Vegetative Dystonie
The vegetative dystonia includes a variety of different symptoms in which there is a disturbance in the conduction of impulses in the vegetative nervous system. This is the autonomic, non-voluntary nervous system. Possible symptoms are nervousness, sleep disorders or cardiovascular problems.
What is vegetative dystonia?
Autonomic dystonia can cause very different symptoms of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The symptoms can be both psychological and physical. Most of those affected suffer from their symptoms and find them a considerable burden in everyday life. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for the coordination of many important bodily functions that can hardly be influenced by the will. These include the heartbeat, digestion and breathing. As a result, vegetative dystonia can present with many different symptoms, from high blood pressure to constipation.
In vegetative dystonia, there is a regulatory disorder of bodily functions that are unconsciously and autonomously controlled by the nervous system. The two most important regulators of the autonomic nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic , are disturbed in their cooperation. The causes of the disease are partly based on physical and often on psychological triggers.
Stress and mental strain can generally promote the development of vegetative dystonia, as they disrupt the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. In addition, factors such as smoking , alcohol consumption or an unhealthy diet can also have a negative impact on the autonomic nervous system and cause symptoms of vegetative dystonia.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of vegetative dystonia:
Since vegetative dystonia is just a collective term for a wide variety of symptoms, the list of possible complaints is very long. The symptoms range from nervousness, irritability, inner restlessness and insomnia to dizziness, headaches, muscle cramps and tremors to heart problems in the form of tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, palpitations and heart pain.
Menopausal symptoms, sexual reluctance, digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation and stomach cramps or cold hands can also be potential symptoms. In addition, symptom complexes can occur when certain symptoms often appear together and are sometimes treated as independent diseases. For example, hyperkinetic cardiac syndrome, which is characterized by regular tachycardia and large fluctuations in blood pressure.
Irritable bowel is also such a symptom complex. It describes chronic digestive disorders such as abdominal pain and flatulence. An overactive bladder ( irritable bladder ) also causes symptoms such as a constant urge to urinate and frequent urination.
Vegetative dystonia cannot be diagnosed like most other diseases because it is not a specific disease. It is important to analyze the patient’s medical history as well as their life situation and previous illnesses or medication intake. In order to be able to narrow down the disease more precisely, it should be found out in which situations the symptoms occur.
Various examinations are then carried out to rule out any physical causes of the symptoms. During the physical examination, patients with gastrointestinal complaints are scanned in the abdominal area. In the case of complaints affecting the heart, various cardiological examinations follow. Blood tests provide information about inflammatory processes in the body or possible nutrient deficiencies.
treatment and therapy
The attending physician decides how the vegetative dystonia is treated in the specific individual case. If the symptoms do not subside, psychotherapy may be advisable under certain circumstances. Depending on the trigger of the vegetative dystonia, good results can be achieved with psychotherapeutic measures. The aim of such methods is to support those affected in helping themselves and alleviating their symptoms in everyday life.
The symptoms of vegetative dystonia are often a sign that certain psychological issues have not yet been processed. This can lead to avoidance behavior in order not to have to experience certain triggering situations again. In addition to behavioral therapies , relaxation techniques can also be helpful in overcoming vegetative dystonia. For example, autogenic training , yoga , walks and physical activity can generally help with vegetative dystonia.
In general, it is important to work through the causes or feelings behind the symptoms. If the affected person learns better coping strategies for emotional stress such as stress, doubt or grief, the physical symptoms of vegetative dystonia often improve in the long term. Therapy with medication usually does not take place, as psychological coping strategies alone lead to an improvement in the symptoms. However, if the patient is suffering severely, medication can be a good idea. Possible options include painkillers and modern antidepressants . Usually, the treatment of vegetative dystonia with medication is not permanent, but only temporary.
Due to the diverse and mostly still unclear causes and connections, concrete prevention is difficult. In general, a positive attitude towards life, a healthy and active lifestyle with a varied diet have a preventive effect.
Movement, physical activity and intact social relationships also have a positive influence. It is important not to withdraw from friends and family in the case of vegetative dystonia, as this can have a negative impact on the course.
Even with a severe course in a chronic form, there is a possibility that the symptoms of vegetative dystonia will recede. An improvement or even healing of the symptoms is possible in most cases.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.