Stomach Cramps with Diarrhea – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Stomach cramps with diarrhea

Stomach cramps with diarrhea are one of many possible manifestations of indigestion. They point to a cause in the gut.


Stomach complaints and cramps have a wide variety of causes. In addition to emotional triggers, there are many possible reasons, from intolerance, food poisoning or infections to serious illnesses. The diagnosis is made easier by the accompanying symptoms, since only certain parts of the digestive tract can trigger them. Stomach cramps with diarrhea are one such case.

Only the intestines can cause diarrhea, more precisely the small intestine, which releases large amounts of fluid in order to empty it quickly. Stomach cramps with diarrhea are uncomfortable for the sufferer, but usually do not last long because the body is only trying to flush out toxins. Once he’s done that, the stomach cramps with diarrhea usually go away on their own. However, they carry the risk of dehydration , since diarrhea would not be manageable for the body without a high loss of fluids.

Stomach cramps with diarrhea are a common occurrence with gastrointestinal infections, but they also occur with intolerance to certain foods or are due to harmless, sensitive digestive reactions to certain components of the food . However, stomach cramps with diarrhea are always unpleasant and should therefore subside on their own within a few hours, so as not to become a case for the doctor.


There are a number of possible explanations for stomach cramps with diarrhea, but the most common are gastrointestinal infections. This is the body’s response to the intrusion of certain viruses, most commonly norovirus or rotavirus. These trigger a violent reaction in the digestive tract, which not only manifests itself in stomach cramps with diarrhea, but often also in accompanying vomiting , fever , extreme exhaustion , tiredness and loss of appetite .

Another potential cause is intolerance to food or sensitive reactions to large amounts. Surely everyone who likes spicy food has already had to deal with mild stomach cramps with diarrhea the following day, but these quickly got better on their own. In the case of an actual intolerance, stomach cramps with diarrhea occur with every contact with the substance in question.

If there are recurring stomach cramps with diarrhea, it could also be irritable bowel syndrome along with other symptoms. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis are also conceivable. However, such diseases are not only noticeable through repeated stomach cramps with diarrhea , but also through other accompanying symptoms – so if they occur once, you don’t have to think about serious causes.


  • Rotavirus Infection

When to the doctor?

In the case of stomach cramps with diarrhea, there are usually other diseases that make a visit to a doctor necessary. Viruses or bacteria cause the symptoms of a heart attack. The germs spread further in the body within a few hours and lead to a deterioration in the state of health. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted in a timely manner.

Stressful life situations lead to stomach cramps with diarrhea in many people. Stress , grief, a separation or professional overload trigger the psychosomatic complaints. If they persist for a longer period of time, a doctor should be consulted. This also applies if the person concerned believes that they need help and support with the current challenges. If the symptoms persist for several days, a doctor should be consulted. There is a risk that the symptoms will take a chronic course.

If you have other symptoms such as fever, exhaustion or general weakness, you need to see a doctor. If weight loss occurs , a doctor must also be consulted.

Stomach cramps with diarrhea lead to a severe reduction in general well-being. It is often not possible for the person concerned to fulfill their everyday obligations. There is an occupational disability that must be discussed with a doctor. Before taking medication, consult a doctor to clarify possible side effects.

diagnosis and course

Stomach cramps with diarrhea usually start suddenly. First the stomach problems set in, they quickly get worse and finally culminate in diarrhea. It can be a single occurrence, but repeated episodes of diarrhea can occur over the coming hours. After a few hours, however, the symptoms should have returned to normal on their own. In the case of stomach cramps with diarrhea, the doctor will first ask the patient how long it has been occurring, what color and smell the stool has, whether anything else than usual was eaten beforehand and what other symptoms have occurred.

With the help of stool or blood tests and possibly an abdominal ultrasound scan, it is usually possible to definitively determine where the stomach cramps with diarrhea are coming from. Allergy tests or methods such as the withdrawal diet can be used to determine intolerances. If they occur constantly and recurrently, the doctor will order a gastrointestinal examination, possibly with the removal of a biopsy .


Stomach cramps with diarrhea are a typical sign of an infection in the gastrointestinal tract. These symptoms usually disappear within a few days and do not necessarily need to be treated by a doctor. However, the treatment can be supported by medication. If the cramps last for several days and do not improve, a doctor must be consulted. Here the suspicion moves to serious infections such as salmonella, which can cause inflammation in the digestive system.

The stomach cramps with diarrhea can also be caused by alcohol abuse , after which the stomach has to be pumped out. After pumping out, the symptom disappears. Stomach ulcers are rare .

Stomach cramps with diarrhea are often caused by an intolerance to certain foods, including gluten and lactose. In these cases no direct treatment is possible. Means can be taken that make the digestion of these ingredients possible, so that there are no more stomach problems.

If the stomach cramps with diarrhea occur immediately after eating, this is an indication of an inflammation of the gallbladder. Stress often leads to stomach cramps and diarrhea. In most cases, treating this symptom is successful. However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor.

treatment and therapy

Stomach cramps with diarrhea are treated according to their cause. However, there are ways to stop diarrhea as it is distressing to the patient’s body and can lead to dehydration if it lasts for too long. In children, the elderly, people with ailing health, and patients whose stomach cramps with diarrhea last more than a few hours and are very severe, the doctor will inject a drug to stop the diarrhea as an emergency measure.

If vomiting occurs at the same time as stomach cramps with diarrhea, the doctor will stop this as well so that the patient does not suffer from further fluid losses. In the case of the gastrointestinal infection, which is very often behind stomach cramps with diarrhea, the doctor will then prescribe bed rest, plenty of fluids without sugar and other additives, and an oral suspension that restores the stricken intestinal flora. As a result, the patient can recover within a few days and soon be able to eat something other than light food.

In the case of intolerances, the doctor will order nutritional advice so that the person concerned can learn to avoid symptoms. In order for symptoms caused by intolerable food to improve in the long term and not recur, it is necessary to avoid the intolerable substance. In the case of chronic diseases, regular treatment of the patient is necessary, which is developed individually with the help of a treatment plan. This depends on the patient’s state of health and the severity of the disease.

outlook and prognosis

Stomach cramps with diarrhea are extremely uncomfortable, but most of the causes disappear after a few hours. They shouldn’t be sustained for days, otherwise even an otherwise healthy adult could become dehydrated. Irrespective of the trigger, stomach cramps with diarrhea should not last even hours in people with poor health, elderly patients and children, because dangerous dehydration develops in these patients within this short time.

If vomiting is added, dehydration and nutrient deprivation can occur even more quickly. The intestinal flora also suffers from stomach cramps with diarrhea and may have to be restored by administering medication to new intestinal bacteria. Otherwise, the patient would no longer be able to absorb sufficient nutrients and his recovery would be jeopardized. It could take several weeks for an almost completely excreted intestinal flora to recover on its own.

The cause of diarrhea is often a gastrointestinal infection, which a healthy adult can survive without medical help if it is not too severe. If medication causes the stomach cramps with diarrhea, it can be assumed that they will occur more frequently for the duration of the intake. In these cases, the doctor must weigh up whether the medication should be continued anyway or whether the diarrhea is too much of a burden for the patient’s body. Some pregnant women experience stomach cramps with diarrhea due to hormonal changes, but these disappear after pregnancy at the latest.


Stomach cramps with diarrhea can best be prevented through hygiene, especially in contagious times, and by avoiding incompatible, difficult-to-digest foods. Gastrointestinal infections are not only a health risk for children and the elderly, but also for adults. If a family member is ill or you are in a place where infections have already occurred, hygiene is the be-all and end-all and the only way to avoid contagion.

At home, hands have to be washed after each visit to the toilet, the toilet has to be cleaned every day and disinfectant wipes are no longer an exaggerated precaution. It is best not to touch anything on the toilet in public places. On the other hand, if you suffer from an intolerance or cannot tolerate everything due to a chronic intestinal disease, you should not eat these foods. They will always lead to a reaction, which can also culminate in stomach cramps with diarrhea – and this is avoidable.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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