Solar plexus – function, structure & complaints


The solar plexus is an anatomical functional unit of the autonomic nervous system in the epigastrium. Its existence was considered controversial for a long time, but is now considered certain. It is an anatomically defined structure of the human nervous system with specific tasks.


In every human being, the solar plexus is at about the same level as the stomach . The accumulation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers , also known as the solar plexus , is located at about the level of the 1st lumbar vertebra . The autonomic nerve network also consists of the merger of three large ganglia , i.e. nerve knots.

Beyond its purely anatomical importance, the solar plexus also plays an important role in other medical systems such as traditional Chinese medicine and holistic medicine as a gateway to consciousness. In addition, the solar plexus in TCM also represents one of the seven chakras as the entry point for life energy. In this context, the solar plexus is also referred to as the solar plexus.


The structure and anatomy of the solar plexus are known today and are no longer disputed by so-called conventional medicine. There were already indications of the existence of a nerve plexus in the epigastrium in ancient medicine, but anatomical proof was only achieved much later.

Anatomically, the solar plexus is located at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra or at the level of the 1st lumbar vertebra. Seen ventrally, the solar plexus is behind the omental bursa and stomach and lies directly between the two crura of the diaphragm , crura. The renal artery and the celiac trunk are in close anatomical proximity.

The solar plexus is made up of 3 collections of basal ganglia and an extensive network of nerve fibers. The 3 ganglia of the solar plexus are the aorticorenalis ganglia, superior mesenteric ganglia and coeliaca. The view that the solar plexus only contains parasympathetic nerve fibers is now considered outdated, because sympathetic nerve fiber components have also been found.

The parasympathetic nerve fibers of the solar plexus originate from the 10th cranial nerve , the so-called vagus nerve. The Nervi splanchnici minoris and majoris, i.e. the diaphragmatic nerves, are the origin of the sympathetic nerve fibers of the solar plexus.


It is assumed that the solar plexus represents an important nerve switchgear. Information is not only interconnected there, but also forwarded in a targeted manner to the organs of success. However, the exact mechanisms are still not known in detail.

However, the nervous system uses the solar plexus to regulate vital, autonomic functions. Therefore, the nerve fibers of the solar plexus are of overriding importance, for example in the regulation of intestinal activity or glandular secretion.

In particular, the solar plexus exerts an influence on the involuntary movements of the small intestine , the so-called peristalsis. Like all other digestive processes, this is subject to the autonomic nervous system and can therefore not be controlled at will.

On a spiritual level, the solar plexus is also seen as the gateway to the spirit. Apparently, the function of the solar plexus as a chakra can be harmonized with focused meditation exercises. According to this view of Far Eastern medicine, the solar plexus influences a large number of bodily processes.

If the life energy, the so-called chi, is significantly disharmonious in the solar plexus, this can result in disorders of well-being and even physical limitations. According to TCM teachings, the most important therapeutic measure for energetically charging the solar plexus is breathing meditation aimed at the area of ​​the solar plexus.


Disturbances of the energetic flow in the area of ​​the solar plexus as one of the 7 chakras can have a significant impact on mood and health. However, there is still no scientific and conventional medical evidence for these connections. In traditional folk medicine, however, the importance of the functions of the solar plexus for health has always been emphasized.

Knowing about the existence of the solar plexus also plays a central role in martial arts. Because it is a superficial, sprawling collection of nerve fibers, a well-aimed blow to the solar plexus has significant repercussions.

This can quickly incapacitate the opponent. The sudden mechanical impact from outside irritates the nerve nodes of the solar plexus to such an extent that severe dizziness or temporary unconsciousness can occur immediately.

The occurrence of these complaints is less dependent on the intensity than on a targeted hitting of the solar plexus region. Even a single, well-aimed blow can safely incapacitate an attacker. The blow causes massive irritation of the nerve fibers.

As a result, a strong expansion of the large abdominal vessels occurs in a flash. This in turn leads to a sharp drop in blood pressure with reduced blood return to the heart . Partial unconsciousness occurs because the brain does not receive sufficient blood flow for a few seconds.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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