Jerusalem Artichoke – Allergy & Intolerance

Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is a Central American crop from the daisy family. Unlike the closely related sunflower, the tuber of Jerusalem artichoke is used as food.

Here’s what you should know about Jerusalem artichokes

Topinambur originally came from what is now Mexico. Cultivation was also widespread in other parts of Central and North America in pre-Columbian times. The herbaceous plant now also thrives in other warm to temperate regions. Jerusalem artichoke has been used for agriculture in Central Europe since the 17th century.

Since Jerusalem artichoke is very keen to reproduce and grow, it easily escapes into the wild and is therefore considered a harmful neophyte in some locations. Although Jerusalem artichoke is actually a perennial plant, it is usually cultivated as an annual. It also thrives on nutrient-poor soil and reaches a height of up to three meters during the growing season.

The yellow flowers, which are up to eight centimeters in diameter, are cup-shaped and resemble sunflowers. In late summer and autumn, the Jerusalem artichoke plant creates a carbohydrate store in the tuber. The tubers are harvested in late autumn and winter before the tubers sprout again. Jerusalem artichoke tubers are about the same size as potatoes , but are much more irregular in shape. Their skin is yellowish-beige to pink in color. The inside of the tuber, on the other hand, is white.

The taste of Jerusalem artichokes is slightly sweet and reminiscent of artichokes . That is why Jerusalem artichoke is also popularly known as the Jerusalem artichoke. Topinambur is mostly used like potatoes. It is also used as animal feed and to make sweet syrup. Especially in southern Germany, schnapps is also distilled from Jerusalem artichoke.

importance to health

Due to its composition, Jerusalem artichoke is particularly suitable for diabetes . Up to a fifth of the carbohydrate-rich tuber consists of the polysaccharide inulin. This is not digested in the human gastrointestinal tract and therefore acts as dietary fiber.

In addition, Jerusalem artichoke is very low in calories and also inhibits the feeling of hunger, which is why it can also be used for weight loss. If Jerusalem artichoke is eaten regularly, it has also been proven that the intestinal flora improves and blood lipid levels can be reduced. In addition, Jerusalem artichoke can have an anti-inflammatory effect and prevent cancer .

Ingredients & nutritional values

In addition to conventional carbohydrates such as starch and fructose, the most important component of the Jerusalem artichoke tuber is inulin. This multiple sugar is not absorbed by the intestines and therefore does not affect the blood sugar level. Inulin also has a positive effect on the total calorie balance.

Therefore Jerusalem artichoke tubers contain less than half as many calories as potatoes. In addition to numerous vitamins and minerals, Jerusalem artichoke also contains salicylic acid, chlorogenic acid and gentisic acid. These substances have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and cancer-preventive effect.

Calories and nutrients (per 100g)
kilocalories/kilojoules31 kcal/ 130 kj
protein2,44 g
carbohydrates4,00 g
Fett0,41 g
Water78,47 g
fiber12,51 g
Vitamin E200 µg


Jerusalem artichoke is generally very well tolerated and is particularly recommended for diabetes. Since the inulin contained in Jerusalem artichoke is not absorbed by the body, fermentation can occur in the intestine. Some people therefore react to the consumption of Jerusalem artichoke with severe flatulence . Since Jerusalem artichoke tubers contain fructose, Jerusalem artichoke should be avoided if you have a fructose intolerance .

Shopping and kitchen tips

Jerusalem artichoke can easily be grown in the home garden. But it is also available in well-stocked vegetable departments and at the weekly market. As a classic winter vegetable, it is mainly available between October and April. If you have a basement available, Jerusalem artichoke can be kept fresh there in a sand box for several months.

Topinambur can be stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for up to two weeks. If the tubers are previously unwashed and wrapped in a damp tea towel, they will not lose moisture during storage. However, they should be checked regularly to ensure that no mold occurs.

Jerusalem artichoke can also be frozen if it is first peeled, diced and briefly blanched in salt water. In this way it can be kept for up to a year.

preparation tips

Jerusalem artichoke can be eaten raw or cooked. It is prepared like the potato. After removing the skin, which is difficult to remove, the sliced ​​tuber is cooked, boiled, fried or even fried. Jerusalem artichoke puree tastes sweet.

To prepare a salad from the Jerusalem artichoke, it must first be boiled. Then vinegar and oil can be added to the cut tuber in the correct ratio.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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