The part of the brain responsible for personality, emotions, and movement control, among other things, is called the frontal lobe . The frontal lobe is complex; the possible symptoms and diseases that can occur in connection with this are also complex.
The frontal lobe, also known as the frontal lobe, forms one of the four sub-areas of the neocortex. The frontal lobe is responsible for motor functions as well as emotions and is located in the front of the cerebrum. Furthermore, the frontal lobe is considered the seat of self-confidence and the human personality. Because of these properties, scientists and authors call it the so-called “organ of civilization”.
The frontal lobe or frontal lobe is located at the front skull group. It begins at the brain pole and extends to the so-called sulcus centralis, which serves as a separation between the parietal lobe and the frontal lobe. Below the frontal lobe lies the insular cortex.
The frontal lobe itself is divided into three parts: there is the premotor area, the motor area and the prefrontal area. The prefrontal area is also repeatedly referred to as the prefrontal cortex, while the former areas are called the motor cortex.
The frontal lobe has distinct convolutions. They are responsible for different tasks. The frontal lobe is supplied with blood by the anterior and middle cerebral arteries ; the anterior cerebral artery, on the other hand, is responsible for the blood supply to the medial part.
The tasks of the frontal lobe are varied. He is mainly responsible for the motor control of humans. The doctor differentiates between the primary motor cortex and the premotor cortex. The primary motor cortex is responsible for movement execution. The premotor cortex, on the other hand, provides movement selection.
Both areas are synchronized by the supplementary motor cortex – this synchronization subsequently ensures that people act according to the situation. Furthermore, the frontal lobe is responsible for controlling personality, humor and emotions. Because of this ability, physicians consistently report personality changes when the frontal lobe is afflicted by disease.
Probably the most important part of the frontal lobe is called Area 24. In that area are pyramidal spindle cells. Those are – in this way – only present in the human being. Experts believe that Area 24 is why human evolution – in the way we know it – happened.
- Pick’s disease
- Astrozytom
The frontal lobe is not immune to disease or ailments. Arguably the best-known disability is Pick’s disease, also known as frontotemporal dementia . The disease usually occurs before the age of 60 and causes a change in personality as the disease progresses.
Those affected suffer from listlessness , apathy , euphoria and a flattening of emotions and impulsiveness. As the disease progresses, muscle stiffening occurs, which means that the affected person needs care.
Another complaint that is mainly caused by a disease of the frontal lobe is astrocytoma. Astrocytoma is a brain tumor that arises in the central nervous system and occurs in middle age. At the beginning of the disease, the patient complains of epileptic seizures and convulsions ; Personality changes occur over time. Even if the tumor does not automatically lead to the death of the patient, the life expectancy of the affected person decreases.
There are also countless other diseases and ailments that are associated with the frontal lobe. Memory disorders, drive disorders as well as personality changes are predominantly involved. Sometimes there may also be disturbances in creativity, behavior or verbal fluency, or they may be the first signs of a disease of the frontal lobe.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.