Humeral head fracture (humerus head fracture)
One of the most common fractures (broken bones) – in older people – is the humeral head fracture . The humeral head fracture, also known as a humeral head fracture , is usually caused by a fall. In the vast majority of cases, the humerus head fracture can be treated conservatively (immobilisation, physiotherapy).
What is humeral head fracture (humerus head fracture)?
The humeral head fracture occurs when the fall is caught with the outstretched arm or with the hand. As a result, the shaft pushes up from the humerus, is driven onto the head and breaks. The humeral head fracture can also be caused by a fall on the shoulder. Here, however, only part of the humeral head breaks.
The head of the humerus lies above the neck of the humerus. There is almost no demarcation of the humerus with the neck. For this reason, the doctor always speaks of a humeral head fracture if the humerus is broken.
A humeral shaft fracture must be distinguished from a distal humeral fracture. This means that the humerus fracture is directly at the elbow joint. If the shaft breaks directly at the transition to the humerus head, doctors speak of a subcapital humerus fracture. This occurs when the shaft is pushed just a little over the humeral head, resulting in a humeral head fracture.
A major cause of a humeral head fracture is a fall. Risk groups are mainly older people and people with bone diseases ( osteoporosis ). Especially if the person concerned wants to arrest the fall with their outstretched arm. Even a tremendous impact (hit) to the shoulder can be enough to fracture the humeral head. This is because the shoulder joint is relatively unstable.The joint is one of the most unstable in the entire human body. The ratio between the condyle and the socket is just 4:1. The joint is only protected and stabilized by the muscular rotator cuffs. However, the rotator cuff does not protect the affected region from fracture . This means that dislocations – the well-known dislocated joint – as well as fractures are common.
Younger people are not at risk of suffering a humeral head fracture. Relatively strong influences must be present here for a humeral head fracture to occur – for example after falling from relatively great heights directly onto the shoulder or after skiing accidents.
When to the doctor?
Restrictions in the range of motion in the upper body should be examined and treated by a doctor as soon as they are not caused by a short-term overload. If the arm or shoulders cannot be moved as usual without symptoms, a doctor’s visit is necessary. A doctor is required in the case of one-sided physical strain or a crooked posture of the upper body. If muscle problems, tension or headaches occur , a doctor should be consulted.
If professional or private everyday obligations cannot be fulfilled as usual, a consultation with a doctor is necessary. Discomfort on the skin, tingling in the arm or hands, and numbness are all causes for concern. If circulatory disorders occur or if there is a drop in performance, a doctor is needed. If there is swelling, bruising or a feeling of pressure in the upper arm and shoulder, further medical examinations should be initiated.
If the symptoms move further into the chest area, a doctor’s visit is necessary. If the symptoms increase in scope and intensity, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. Before taking any pain medication, consult a doctor to avoid side effects or risks. If you have psychological problems, you should also see a doctor. Depressive phases or behavioral problems must be clarified.
symptoms and course
Typical symptoms of a humeral head fracture:
Symptoms of a humeral head fracture are primarily bone pain as well as general pain in the area. Many people also complain of pressure pain in the shoulder or directly on the upper arm. The patient also complains of restricted shoulder movement. Other symptoms include bruising and swelling in the affected area.
The course of a humeral head fracture is relatively good. During therapy, the doctor usually uses a prosthesis. In this way, the patient can restore the complete mobility of the arm after the surgical intervention. Only very few humeral head fractures are at risk of permanent damage.
A doctor diagnoses a humeral head fracture. The diagnosis is relatively easy to make. The patient comes to the doctor treating him mainly with pain . He describes the pain in the shoulder area .
The doctor begins with a physical examination of the painful area. He also arranges for an X-ray to be taken . At this point at the latest, the doctor recognizes the humeral head fracture. With the help of computed tomography , the physician even has the opportunity to determine exactly where the bone fragments are positioned. No other diagnostic procedures are necessary for a humeral head fracture.
First and foremost, those affected by the humeral head fracture suffer from very severe pain that occurs as a result of the fracture. This pain often leads to psychological problems if it lasts for a longer period of time and is not treated. It is not uncommon for pain to also occur at night, leading to difficulty sleeping and depression . The pain also spreads to other parts of the body. The affected person’s shoulder can usually no longer be moved easily due to the humeral head fracture, so that the affected person’s movement is significantly restricted.
Bruising and swelling also occur and reduce the patient’s quality of life enormously. Furthermore, the humeral head fracture can also lead to disturbances in blood circulation or paralysis . In most cases, however, these are only temporary symptoms. The treatment of the humeral head fracture is usually carried out with a surgical intervention and further with various therapies. Special complications usually do not arise. The life expectancy of those affected is also not affected by this disease.
treatment and therapy
A humeral head fracture is always treated surgically. Wires and screws are also used to stabilize the joint again. Patients who suffer from osteoporosis or arthrosis usually receive a prosthesis. This means that the entire humeral head is replaced with a total endoprosthesis. There are different surgical methods that are used depending on the type of humeral head fracture. What is decisive here is how the bone is broken and how stable the substance of the patient’s bone is.
Surgery is always necessary for a humeral head fracture; the bones do not grow together by themselves. The shoulder is also an important joint. This means that the medical professionals do not want to leave it to chance whether the joint can be used 100 percent again or not. A special bandage is applied to the patient after the operation. With this bandage, the doctor positions the arm in a certain position.
Physiotherapy is important . The patient should move the arm and perform special exercises every two days, with the help of a physiotherapist. This ensures that he can move his arm and that there will be no restricted movement as a late consequence of the humeral head fracture.
There is no way to prevent a humeral head fracture. The fact is: you have to avoid falling and be careful. This means that risk groups in particular (elderly people, people with osteoporosis or other bone diseases) should be careful when out and about during the winter months, for example when there is a risk of black ice.As a preventive measure, the intake of calcium can be mentioned. A perfect source of calcium is milk, for example. Calcium strengthens bone formation and also bone density; However, it is not a guarantee against a humeral head fracture.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.