The kumquat is a popular ornamental plant with attractive flowers and tasty fruits. They have an extraordinary aroma and contain many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the body.
Here’s what you should know about kumquats
The kumquat (Citrus fortunella, Fortunella) is also called dwarf orange or dwarf orange and belongs to the rue family (Rutaceae). It is related to citrus fruits. Depending on the site conditions, the Asian ornamental plant can reach a height of 2 to 4 meters and is an evergreen, bushy tree. Its trunk is covered with a brown scaly bark.
The kumquat has smooth-edged, oval, pointed and leathery leaves. The decorative white, delicately scented flowers open in April. Kumquat fruits are similar to oranges and can also be eaten with the skin and seeds. They are no more than 4 cm in size and, depending on the variety, are oblong or pear-shaped, yellowish or dark orange in colour. The fruit has a mild lemony taste, its skin tastes sweetish-bitter.
Kumquat fruits are harvested in autumn. The dwarf orange originally comes from China and Vietnam. Today it is grown not only there, but also in Japan, Africa, America and southern Europe.
If you want to grow the plant yourself, it is best to get a mini kumquat from the nursery. The easy-care container plant needs a sunny and wind-protected (no draught!) location with high humidity. Your plant soil should be dry, permeable and rich in humus and should be watered regularly. Hobby gardeners who also want to eat the fruit are best not to fertilize their plants. For overwintering, the kumquat needs 12 to 15 degrees.
importance to health
Kumquats can be used as a vitamin and mineral source. Not only are they extremely tasty, but thanks to their high vitamin C content, they also offer good protection against colds , especially in winter . The fruits contain twice as much vitamin C as oranges and can also be prepared like oranges if they are not to be consumed raw.
The high proportion of beta-carotene ( provitamin A ) supports the eyesight and can help prevent eye inflammation and macular degeneration if kumquats are eaten raw on a regular basis. The calcium present in the dwarf orange increases the calcium level in the blood and thus ensures that the bones and tooth substance are not broken down.
Potassium has a draining effect and reduces water retention in the tissue ( edema ) and dropsy. It also helps to maintain the potassium-sodium balance in the blood and has a heart-protecting effect at the same time.
Ingredients & nutritional values
100 g of kumquats have 64 kcal. They contain 14.6 g carbohydrates, 0.6 g protein, 0.3 g fat, many B-complex vitamins, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and other vital substances important for health.
Calories and nutrients (per 100g) | ||
kilocalories/kilojoules | 68 kcal/ 286 kj | |
protein | 0,65 g | |
carbohydrates | 14,60 g | |
Fett | 0,30 g | |
Water | 79,00 g | |
fiber | 3,70 g | |
beta-carotene | 210 µg | |
Vitamin E | 300 µg |
Kumquats can also be consumed by people with fructose intolerance . Since the glucose (dextrose) content is higher in them than the fructose content, the glucose also promotes the absorption of fructose.
Shopping and kitchen tips
Kumquats are available year-round in some well-stocked supermarkets, Asian grocery stores, and health food stores. In some supermarkets, however, customers won’t find them until Christmas. They are quite expensive, but can often be purchased individually. Kumquats taste best when their skin is shiny, firm and plump. Fruits with brown spots are no longer fresh.
Purchased and freshly harvested kumquats should be refrigerated immediately as they will keep longer. Stored at a maximum room temperature of 15 °C, they can be consumed or processed no later than 3 weeks later.
Fruits that are not of organic quality are thoroughly washed beforehand and – in order to be able to enjoy a better aroma – rolled back and forth between the palms of the hands. Kumquats can be stored in the freezer for many months. They require no prep time, just slice or halve depending on the recipe.
preparation tips
In principle, kumquats can be used in all recipes in which oranges are processed. They are ideal for desserts, but also for savory dishes. They taste just as good in fruit salad and fruit cake as they do in jam.
Kumquat jam is even easier to prepare than other jams. To do this, the chopped fruits are simply boiled up with the amount of jam sugar indicated on the jam sugar pack. Especially tasty: a shot of sherry or orange liqueur as an addition to the homemade jam.
Cut into cubes and stored in the freezer, kumquats give every long drink an exotic flavor in midsummer. The orange-like fruits can also be marinated in orange liqueur, used as an ingredient in summer punch, in flambéed dishes and as a decoration on cakes, desserts and cocktails. A chili chocolate sorbet with a kumquat side dish also tastes refined .
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.