Cough Drops – Effect, Application & Risks

Cough drops

Cough drops are used to combat coughs. A distinction is made as to whether the cough drops are intended to loosen the mucus or whether there is a dry cough. Some cough drops are only available with a doctor’s prescription, while others are over-the-counter. However, the pharmacist can find the right cough drops that either loosen the mucus or calm the dry cough.

What are cough drops?

Cough drops are liquid medicines, they are taken orally. Drugs usually contain alcohol , which dissolves the active ingredients. Of course, children can also be treated with cough drops, in which case the drops are alcohol-free. Of course, cough drops have different effects, they clear the airways , but they can also fight a dry cough . Coughing is common with a cold that requires coughing up mucus. Coughing is actually a protective mechanism of the body, it always occurs when the lungs , bronchi and throat are diseased.

It is called a mucus cough when tough mucus has to be removed from the airways. This is always preceded by a cold or infection , while a dry cough can also be triggered by a drug. Cough suppressants should be used here, which are said to have a calming and anti-irritant effect. Cough drops can be herbal, they are also used in homeopathy . However, if the cold does not improve after a few days, it is essential to consult a doctor. He will recommend a medication that makes it easier to cough up the secretion.

Effect and medical application

Dry cough is something completely different, it can really have different causes. Medicines have already been mentioned, but a dry cough can also be triggered by an allergy and there can also be a foreign body stuck in the airways. Therefore, the cause of a dry cough must always be sought and eliminated. Sometimes there are also pollutants in the air, dust, gas or smoke can promote this cough. Usually, however, there is a cough that arose due to a cold and cough drops are very beneficial here.

Shapes and groups

The secretion has to be coughed up because the stuck mucus will block the airways. Cough drops are absolutely necessary here, because coughing up becomes much easier. At the same time, the patient should of course receive medical attention and drink a lot during this time. This also makes coughing up much easier and the patient simply feels better.

Of course, inhalation also helps, here cough drops are simply added to hot water and the whole thing is then inhaled. This has the great advantage that the cough drops can penetrate deep into the lungs and airways. Cough drops are suitable even for small children, as they catch cold very quickly.


Miracles are not to be expected under any circumstances, but cough drops such as Dextro Bolder, Silomat DMP or Neotussan help very well against a dry cough. Other cough drops, however, loosen the phlegm, and ACC acute, Prospan or Ambroxol help with a cold. Of course, this is only a small selection, there are many cough drops. The package leaflet must of course always be observed, especially with over-the-counter products. Otherwise the doctor will find the right dosage. Cough drops work, but the illness can last for several weeks. Cough drops do not work immediately either, but coughing up the phlegm becomes much easier. Of course you can treat a cough yourself, but if the symptoms do not go away, you should see a doctor.

Herbal, natural and pharmaceutical alternatives

Of course, there are many dosage forms, but cough drops are effective and people like to take them. Coughs can also be fought with home remedies, the onion syrup is highly recommended here. Finely chopped onions with honey then have to steep for about a day and then the syrup can be taken immediately. Cough medicines all want to fight the cough, but cough drops are particularly suitable. They are fluid and get to where they can do their jobs quickly.

Herbal remedies for cough include thyme , ivy, and sage . Some cough drops contain thyme, they can even be given to small children. Sometimes, however, herbal cough drops are not enough, so synthetic cough drops can be used. Coughing weakens the entire organism, so it is very important to strengthen the immune system .

A lot of exercise in the air is important because it largely prevents other pathogens from penetrating the human body. Synthetic cough drops contain acetylcysteine ​​and ambroxol hydrochloride, which are ingredients that have a very expectorant effect . In this way, the secretion can be coughed up and serious illnesses cannot develop from it. Sometimes, however , antibiotics have to be given so that the pathogens cannot spread further.

Interactions and side effects

Cough drops naturally have interactions with other medications. In the case of a dry cough, it is precisely these drugs that can trigger the cough in the first place, while the effect of other tablets can be increased or weakened. Therefore, the doctor and the pharmacist must know what is being taken.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a prescription drug or an over-the-counter drug, everything has to be recorded. This is the only way to really rule out interactions, the effect can be very harmful. The effect of a medication can change completely, the pharmacist must always be informed and only then can they say whether the right cough drops are being used.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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