Facial Swelling – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Swelling of the face

Swelling on the face can have a harmless cause, but it is also often the result of local and systemic diseases. In any case, long-lasting or sudden swelling should give reason to consult a doctor.

What is facial swelling?

In general, swelling, including facial swelling, is an accumulation of water in the intercellular spaces of the tissues. This accumulation of water is also referred to as edema . On the face, the eyelids, mouth, areas around the ears and neck are commonly affected.

Sometimes there is rapid swelling of the face with respiratory problems. This condition is sometimes acutely life-threatening. In other cases, facial swelling develops very slowly and is persistent.


As explained earlier, facial swelling is a build-up of fluid in the intercellular spaces of the tissue. However, the reasons for this are manifold. The water overflow can occur as a result of a disturbed lymph flow or through the increase in the permeability of blood vessels.Lack of sleep or alcohol consumption can lead to a flow disorder of the lymph and the excess water collects in the lower eyelids, the so-called tear sacs. However, this is the harmless variant of facial swelling.

The situation is somewhat different with sudden swellings that even cause shortness of breath . These can be generated by allergic reactions, infections, and other processes. A sudden onset of facial swelling can be a symptom of something called angioedema .

In angioedema, the swelling isn’t just limited to the face. It often affects other parts of the body and internal organs as well. This disease complex can have both allergic and non-allergic causes. What all forms of angioedema have in common is the increase in the permeability of the blood vessels. Local causes also lead to facial swelling.

Infections in the ear, nose and throat area very often cause swelling of the face, e.g. B. in mumps or tonsillitis. Diseases of the teeth, gums and jaws can lead to abscesses , which sometimes cause enormous swelling of the face.

Causes of a chronic nature are, for example, cardiac insufficiency, kidney diseases, thyroid diseases or diseases of the parathyroid glands. Lymphatic drainage disorders can occur in the case of cardiac insufficiency, with the formation of lymphedema.

Edema in the face, the so-called myxedema, also occurs with an underactive thyroid gland . If the parathyroid gland produces too much cortisone , the so-called Cushing’s syndrome occurs, whereby the face swells like a full moon, among other things. While in many cases the causes of swelling on the face can already be well estimated based on the accompanying symptoms, there are also cases that require a more in-depth diagnosis.


When to the doctor?

Swelling on the face can occur for many different reasons. If the swelling occurred without any external force, it is probably due to an accumulation of water in the eyelids. In such a case, going to the doctor is completely unnecessary, since such a swelling will disappear on its own after a few hours.

However, if swelling is caused by external forces, it is always important to consult a doctor immediately. Only then can serious consequential damage be recognized and treated at an early stage. In addition, swelling can also occur in the eye, which in many cases is caused by infections . A stye is one such condition that can cause facial swelling. Such a stye should always be treated by a doctor, otherwise the infection can spread further in the body.

Those affected can also resort to proven home remedies. This includes, for example, chamomile tea, which can be carefully dripped onto the swelling. In such a case, chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, so that the swelling can be combated effectively and efficiently. Therefore: A doctor should always be consulted if there is swelling on the face. Only then can serious injuries be ruled out at an early stage.

diagnosis and course

To determine the causes of facial swelling, the doctor will first look at the accompanying symptoms. In many cases, the cause of the swelling can already be determined on the basis of this analysis. This applies, for example, to the formation of abscesses in the case of dental diseases or dental treatments. In infectious diseases, the diagnosis is based on the underlying disease

effect secured by laboratory tests for the corresponding pathogens. If an anaphylactic shock occurs due to an allergy , the challenge is to identify the triggering allergen. Finding the cause of what is known as angioedema ( Quincke’s edema ) is more difficult, since both allergic and non-allergic reactions can play a role here. Chronic facial swelling often requires doctors to use many diagnostic tools, including medical history, laboratory tests, and imaging tests, to determine its cause.


Swelling on the face can be very diverse and arise for different reasons, so the possible complications are just as varied. If the swelling in the face was caused by external violence, severe pain is to be expected. Affected areas may become excessively swollen and red. If you want to counteract this complication, you can cool the affected area. A fracture can also cause swelling in the face. Anyone who completely forgoes a doctor’s visit in such a case is taking a great risk.

In the worst case, the fracture does not heal properly without medical treatment. Swelling on the face can also result from an infection. A pimple or infection are the most common causes of facial swelling. Complications can also arise. An abscess may form. This is a collection of pus that should definitely be treated by a doctor. Otherwise, it can even lead to blood poisoning if the bacteria get into the bloodstream. In general, therefore, all swellings on the face must be treated with appropriate medication. Only then can any complications that arise be recognized and treated at an early stage.

treatment and therapy

The treatment of facial swelling depends on the cause. In the event of acute shortness of breath, life-saving measures such as B. the application of an oxygen mask performed. If the swelling is caused by an allergy, the doctor must immediately treat it with cortisone and antihistamines .

However, there is both a histamine-mediated and a bradykinin-mediated form of angioedema. Both are different diseases that need to be treated differently. Cortisone and antihistamines help with the histamine-mediated form, while a C1 inhibitor concentrate must be injected with the bradykinin-mediated form.

Many infections heal on their own and can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. In the case of bacterial infections, antibiotic therapy may be indicated. Severe abscesses after dental treatment must be treated with cooling and antibiotics.

An operation may also be necessary. If the swelling on the face is hormonally caused by a thyroid disease, treatment can be carried out with hormone substitution or iodine administration.


There are no specific recommendations for preventing facial swelling due to the many different causes. In general, a healthy lifestyle promotes the strengthening of the immune system , which leads to a reduction in infectious diseases. Regular dental examinations by a dentist should be a matter of course to avoid abscesses caused by dental disease. Allergy-related facial swelling can be ruled out by avoiding the allergen.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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