The peanut plant belongs to the legume family. Peanuts are very popular because they are excellent sources of minerals . The English name “Peanut”, which means “pea nut” in German, indicates that the peanut belongs to the legumes.
Interesting facts about peanuts
Peanuts originally come from South America, but they are now widespread. Today, peanuts are processed into many different products and used as an ingredient in kitchens around the world. The peanut plant can reach a height of 80 cm. Usually, however, it is only 30 cm long.
The herbaceous plant flowers from May to August. However, the yellow fragrant flowers only show their beauty for a short time. After fertilization, the stalk curves into the soil where the fruit of the peanut grows. This grows up to 6 cm long with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm. Harvest time is from July to September. The pericarp is woody, brown and inedible. It encloses a maximum of six seeds.
The peanut plant is completely removed from the ground, the fruits are removed from the root ball and then dried. This reduces the water content to a maximum of 10 percent. Peanuts are commercially available either with or without the shell and roasted, unsalted or salted.
importance to health
The peanuts provide valuable ingredients and are therefore very valuable in terms of health. They are among the most protein-rich nuts and have a fairly high content of minerals such as iron , phosphorus , calcium , potassium and magnesium . It also contains the valuable trace elements zinc , copper, manganese and fluorine. Thanks to the beneficial combination of nutrients, peanuts are also a very good source of protein for vegetarians.
Since the peanut is low in sodium, it is recommended for people who need to eat a low-salt diet due to blood pressure or cholesterol levels . In this case, however, it is important to use untreated nuts. The peanut can be eaten regularly, but it should be noted that it is quite high in calories. Therefore, excessive amounts should be avoided.
Peanuts strengthen the immune system and nerves and they lower blood pressure. The unsaturated fatty acids are also contained in abundance, which also has a positive effect on health. The ingredient phytosterols is an important substance to fight against breast, prostate and colon cancer . The zinc it contains is important for the development of protein and tissue renewal.
Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant that prevents cardiovascular disease and cancer . Vitamin B3 plays an important role in the nervous system and keeps the skin healthy. Since it contains poorly soluble uric acid, which can result in deposits in the body, gout patients, for example, should eat peanuts in moderation.
Ingredients & nutritional values
Of all nuts, peanuts contain the most protein, making them ideal for vegans and vegetarians. They also provide plenty of B vitamins, but the nut also has a high proportion of vitamin E. Other valuable ingredients are the important minerals iodine and fluorine as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, zinc and iron. Due to the high fat and therefore calorie content, consumption in moderation is recommended.
The best known is probably the peanut allergy, which is one of the most serious food allergies. Even a very small amount can lead to an allergic reaction. In this case, those affected may suffer from dizziness , nausea , diarrhea , vomiting , tachycardia and reddened skin.
In severe cases, life-threatening shock is possible. Therefore, the peanuts must always be specified in the ingredients. Gout sufferers should note that these nuts contain almost as much purine as, for example, fillet of beef and half as much as liverwurst.
Shopping and kitchen tips
Peanuts can be bought in stores all year round. With the shell, however, they are mainly available in winter. Fresh nuts are characterized by being light-colored and firm with a shiny surface. Old cores, on the other hand, are dark, wrinkled and dull.
Peanuts from the previous year are often tainted with pests and should therefore be avoided. Once the purchased pack has been opened, the peanuts can be kept for about two weeks. Whole peanuts should be stored for about half a year during the winter months. However, the place of storage should be dry, cool, dark and airy. Storage in the basement, for example, is ideal.
However, the peanuts can be kept well sealed in the fridge for three to four weeks. They can also be frozen in an airtight package. Then they will keep for up to a year. Incorrect storage can lead to fungal growth, which is harmful to health. Since raw peanuts mold more easily, roasted nuts should be preferred.
Preparation tips
Thanks to the valuable nutrients, peanuts are one of the world’s most important staple foods and, as a multi-talent, they are an integral part of the kitchen. They taste raw, salted, roasted and also cooked. There are many areas of application, for example processing in cookies, cakes, puddings, desserts, fruit salads, chocolate, muesli and snacks.
The sweet peanut butter or the peanut flips are also very popular. The ground peanuts are also used to thicken sauces that go very well with meat, such as poultry dishes. Finely chopped peanuts can be used as breading.
The high-quality, tasteless peanut oil can be heated very strongly and is therefore ideal for roasting, deep-frying and braising. Shelled peanuts are a popular nibble at Christmas time. Peanuts are also a classic at parties or a cozy evening.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.