Abnormal sensations (paraesthesia)
Tingling or numbness in various parts of the body usually indicate a lack of blood circulation or nerve disorders. Psychological causes can also be the reason for such abnormal sensations , which are also referred to as paraesthesia .
What are discomforts?
The term paresthesia or abnormal sensations covers unusual sensory perceptions of the nerves such as burning, tingling, stinging or pain that feels like needle pricks. These abnormal sensations are usually the result of nerve damage caused by pressure, pinching or illness.
Discomfort can occur anywhere on the body, but is mostly found on the fingers, hands and feet. Transient paresthesias, which include “sleeping leg”, are quite common. They are caused by a temporary interruption of the blood supply in the respective extremity, which leads to a lack of oxygen and glucose in the nerve cells and thus to a faulty circuit in the excitation line.
The causes of discomfort can be complex. Other causes of these temporary discomforts include hyperventilation , migraines , pressure on a nerve tract, or myofascial pain .Persistent malfunctions of the nerve cells, e.g. B. in neuropathies, lead to chronic abnormal sensations. The following reasons are possible for this:
- Metabolic diseases such as diabetic neuropathy, diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism
- neurological system diseases such as multiple sclerosis
- Poisoning such as overdose of local anesthetics, heavy metal poisoning or alcoholic neuropathy
- orthopedic diseases such as root compression syndromes (e.g. sciatica ) or bottleneck syndromes
- Medications such as antiepileptics
Discomfort in certain areas of the skin can also be caused by diseases of certain nerves or spinal nerves.
When to the doctor?
Discomfort can occur after physical exertion. In these cases, there is usually overexertion at work or in sport. A doctor does not need to be consulted if after a period of rest and relaxation the symptoms are relieved. If other symptoms appear, a doctor’s visit is necessary. These include, in particular, functional disorders, such as impairments of consciousness, hearing or vision disorders, and language problems .
These are life-threatening warnings that should see a doctor immediately. Usually there is a circulatory disorder, which can also lead to a heart attack or a stroke. The discomfort can indicate a deficiency in the organism. Therefore, a doctor’s visit is necessary as soon as the symptoms persist for several days or weeks. A blood test is used to determine the substances that the affected person is missing.
If the discomfort spreads further in the body, a doctor should also be consulted. There is a risk of nerve damage. If left untreated, irreparable damage or death of the nerve can occur.
The abnormal sensations often indicate psychosomatic causes. If the person concerned is in a stressful or tense phase of life, the discomfort can occur. If you have other symptoms such as anxiety, mood swings or depressive phases, it is advisable to seek the help of a doctor.
Diagnosis-course-treatment of abnormal sensations
For the diagnosis, the course and the treatment of the abnormal sensations, it plays a not unimportant role on which part of the body they occur and in what form. Which examinations are ultimately used for the diagnosis depends on the suspected causes. The diagnosis, course and treatment (therapy) of various emotional disorders, depending on the cause and the affected body region, are described below.
Changes in the cervical spine
Abnormal sensations and skin sensitivity disorders on the fingers, hands or arms can be caused by changes in the cervical spine, e.g. B. caused by wear or excessive bone formation. These symptoms are diagnosed by asking specific questions and by means of X- ray and/or CT scans. These abnormal sensations are treated in the form of physiotherapy or surgery.
nerve damage
Discomfort, which is characterized by a burning sensation in the skin or a numb sensation and/or tingling sensation, which first occurs in the hands and feet and later also in the arms and legs, is usually caused by nerve damage. Since many nerves are affected in this case, we are also talking about polyneuropathy (= multi-nerve disease). It is diagnosed by examining reflexes, a vibration test using a tuning fork, measuring nerve conduction velocity, and laboratory tests. Polyneuropathy, which is based on 30% diabetes and alcohol abuse, is treated by treating these very causes.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrom
If the discomfort is pain accompanied by tingling and numbness in the fingers or hands, a pinched nerve in the wrist can be responsible. Since this nerve runs through the so-called carpal tunnel in the wrist, this type of discomfort is also known as carpal tunnel syndrome . Here, the diagnosis is made using tests of finger and hand sensitivity, special X-rays and measuring the conduction speed of the nerve. The syndrome is treated by immobilization of the hand. Pain is treated with medication or cortisone injected directly into the carpal tunnel. If these methods do not help, an operative expansion of the carpal tunnel is necessary.
Discomfort can also occur after accidents, burns or other injuries that damage a nerve. If the numbness persists after the injury has healed, it can be assumed that the nerve functions are permanently impaired. Diagnosis is made through discussions, measuring the impulse transmission of the nerve and testing the sensory functions. Physiotherapeutic treatments can be used to try to reduce the impairments and the associated discomfort.
Tissue changes (tumor)
If you experience numbness, paraesthesia or a complete lack of skin sensations, a tumor or swelling could also be the cause. Both can squeeze a nerve so that it can no longer fulfill its function. Diagnosis is by questioning, palpation, testing for skin sensations, x-rays, ultrasound, and/or a tissue sample. In this case, the treatment corresponds to cancer therapy.
circulatory disorders
If the abnormal sensations occur in the legs, arms or fingers, they could be indications of circulatory disorders . Here, the diagnosis is made by asking specific questions, e.g. B. after feeling cold, as well as examinations of the vessels using ultrasound or X-rays with contrast media. Circulation-related discomfort is treated by:
- a lowering of blood lipid levels by medication
- the mechanical widening of the blood vessels (balloon dilatation)
- surgical milling of existing blood fat constrictions
- an artificial bypass of narrowed or blocked vessels (bypass)
The complications of abnormal sensations are extremely diverse and depend heavily on the cause of the abnormal sensations. In some cases, the discomfort can be treated relatively well. However, in the case of serious accidents, in which the spine is injured, for example, the discomfort can last for the rest of your life and cannot be treated immediately. In general, the abnormal sensations lead to a restricted life and thus to a reduced quality of life. The patient can no longer do certain things himself and can no longer cope with everyday life on his own. Those affected are then often dependent on the help of the family or carers in order to be able to cope with everyday life.
In many cases, the abnormal sensations also lead to depression , a loss of zest for life and other psychological problems. These must then be treated by a psychologist. If the discomfort occurs due to alcohol and drug abuse, it may be reversible. This means that they will decrease over time as use of these drugs is restricted. In the case of injuries to the spine, the abnormal sensations can usually not be treated. The abnormal sensations often occur as a result of circulatory disorders and in this case can be treated with medication or surgery.
outlook and prognosis
As a rule, no general prediction can be made about the abnormal sensations. The further course depends very much on the underlying disease, which also determines the treatment of the abnormal sensations. In many cases, the discomfort is permanent and cannot be reversed. Especially after a stroke or after other nerve damage, these abnormal sensations can unfortunately no longer be treated, so that the person affected has to live with the abnormal sensations their entire life.
If the discomfort is caused by a pinched nerve , it can still be treated in many cases. It is not uncommon for those affected to suffer from a typical tingling sensation in the affected regions. Abuse of alcohol or other drugs can also cause abnormal sensations in the body. These usually subside when the drug is stopped. However, it cannot be guaranteed that the course of the disease will be completely positive. Even in the case of a tumor disease, a complete cure is not always possible.
Since the abnormal sensations have many causes, there is no specific prophylaxis. Only preventive measures can be taken against the decisive factors. The diet should be balanced, varied and low in cholesterol. Regular exercise, especially for people who do a sedentary job, can counteract damage to the cervical spine. Frugal consumption of alcohol and abstinence from nicotine can also help to avoid discomfort from the outset.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.