Home remedies for common cold
A cold is mainly characterized by a sore throat , a stuffy nose , frequent sneezing or coughing . The causes of colds are viruses that people can come into contact with anywhere in public. Infection is particularly rapid during the cold seasons, as many people are ill.
What is a cold?
A cold, doctors also often speak of a flu-like infection, is an infection of the upper respiratory tract that is caused by viruses. The common cold is often confused with the real flu , which is not surprising given the similar symptoms. However, a flu infection can be triggered by very different pathogens. Rhino, adeno, parainfluenza, RS and coxsackie viruses are most commonly responsible for the disease.
The real flu (influenza), on the other hand, is triggered by influenza viruses, which are divided into types A, B and C. Type A is the insidious pathogen that can change its viral envelope in such a way that it cannot be recognized by the human immune system and therefore cannot be fought effectively immediately. Type A is usually responsible for the annual flu epidemic and for very dangerous infections such as swine flu.
Who is affected?
Anyone can get a cold. A flu infection is accompanied by typical symptoms. A cold is usually announced by the feeling of shivering. This is already the first defense reaction of the immune system against the pathogens, which causes the body temperature to rise. The symptoms spread continuously, usually accompanied by a cough, runny nose, headache, body aches , fever and chills.
With a simple cold, the symptoms slowly increase and begin to subside after a few days. The disease is usually over after a week. This is also an essential difference to real flu, in which the side effects set in very quickly and very severely and the course of the disease is significantly more difficult and lengthy. However, even with a cold, complications are possible. In particular, superinfection with bacteria can occur, which causes additional symptoms. The then required treatment with antibiotics is often accompanied by unpleasant side effects.
Influenza infections are highly contagious and are usually transmitted by droplets. Children are particularly affected because their immune systems are not yet fully developed. In addition, children stay in kindergartens and schools, where the risk of infection is particularly high due to the physical proximity to their peers. On average, adults get a cold once or twice a year, usually in autumn or winter. For adults, there is an increased risk of infection in public transport and at work. Regular hand washing and avoiding unnecessary physical contact, for example when greeting, can reduce the risk of infection.
What helps against a cold?
- As soon as the feeling arises that a cold could be coming, zinc supplements should be used, as this strengthens the immune system . It is best to suck a lozenge containing about 15 mg of zinc gluconate. However, urgent care must be taken not to take more than 150 mg per day, as too high a dose of zinc weakens the immune system. In addition, care should be taken that the zinc preparations do not contain any sweeteners or citric acid, as this is intended to limit the effect.
- Another home remedy for colds is chicken broth (the exact mechanism of action can be found in the article home remedies for flu ).
- Fresh garlic is also a home remedy for colds . Garlic has properties that kill germs and thus also destroy viruses. It is best when a fresh and raw clove of garlic is bitten in the mouth and the pungent scent is deeply inhaled.
Quick help with a cold
- At the first sign of a cold, it is helpful to take vitamin C supplements. There are various preparations to buy in online pharmacies and drugstores. When buying, care should be taken to ensure that flavonoids are also present as an ingredient, as this increases the effectiveness of vitamin C. Up to 1000 mg of the vitamin can be taken per day. It is best to take 200 mg five times with meals. If diarrhea occurs, the dose should be reduced.
- A cold can cause the body to lose fluids. For this reason, it is important to ensure that you drink enough fluids. It is best to drink more than 2 liters throughout the day during an illness. When you have a cold, the most sensible way is to have a hot cup of cold tea.
alternative remedies
- A very effective alternative remedy for colds are elderflowers. Especially when you get the feeling that a cold is coming. For a tea, 3 teaspoons of dried elderflowers are poured with boiling water and left to steep for 10 minutes. Up to 4 cups of this tea should be drunk throughout the day. The time for elderberries is in Germany in September. You can use these berries to make elderberry syrup for later teas.
- A Chinese medicinal herb for colds is Astragalus. Astragalus capsules are available from online pharmacies. This medicinal plant strengthens the body’s defenses. Even after the symptoms have subsided, doctors recommend taking the medicinal herb for a week to avoid a relapse.
- An alternative home remedy for a sore throat , which can be a symptom of a cold, is to gargle with a saline solution. For the solution, 2 teaspoons of salt are dissolved in 300 ml of lukewarm water. Gargling relieves the sore throat. Gargling with sage tea has about the same pain and inflammation-relieving effect.
See Common Cold for more information . Colds can sometimes feel very bad, but they usually go away on their own. Even with a mild flu, home remedies and rest help. However, if the fever rises above 39.5°C, a doctor should be consulted. The same applies when there is shortness of breath , wheezing or severe pain in the lungs or ears.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.