Enlarged Tonsils – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Enlarged tonsils

Enlarged tonsils are particularly common in children. While it is usually a harmless infection, the tonsils play an important role in the immune system. Removing the organs too early can have consequences.

What are enlarged tonsils?

Almonds can be located in different places in the human body in the throat and oral cavity. They represent an element in the body’s lymphatic system and play an important role, especially in recognizing pathogens. Enlarged tonsils usually occur more frequently in the region of the pharyngeal tonsils, but the palatine tonsils can also be affected by the symptoms.

Almonds filter the inhaled air and examine it for any viruses or bacteria . While the pharyngeal tonsils are not directly visible in a healthy state, they can be seen with an enlargement by looking into the throat on the one hand, and on the other hand they can often be felt externally. An enlargement appears especially between the third and seventh year of life.


Enlarged tonsils and tonsils can often be traced back to an infection. If pathogens penetrate the tonsils, they can cause inflammation there. In the further course, the size of the tonsil increases, often accompanied by purulent spots and problems with swallowing . Enlarged tonsils are often mistakenly referred to as polyps. Polyps are growths on the mucous membrane.Swollen tonsils, on the other hand, are caused by increased glandular tissue. The enlargement can occur in the short term, such as in the form of an illness or after an operation. However, chronic enlargement cannot be ruled out, especially in children. However, this is also often just a feature of the activity of the immune system .

Small children in particular often have to contend with pathogens. The disease does not necessarily have to occur just because pathogens have reached the organism. Instead, a healthy immune system is able to eliminate the virus or bacteria. In this way, the tonsils can be enlarged without visible disease. Furthermore, chronic mouth breathing promotes the swelling of the organs.


When to the doctor?

Enlarged tonsils should be evaluated by a doctor as soon as they are noticed. In most cases, there is a flu-like infection that leads to further symptoms within a few hours or days. They include a sore throat , gastrointestinal complaints, exhaustion, tiredness, cough, runny nose or headache. A doctor should be consulted, as the state of health will continue to deteriorate in a short time and there is also a risk of infection.

The enlarged tonsils often lead to difficulty swallowing. If this leads to reduced food intake over several days, a doctor must be consulted, as unwanted weight loss can occur. If you drink little or no liquid over the course of a day, you urgently need to see a doctor. There is a risk of dehydration of the body, which can lead to a life-threatening condition.

If the enlarged tonsils are responsible for the fact that articulation can no longer take place, the symptoms must be examined by a doctor. If pain occurs or if the surrounding regions of the tonsils also swell, a doctor’s visit is necessary. A doctor must be consulted if hearing impairments or complaints such as headaches occur. If the person notices an unusual taste in the mouth or has a sensation of fluids flowing down the back of the throat, further medical examinations should be carried out.

diagnosis and course

If enlarged tonsils are found, a doctor is often consulted. Visual diagnosis usually helps to diagnose swelling. In addition, further examinations are ordered, such as a nose and ear mirroring. On the one hand, the suspicion can be confirmed in this way, on the other hand, any organic consequences can be determined. Such an examination therefore often requires tympanometry and various hearing tests .

The course of enlarged tonsils ultimately depends on the underlying cause. Disease -related swelling usually disappears after the infection has subsided. In the case of chronically recurring infections, these must first be treated so that the enlargement is reduced. Once chronic enlargement is established, further complications can develop.

So it cannot be ruled out that the ventilation of the middle ear is obstructed. The basis here is the displacement of the tube between the middle ear and the oral cavity due to the swollen tonsil. On this basis, a disturbed pressure in the middle ear can often be diagnosed. At the same time, the risk of invading bacteria and viruses, which can cause inflammation in the ear, increases. The course of enlarged tonsils is therefore very different. It depends on the one hand on the cause and on the other hand on the duration of the persistence of the swollen condition.


There are a number of complications associated with enlarged tonsils. Enlarged tonsils can make breathing difficult and cause nocturnal breathing pauses. As a result, sufferers can develop high blood pressure and heart problems. Nosebleeds and pulmonary hypertension may occur. The ventilation of the middle ear and the equalization of pressure in the middle ear can be disrupted by enlarged tonsils. Pathogens can penetrate the middle ear and trigger an acute or chronic middle ear infection. As a result, secretion can accumulate and eardrum damage can occur. The auditory ossicles can be destroyed and conductive hearing loss can occur. As a result, children and young people can suffer from language development disorders and poor school performance.

Enlarged tonsils are often associated with chronic purulent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, the nose and throat area and the bronchi. Since the mouth is usually open when the tonsils are enlarged, the teeth and jaw can be misaligned because the opposing bite is not present. People with enlarged tonsils often sleep poorly and snore. As a result, they may be tired and lethargic during the day. They may also have difficulty swallowing. If the enlarged tonsils become inflamed, they become even larger and lead to even more shortness of breath . In addition, the jaw angle lymph nodes can also swell.

treatment and therapy

Therapy depends on the underlying cause. The treatment can be differentiated into conventional and complementary medicine. Conventional medicine initially relies on drugs, especially antibiotics . If there is no chronically recurring inflammation, a single treatment is usually sufficient.

However, if the infection returns regularly, surgery is an option. However, surgical intervention with the aim of removing the tonsils is only performed on children who have reached the age of three. This is the only way to avoid health consequences, as the tonsils are an element of the immune system. The function of the tonsils for the defense against pathogens is more important than the pharyngeal tonsils. Accordingly, these in particular are initially increasingly treated with medication.

If an operation is performed, it can be performed on an outpatient basis. Complementary medicine for enlarged tonsils can consist of different elements. It includes homeopathy , for example, but also a change in diet. In order to avoid recurring infections, a diet without animal fats and sugar is recommended .Dairy products in particular should be avoided. Certain tea cures can also be used as part of phytotherapy. These contain plants that have a positive effect on the metabolism and strengthen the immune system. However, complementary medicine is not an independent, closed area. It can be used in addition to conventional medicine.


Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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