Hypoparathyroidism (underactive parathyroid glands)
Hypoparathyroidism (underactive parathyroid gland) refers to an underactive parathyroid gland, which means that too little parathyroid hormone gets into the blood, resulting in a lack of calcium and an excess of phosphate. This imbalance can manifest itself in a variety of symptoms, the most common of which are muscle tingling and spasms.
What is hypoparathyroidism?
Hypoparathyroidism (underfunction of the parathyroid glands) is a pathological change in the parathyroid glands, as a result of which the production of parathyroid hormone takes place only to a small extent or not at all. This hormone is responsible for regulating the level of calcium in the blood plasma.
A lack of parathyroid hormone leads to a lack of calcium throughout the body . The term hypoparathyroidism is composed of the Greek word “hypo” for “below” and the medical term for the parathyroid gland, “parathyroidea”.
People who have hypoparathyroidism (underactive parathyroid glands) often have had thyroid surgery to remove all or part of the parathyroid gland. Another reason for the hypofunction of the parathyroid gland after thyroid surgery can be damage to blood vessels in the neck area, as a result of which the tissue of the parathyroid gland can no longer be adequately supplied with nutrients and slowly dies off.Even after radiation in the neck area, for example in the course of cancer therapy, the parathyroid gland can be damaged so severely that hypoparathyroidism occurs. Apart from external influences, an underactive parathyroid gland can also be caused by an excessive intake of vitamin D , which inhibits the production of parathyroid hormone. In rare cases, hypoparathyroidism is detected in newborns. In the case of premature births, the cause lies in the still insufficient development of the parathyroid gland, which only matures after some time.
Another possible cause of hypoparathyroidism in newborns is the mother’s overactive parathyroid gland. The unborn child receives sufficient parathyroid hormone from the mother’s blood and the child’s parathyroid gland stops producing it. This also usually subsides in the first few months of life.
When to the doctor?
If muscle spasms and other signs of hypoparathyroidism are noticed after surgery on the neck, the responsible doctor should be spoken to. Ideally, the parathyroid gland hypofunction is already recognized on the basis of the typical sensory disturbances and the doctor is informed directly. In the event of spasms in the respiratory muscles, the emergency services should be alerted if no emergency medication is available and the symptoms do not go away on their own.
Recurring epileptic seizures and changes in the skin, hair, fingernails and eye lenses indicate chronic hypofunction of the parathyroid glands. It is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible and have the symptoms examined. Patients who have had surgery on their neck or parathyroid are particularly susceptible to hypoparathyroidism.
There is also a risk of hypofunction of the parathyroid glands after irradiation of the neck or radioiodine therapy, as well as after autoimmune diseases or as part of iron storage disease. Anyone who belongs to these risk groups or has a hereditary reduced parathyroid gland should speak to their family doctor if they experience the symptoms mentioned. An internist or endocrinologist can do further tests.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of hypoparathyroidism (parathyroidism):
The result of hypoparathyroidism (underactive parathyroid glands) is hypersensitivity of the muscles and nerves. The excess phosphate causes the muscles to itch uncomfortably and the conjunctiva can become red. The calcium deficiency manifests itself in sensory disturbances, tingling and cramps, which is referred to in medical jargon as “tetanic syndrome”. The irritation of the muscles is particularly noticeable in the hands and arms, on the chin and mouth and, in rarer cases, also in the legs.
About 75% of patients suffering from tetanic syndrome also experience tetanic seizures, which result in spontaneous spasms in the arms, legs, lower abdomen, and facial area. If the larynx muscles are also affected by the spasms, the tetanic attack can cause life-threatening shortness of breath . In either case, the sufferer remains fully conscious during the seizure. If hypoparathyroidism is not treated for a long time, the long-term consequence is increasing calcification of the eye lenses or in various regions of the brain.
The diagnosis of hypoparathyroidism is primarily made through a discussion with the doctor. If the symptoms present are indicative of hypoparathyroidism, the diagnosis is confirmed by examining muscle tenderness. This is first determined by the doctor’s tapping tests, which lead to muscle twitching in certain regions, and can then be precisely measured with the help of an electromyogram . The concentration of parathyroid hormone and the associated amount of calcium and phosphate in the blood can also be detected with the help of blood tests .
Hypoparathyroidism can lead to a number of different symptoms and complications. These usually occur when the disease is not treated. The patients primarily suffer from severe cramps in the muscles. These are very painful and can also lead to a loss of consciousness in the patient.
A calcium deficiency also occurs as a result of hypoparathyroidism and thus leads to general weakness and fatigue in the patient. In addition, sensory disturbances and disturbances of sensitivity can occur throughout the body due to the disease and significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. The facial muscles are particularly affected by the spasms. Patients often suffer from diarrhea and upper abdominal pain.
As a rule, hypoparathyroidism can be treated relatively easily with radiation or by taking medication. Special complications do not occur and the course of the disease is positive. The life expectancy of the patient is usually not affected by the disease if it is diagnosed and treated early.
treatment and therapy
The therapy for an underactive parathyroid gland depends very much on the cause of the underactive parathyroid gland. In most cases, hypofunction occurs as a result of total or partial removal or damage to the parathyroid gland. In this case, healthy and functional tissue of the parathyroid gland can be surgically reinserted in the neck or in the arm.
Ideally, the artificially inserted tissue grows together with the surrounding tissue and produces enough parathyroid hormone to supply the body with sufficient nutrients. However, it can happen that the treatment success of this transplant is only temporary. If the operation was unsuccessful or if it was not an option from the start, the lack of calcium in the blood can also be compensated for by taking calcium tablets and vitamin D. The latter promotes the absorption of calcium by the intestines and ensures that the blood is enriched with calcium.In order to prevent excess calcium, both the artificially supplied amount of calcium and vitamin D must be checked regularly and adjusted if necessary. In the case of tetanic attacks, too, the muscle spasms are relieved by adding calcium. However, since such an attack can be life-threatening and absorption via the intestines would take too long, calcium is not added via tablets, but instead is fed directly into the blood via infusions.
Hypoparathyroidism (underactive parathyroid glands) is not caused by improper diet , improper lifestyle or other factors that can be influenced by humans. Secondary prophylaxis is the prevention of thyroid cancer and thus general cancer prevention, primarily to avoid having to remove the thyroid gland.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.