Edema in the leg
Edema in the leg refers to the accumulation of fluid in the vessels. Edema becomes noticeable through swelling of the legs and feet. The reasons for this are different. Pain is rarely associated with fluid accumulation.
What is leg edema?
The term edema comes from ancient Greek and means “ swelling ”. If fluid accumulates in the lower limbs, physicians speak of edema in the legs. The fluid is either water or lymph fluid. Because humans walk upright, excess fluid builds up in the tissues first in the legs due to gravity. If there is lymphedema, this is due to the fact that the fluid is not draining sufficiently. The reason for this is usually a relocation of lymphatic vessels that are close to the lymph nodescondition. A reduced flow of blood towards the heart causes swollen legs. The water squeezes out of the vessels and accumulates in the legs.
There are many causes of edema in the leg. In most cases, however, leg swelling has harmless triggers. These primarily include higher temperatures in the summertime or long periods of sitting. In warm summer, the organism tries to release heat, which causes the vessels to expand. In addition, liquid enters the tissue. If the affected person stands or sits a lot, this process is intensified.Occasionally, however, edema in the leg also indicates serious diseases of the liver , kidneys or heart . The edema then spreads to other areas of the body. The leakage of fluid from the vessels, which is partly due to changes in vessel pressure, is responsible for the swelling. The permeability of the affected vessels can also increase. If edema in the leg only occurs in one specific area, this is considered an indication of an allergic reaction . Larger accumulations of fluid, on the other hand, are usually due to an organ disease that requires medical treatment.
It is not uncommon for a swollen leg to be caused by venous thrombosis in the leg. Other possible diseases that trigger edema in the leg include varicose veins, venous insufficiency, a heart valve defect, heart failure (heart failure), an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), liver cirrhosis or lymphedema. Other possible causes include a lack of protein due to bulimia or anorexia, bacterial inflammation of the skin such as erysipelas or alcohol abuse .
Leg edema is common in women during the menstrual cycle. Menstrual periods are often associated with slight accumulations of fluid. Sometimes the symptoms also appear during ovulation. It is not uncommon for menopause to go hand in hand with edema formation. The same applies to pregnancy, when strong hormone fluctuations set in. The edema is particularly evident in the last trimester of pregnancy. In addition to the legs, the feet, hands and face can also be affected by the swelling. However, in most pregnant women, edema formation is not a cause for concern.
Some people also develop leg edema due to side effects of medication. Painkillers such as diclofenac and ibuprofen cause the permeability of the vessels. Likewise, antidepressants , cortisone , estrogens, and antidiabetics can all cause leg swelling.
- hypothyroidism
When to the doctor?
At first glance, edema in the leg is not a worrying clinical picture, unless the accumulation of water in the legs is caused by the disease. Especially on hot summer days, such a water accumulation can occur very quickly, but it disappears again by itself. Physical activity can counteract water in the legs.
However, edema in the leg can also be an indication of a serious illness that should be treated by a doctor. Water also collects in the legs when you have kidney, liver, or heart disease. However, the accumulation of water is permanent. Therefore, if you suffer from water retention in your legs over a longer period of time, you definitely need to see a doctor. This is the only way that serious diseases can be recognized early and treated accordingly.
If edema on the leg only occurs in a single spot, this can be an indication of an allergic reaction. A doctor should also be consulted, who can define a possible intolerance in more detail. This means: Short -term water retention in the legs can definitely occur and, in contrast to long-lasting edema, does not always require a visit to the doctor.
diagnosis and course
If leg edema shows up repeatedly, it is advisable to consult a doctor to find out the causes of the swelling. If swelling occurs in the leg within a short period of time, you should see a doctor immediately. The same applies if other symptoms such as overheating, shortness of breath , chest pains or fever occur . In addition to the family doctor, the best contacts are an internist, phlebologist or cardiologist.
At the beginning of the examination, the doctor looks at the medical history of the patient. He asks how long the symptoms have existed, how often the leg swelling occurs, whether there are risk factors for venous thrombosis in the leg, such as sitting for long periods of time in cramped conditions, being bedridden, varicose veins, pregnancy or being overweight . Also of interest are possible previous illnesses, previous surgical interventions, the intake of medication, the presence of allergies as well as the professional background and lifestyle of the patient.
After the questioning, the doctor performs a physical exam, during which he feels the patient’s legs. If it is possible to depress the swelling on both legs, this indicates cardiac insufficiency, venous circulatory disorders or renal insufficiency. If, on the other hand, the swelling is only on one side and cannot be pressed in, this is an indication of a venous disease in which the drainage of the lymph fluid is disturbed. Without therapy, the edema in the leg increases more and more in size. In addition, the skin thickens and nodular spots form. The course of the edema ultimately depends on the cause and extent of the disease. If the therapy is carried out in the early stages, the prognosis is usually positive.
complicationsOf course, edema in the leg is not an independent or worrying clinical picture, because water retention in the legs may be completely normal. However, there can also be various complications, some of which should be treated by a doctor. Under certain circumstances, edema in the leg can indicate a venous disease, so that a doctor’s visit is essential. In such a case, the blood no longer flows properly to the heart, so it lingers in the legs, so to speak. In such a case, circulatory problems and particularly severe headaches can occur very quickly.
If this clinical picture remains completely without medical treatment, heart problems can even be expected in the worst case. However, with appropriate treatment and the right medication, a venous disease can be brought under control very well and effectively. Edema can also trigger inflammation. In such a case, it is necessary to urgently resort to taking medication, otherwise an abscess may form. Once such an abscess has formed, this accumulation of pus must be removed by a doctor as quickly as possible. Otherwise there is even a risk of blood poisoning , so that there is even a risk of death.
treatment and therapy
How edema in the leg is treated depends on what triggers it. If you have swollen legs in summer, it is usually enough to put your feet up, cool them with cold compresses, move around slightly and drink a lot. If a disease is responsible for the formation of edema in the leg, draining medication is administered in the case of heart or kidney failure. If there is a thrombosis , the patient receives drugs with a blood-thinning effect.
It is also helpful to put on compression stockings. Some people may also need surgical removal of a blood clot (thrombosis). If there is lymphedema, manual lymphatic drainage takes place, which can be combined with wearing compression stockings.If the affected person suffers from varicose veins, various surgical methods can help. These include vein stripping, sclerotherapy or laser treatments. For an allergy, the patient receives medication that has an antiallergic effect. Sometimes cortisone preparations are also necessary. If there is a bacterial skin infection, antibiotics are administered in this context.
To prevent leg edema, preventive measures must be taken against the triggering cause. Regular exercise is considered good general prevention.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.