles were attached to the body, but also that this treatment method promised success for numerous clinical pictures.

The sub-area of ​​acupuncture is still very important today, especially in the case of arthrosis, prevention of migraine attacks and also back pain, acupuncture treatments are successful.

Function, effect and goals

In order to become familiar with how acupuncture works, one must first gain insight into the treatment methods of Chinese medicine. The body balance therefore plays a major role not only in acupuncture. In Chinese medicine, this balance is known as yin and yang. In order to restore the body’s balance, you need life energies, also known as Qi.

With the help of acupuncture needles, points on the meridians (longitudinal pathways in the body) are stimulated. This allows energy to flow freely and restores body balance. The effectiveness of acupuncture has been known for around 2200 years. At that time, the Zhenjiu form of therapy was actually carried out.

Today, Zhenjiu is just a special form of acupuncture. The Aku-Moxi therapy is used here. This aims to activate the functional circuits of the external stimulus points. The main goal of acupuncture is the absolute harmony between yin and yang (body and mind). Acupuncture can achieve that and then the body is healthy.

Acupuncture in therapy and treatment

Acupuncture offers numerous forms of therapy and treatment due to the wide range of possible applications. The best known is auriculotherapy. The points on the ear are stimulated. Since the ear has many points of stimulation for the entire body, this form of therapy is very promising.

Back pain can be treated very well with acupressure. Here the acupuncture points are stimulated using a massage technique . These forms of massage have the Chinese names Tui Na and An Mo. Needling with so-called electrical impulses is known as electro acupuncture.

Whether as a preventative treatment or as a form of therapy for acute symptoms, there is a suitable application for almost every clinical picture. Feng Shui is basically acupuncture for the home. Acupuncture can already have a decisive influence on the flow of life energies here.

Acupuncture in sports, fitness and training

More and more top athletes have discovered acupuncture as a performance-enhancing element. The physical fitness of an athlete is the be-all and end-all. First of all, an energetic build-up must take place during training. Thanks to acupuncture, muscle and tissue development can be optimized.

In Chinese medicine, the various organs have important meanings. The liver, for example, is responsible for the muscles . Stimulating the stimulus points attributed to the liver with acupuncture needles can already lead to the hoped-for success.

Equally important is the heart in acupuncture in athletes. Fear of the opponent or the frightening burnout syndrome are often reasons for failure. If you strengthen the heart with the help of the stimulation points during acupuncture sessions, the body’s balance is restored and with it, of course, self-confidence and satisfaction – thanks to acupuncture.

books on acupuncture

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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