Round back – causes, complaints & therapy

Round back

Back pain is perceived by the affected persons in most cases as extremely unpleasant. As a result of the pain, a regular daily routine can often no longer be realized. A round back is one of the most common diseases in the area of the back.

What is a round back?

As a round back, the physicians usually refer to a back, which bends strongly backwards. The medical term for this disease is hyperkyphosis.

Already in the context of an upright posture, a clear bulge in the area of the spine becomes visible. In modern medicine, there is a clear distinction between an acquired round back and a congenital round back.


Before a round back is treated, the physicians focus their work on determining the possible causes. For example, a significant lack of exercise is considered one of the most common causes. In most cases, the lack of exercise is accompanied by an incorrect posture.Not infrequently, a round back is also based on a weakened musculature in the area of the spine. As a result of the causes already mentioned, the affected persons cannot adopt an upright posture both when walking and sitting. The individual vertebrae of the spine collapse over time.

Especially in the elderly, this phenomenon can lead to a fracture of the spine. In addition to the causes already mentioned, individual diseases are also considered as a possible cause. Thus, a round back can also be based on arthritis.

Symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of the round back:

A round back is basically accompanied by a clinical symptomatology. Thus, it is not uncommon for the affected persons to feel severe pain in the area of the back. Depending on the stage of the disease, the pain can radiate to the limbs. As a result of the pain, there may be a noticeable impairment in terms of mobility.

In addition to the symptoms already mentioned, another symptom is often visible. The affected persons already show a clear deformation in the area of the back in the context of a first consideration. Not infrequently, the affected persons also suffer from severe sleep disorders. Both the sleep disturbances and the back of the round can promote the occurrence of headaches. For example, in order to prevent a vertebral fracture, a round back must be treated as quickly as possible.


However, a round back can only be treated if a meaningful diagnosis has been made. In most cases, a round back can be diagnosed at first glance. Either an appropriately trained orthopaedist or a physiotherapist is responsible for making a meaningful diagnosis. As a rule, to avoid complications, the preparation of an X-ray is ordered. Only in this way can the attending physician determine the extent of the disease. Following the individual examinations, a round back can be treated in a targeted manner.

Treatment and therapy

A round back is usually treated as part of physiotherapy. Treatment with a physiotherapist primarily serves to train the muscles of the affected persons. As part of the treatment, both the muscles in the chest area and the muscles in the spine are actively stimulated. In order to enable active stimulation of the muscles, special devices are used.

In addition to the active stimulation of muscles, the focus is always on learning special breathing techniques. This is the only way to actively relax the individual areas of the muscles. In addition to the measures already mentioned, special orthopedic aids are also used. In particular, particularly severe forms of a rounded back are treated with a corset.Since a rounded back cannot always be treated in a conventional way, an operation may have to be considered. This fact becomes particularly clear using the example of a vertebral fracture. The damaged area of the spine is rebuilt during the surgical procedure with a special bone mass.

However, since an operation is always associated with side effects and risks, a lot of attention is paid to the area of prevention. Simply following a few basic rules can prevent a hunchback.


Since a hunchback often has a significant impact on those affected in their daily lives, doctors have been researching suitable preventive measures for several years. According to the statements of the doctors, a particularly high level of sport can prevent a hunchback. Special courses for learning relaxation methods are offered by both fitness studios and physiotherapists. Appropriate breathing techniques are also taught as part of these courses. Only those who pay attention to an upright posture in everyday life can prevent the occurrence of a hunchback.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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