The strawberry (Fragaria) is considered the queen of berries. In addition, the delicious red fruit is very healthy.
Interesting facts about strawberries
The strawberry (Fragaria) is a genus belonging to the subfamily Rosoidae. This in turn belongs to the rose family (Rosaceae). The delicate red fruit was already valued in culinary terms by people in the Stone Age. However, it was not until the 18th century that the garden strawberry was introduced. From a botanical point of view, the strawberry is not a berry, although it is called a berry. Instead, botanists classify it as an aggregate fruit.
The strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant. Depending on the variety, the color of their fruits is red or dark red. Their shape is usually oval or pointed. In Germany alone, there are around 1,000 different strawberry varieties, but this is only important for gardeners who grow these fruits themselves.
From a culinary point of view, the strawberry is one of the most popular fruits, which is why it was also voted the queen of berries. On average, Germans consume around three kilograms of the red fruit every year. The strawberry owes its intense fruity taste to its high content of fruit acids, flavorings and fructose.
In Germany, the strawberry season runs from the end of May to August. From March/April, however, the red berries can also be obtained from the Mediterranean region and Israel. However, their taste is not as sweet as that of the local strawberries. Strawberry varieties that have a more aromatic taste are cultivated by German suppliers.
Today’s strawberry developed from the large Chilean strawberry and the smaller scarlet strawberry. These berries were discovered by settlers in America in the 18th century and made their way to Europe. In 1750 in Holland, the garden strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa), which is still used today, was created by accidentally crossing the scarlet strawberry and the Chilean strawberry.
Most of the approximately 20 strawberry species are native to the northern hemisphere and occur in temperate climate regions. Only one species is native to Chile.
importance to health
Strawberries not only taste delicious, they are also healthy. They contain more vitamin C than lemons and oranges . So if you eat strawberries regularly, you live healthier. In addition, since the fruits contain almost no fat, this has a positive effect on the figure.
A variety of antioxidants are also found in strawberries. These have the property of fighting free radicals in the body, which are said to have a harmful effect on health. The contained phenolic acids ellagic acid and ferulic acid are considered to be effective cancer inhibitors . Furthermore, the phenolic acids have a preventive effect on hardening of the arteries , infarcts and thrombosis .
Since the strawberry also has a high iron content , it is classified as beneficial in the treatment of anemia . The potassium it also contains has a positive effect on the functions of the kidneys . With the help of strawberries, the organism can be drained and purged. For this reason, the enjoyment of the delicious berries is even medically recommended for people suffering from rheumatism and gout .
Ingredients & nutritional values
As already mentioned, strawberries contain plenty of vitamin C. Other important components are calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and folic acid. They also contain secondary plant substances.
Although the strawberry is generally healthy, some people may be sensitive to the fruit. It causes them allergic reactions such as itching , burning in the throat or on the oral mucosa , wheal formation , nausea , stomach pain and digestive problems . In the worst case, a strawberry allergy can cause shortness of breath and even anaphylactic shock .
Shopping and kitchen tips
If the strawberries should have a pleasantly sweet taste, it is advisable to buy them during the season. The right time to harvest also plays an important role, because the strawberry cannot ripen later. However, if the fruit is not yet fully ripe, it tastes bland. Strawberries are considered fully ripe when their sepals can be detached without any problems. In addition, they must not show any mold or dents.
Because the strawberries are extremely sensitive to pressure, cold and moisture, they should be eaten as soon as they are bought. It will keep in the fridge for a day or two.
preparation tips
Strawberries can be excellently combined with numerous dishes. They are also suitable as jam, cake toppings, for fruit salads, as an accompaniment to an ice cream dessert and as a cold dish or fruit sauce.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.