Home remedies for flu (influenza) – uses and health benefits

Home remedies for flu (influenza)

Influenza is noticeable through a stuffy nose , coughing , sore throat , headache , joint and muscle pain , tiredness , sometimes also nausea and vomiting . In addition, the body has a temperature of at least 38.5 °C. A flu usually lasts a week and even after recovery you still feel weak for a few days. There are a number of home remedies that can help treat the common cold.

What is flu (influenza)?

The flu is a disease caused by influenza viruses. Colloquially, the term is often used for a flu infection. Unlike a real flu, a common cold is an infection with different types of viruses, but not with influenza viruses. In addition, the two diseases differ in their severity.

There are three different types (A, B and C) of the influenza virus. Type C is considered to be particularly dangerous, although it is not widespread. Many people catch the flu, especially in winter. This is because the influenza virus is resistant to cold. The drier the cold, the better the virus can spread. Around ten to twenty percent of people around the world contract the flu every year.

Who is affected?

A flu infection is usually just a cold, while a real flu puts a greater strain on the immune system and can lead to secondary diseases. This is particularly the case with high-risk patients, i.e. small children, the elderly and people with an immune deficiency .

How is the virus transmitted?

Influenza viruses are transmitted in different ways. One form of spread is droplet infection. When you cough or sneeze, secretions are released from the airways into the air and inhaled by other people. The viruses also get into the organism through contact or smear infection. The viruses spread both through direct physical contact with a sick person and through indirect contact.

How long does the flu last?

The incubation period, the period from infection to the onset of the disease, is one to four days. After that, the disease usually breaks out suddenly and violently. The symptoms are fever, cough, headache and body aches, sore throat and chills. The disease usually subsides after a few days, although individual symptoms can take longer to subside completely. In some cases, complications can arise. We are talking about so-called secondary infections. The immune system, weakened by the flu, is more susceptible to bacterial infections. Serious side effects such as pneumonia or heart muscle inflammation can occur. These potentially life-threatening complications should be treated by a doctor.

What helps against flu?

  • A home remedy for flu is acetylcysteine. This active ingredient is a precursor of the amino acid cysteine. It loosens the mucus in the bronchi and also relieves other flu symptoms such as a sore throat. Acetylcysteine ​​(ACC) is available from online pharmacies without a prescription. 1200 mg are taken in three portions per day.
  • As soon as the first signs of a flu become noticeable, elderberry tincture should be used to counteract it. It is best to take 25 drops of the tincture four times a day. Elderberries have been used against viral infections for several centuries. There are studies that show people recover from the flu faster when they take elderberry tincture. As an alternative to the tincture, there are lozenges.
  • Anyone who often gets the flu should consider getting a flu shot. Such a vaccination is particularly recommended for people suffering from kidney disease, asthma , bronchitis or chronic heart disease. But older people and people with a weak immune system should also consider vaccination.

Quick help with the flu

  • A home remedy for flu to combat the symptom of a sore throat is to gargle with lemon juice. A squeeze of lemon is added to a glass of lukewarm water and then gargled.
  • The body loses a lot of water as a result of flu infections and colds . For this reason, one of the most important home remedies for the flu is to drink plenty of fluids! In addition, with a larger fluid intake, the mucous membranes are kept moist and the mucus liquefied. This makes coughing up easier.
  • Another home remedy for coughing when you have the flu is a humidifier. Simply place a bowl of water on the heater and let it evaporate.

Alternative remedies for flu

  • One of the best remedies for flu is chicken broth. It is also referred to as the natural cure for flu in general. There are studies that show that chicken broth stops the white blood cells (neutrophils) from causing inflammation . This causes the body to produce less mucus. Also, the broth thins the phlegm more easily than hot water. Homemade broth made with organic chickens is best.
  • Another home remedy for the flu is wet socks. That sounds contradictory at first, but it is a recognized remedy for fever and helps! Wet socks are put on before going to bed, because they relieve the fever and reduce secretion build-up. The wetness draws blood to the feet, which improves blood circulation throughout the body. First, the feet are bathed in hot water. They are then put into thin cotton socks that have been soaked in cold water and wrung out. A pair of warm wool socks is pulled over this pair.
  • Other alternative remedies for fever include horseradish and ginger . As a fresh tea or in dishes, they help against colds thanks to their sharpness.

See Flu (Influenza) for more information . Self-treatment with home remedies and alternative remedies is sufficient for mild flu infections. As soon as the fever rises above 39.5 °C, a doctor should be consulted. In addition, a doctor must be consulted if blood is coughed up or shortness of breath occurs.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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