Currants – Allergy & Intolerance


Currants are dried grapes that belong to the group of raisins. They are made from the Korinthiaki grape variety (Vitis vinifera apyrena), which is also known as black currant.

Here’s what you should know about currants

Currants are special raisins . They are made from black currants.

Like sultanas and zibebes, currants are a special type of raisin. They are black-brown to black-blue in color and have no cores. The currants owe their name to the Greek city of Corinth.

The origin of this type of raisin lies in Greece. Centuries ago currants were cultivated there in the Peloponnese. About 500 years ago they were also planted on the Greek islands of Zante and Kephalonia. In modern times, people also cultivate currants in the US state of California, Australia, Uzbekistan and South Africa. To a lesser extent, planting also takes place in Turkey.

It is important to distinguish between different types of currants, which depends on the respective growing area. The Vostizza currant is considered to be of particularly good quality, while the Patras currant, the Gulf currant and the Amalia currant are of medium quality. The Kalamata currant is classified as bringing up the rear. Currants are primarily used in the confectionery and baking industry. The producers offer them either treated, natural or as an organic product.

The climate plays a decisive role in the cultivation of currants. This is considered to be particularly well suited to the Greek Peloponnese. The reason for the very good quality of the Vistazza currants can be traced back to more moisture in their growing areas in the west of the Peloponnese. It rains more often there than in the northern Peloponnese.

However, it should not rain immediately before the harvest, as this can have a negative effect on the quality of the grapes. If the grape is too wet, there is a risk that the skin of the currants will turn reddish-black. Since the acid content increases at the same time, the shelf life of the raisins is also reduced. The grapes are therefore protected with tarpaulins before harvest.

From the month of March, the small berries begin to grow. The first grapes form by May. The grapes are then ready for harvest between the end of July and the beginning of September. The grapes are carefully removed from the vines with scissors and knives. They can then dry in the sun. During the drying process, they increasingly lose moisture.

Eventually, the dried grapes fall off the stalks and are pushed together with rakes. Drying can take between one and three weeks, depending on the exposure to the sun. Finally, the currants are transported in sacks or baskets to the factories, where they are processed.

Currants taste less sweet than sultanas . Their aroma is considered slightly tart.

importance to health

Currants are considered a healthy snack because they contain valuable ingredients. This includes, among other things, their large proportion of magnesium. 100 grams of currants contain around 15 milligrams of magnesium. In addition, the raisins have important minerals such as fluorine, phosphorus, zinc and calcium.

People who value a slim figure have to be careful despite the low fat content of currants. They contain plenty of fruit sugar (fructose), which affects the number of calories.

Ingredients & nutritional values

Currants contain a total of 1.9 grams of minerals and 1.3 grams of vitamins such as vitamin C per 100 grams. Other nutritional values ​​are 260 calories, 60 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of dietary fiber, 1.7 grams of protein and 0.5 grams of fat .

Calories and nutrients (per 100g)
kilocalories/kilojoules1373 kcal/ 328 kj
protein2 g
carbohydrates66,2 g
Fett0,6 g
fiber5,4 g


Eating currants can be a problem for people who suffer from fructose intolerance . The fructose content in the small berries is very pronounced. The symptoms usually manifest themselves in the form of nausea , belching , flatulence and diarrhea . Gastrointestinal symptoms are caused by insufficient fructose absorption.

Shopping and kitchen tips

In the trade, currants are offered less intensively than sultanas or other raisins. They can often be found in Turkish shops or in certain supermarkets among the baking ingredients.

When storing, it is important to keep the currants moist for as long as possible. For this reason, it is advisable to store them in closed cans or screw-top jars.

preparation tips

The currants are an integral part of Christmas cookies such as Christmas stollen. They are also used as ingredients for yeast pastries and cakes. They are also a popular side dish for rice pudding and are valued in Asian cuisine. There they are used in sweet and sour menus.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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