Stomach flu in children – causes, symptoms & therapy

Gastrointestinal flu in children

Stomach flu in children is common. In most cases, however, it is harmless.

What is gastrointestinal flu in children?

Gastrointestinal flu is defined as infectious gastroenteritis. It has nothing to do with the classic flu (influenza). Babies and small children are particularly affected by gastrointestinal infections. On average, children under the age of three contract gastrointestinal flu once or twice. Around 75 percent of all diseases appear in children between 6 and 24 months. Rotavirus gastroenteritis causes up to 600,000 child deaths each year in developing countries .


Gastrointestinal flu is usually caused by viruses . In young children, rotaviruses are primarily responsible for the disease. Other possible pathogens are noroviruses, adenoviruses, astroviruses and corona viruses. Sometimes bacteria can also cause a gastrointestinal infection. The most common bacterial pathogens include EHEC, Shigella, Yersinia, Salmonella and EPEC.In addition to viruses and bacteria , parasites are sometimes the cause of gastrointestinal flu. Stomach flu often occurs in the cold autumn and winter months. The transmission of the triggering germs takes place through smear infections . There is direct contact between sick children. A sick child passes the pathogens on to another child. But the viruses can also attach themselves to objects such as door handles or toys and from there get into the child’s body.

Kindergartens and schools are particularly affected by frequent virus infections . On the other hand, harmful bacteria lurk in food that is either spoiled or improperly prepared. These are primarily salmonella or campylobacter bacteria .

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of gastrointestinal flu in children:

Stomach flu in children becomes noticeable through symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and fever. Diarrhea can be recognized by its pasty or liquid consistency. As the disease progresses, the child loses salt and water. This can make itself felt through further complaints. These include fatigue, apathy, decreased blinking, reduced urine production and dry mucous membranes. In addition, the sick child has only a weak sucking reflex. In such cases, a doctor should definitely be consulted.

In children, a gastrointestinal infection usually lasts two to six days. Sometimes it lasts longer. Stomach flu can be dangerous for babies and small children. There is an increased risk of the water balance going off the rails. In most cases, however, gastrointestinal flu runs its course without complications, so that the sick children recover quickly. However, babies and toddlers are at risk of dehydration. This can lead to organ damage such as kidney failure .


If diarrhea and vomiting last longer than 12 hours in an infant, a pediatrician should be consulted. For babies, this already applies after six hours. There is a risk of life-threatening complications. The doctor first feels and listens to the little patient’s stomach. He then checks the fluid balance. In order to be able to identify certain causative agents of the gastrointestinal infection, a stool or blood test can be carried out. However, this rarely happens.

treatment and therapy

Treatment for gastroenteritis depends on the child’s age. The occurrence of joint diarrhea and vomiting also plays a role. In older children, no special treatment is usually required because the gastrointestinal infections are usually harmless. In the case of severe vomiting, the affected child is given an infusion of liquid. It serves to compensate for the lost energy.

If a baby is still being breastfed by the mother, she should continue the breastfeeding process. In severe cases, therapy must be carried out in a hospital. Since the cause of the gastrointestinal infection can only rarely be treated, therapy is limited to the symptoms of the disease. The doctor only administers antibiotics if the cause of the disease is bacteria.Drinking cola drinks and juices is considered unsuitable for children. The high proportion of sugar promotes the release of water to the inside of the intestine . In addition, caffeine increases the loss of potassium. Basically, however, it is important to let the child drink a lot in the case of illness in order to compensate for the loss of fluids . Baby milk, breast milk, unsweetened herbal tea or water are suitable for this. On the other hand, longer breaks or light diets can be avoided.


Hygienic preventive measures against gastrointestinal flu in children’s facilities such as kindergartens, day-care centers and schools are important. But hygiene precautions such as washing your hands regularly with soap also play an important role in your own four walls. Oral vaccination against the rotavirus can also be carried out.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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