Coriander (food allergy and intolerance

Coriander (food)

Coriander is a plant from the umbelliferae family. The green coriander herb and the dried coriander seeds are used as medicines and spices.

Here’s what you should know about cilantro

Coriander is also known by the names Arabian parsley , Indian parsley and bugweed. In the American-speaking world, the coriander herb is referred to as cilantro.

The real coriander is an annual plant with herbaceous growth. Depending on the location, the growth height is between 30 and 90 centimeters. The plant forms a slender rootstock. The leaves are rounded and incised in three parts. The older leaves, on the other hand, are doubly pinnate and have a fine division.

The flowering period of the coriander is four weeks and takes place in June or July. The coriander belongs to the umbelliferae, so the small white flowers grow in double umbel inflorescences. The small fruits of the plant are two-part and spherical. They contain the yellow-brown seeds. Depending on the origin and variety, the coriander seeds are two to five millimeters in size.

Coriander owes its name to its smell. This is reminiscent of the exhalations of various species of bugs. However, the bug-like odor decreases during the flowering period and while the fruit is ripening.

The coriander plant originally comes from the Mediterranean region. The plant is now widespread worldwide and is cultivated in Mexico, Africa, France, Germany, Italy and Asia. Coriander has been used for around 7000 years. It probably grew in the court garden of the king of Babylon. Coriander seeds were also found in Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Today, most of the cultivated coriander is curried . The fresh herb is mainly used in Asian and South American cuisine. An essential oil can also be extracted from the seeds of the coriander using the steam distillation process.

importance to health

The seeds and extracts from coriander seeds are usually used for medicinal purposes. The essential oils of coriander have a digestive, appetite-stimulating and antispasmodic effect. Accordingly, coriander seeds are used to treat gastrointestinal upsets. In order for the seeds to develop their full effectiveness, they must be crushed or crushed. This is the only way to release the essential oils.Coriander essential oil has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. Due to its anti-bloating properties, the essential coriander oil can be used in combination with olive or sunflower oil for soothing abdominal massages. On the psychological level, the essential oil of coriander has a strengthening, invigorating and balancing effect.

In European naturopathy, coriander is considered a means of eliminating heavy metals. Toxic metals such as cadmium, lead, aluminum and mercury are said to be eliminated with the help of the plant. Since mercury is often released when amalgam fillings are removed, coriander is part of detoxification treatments carried out as part of dental restorations .

Ingredients & nutritional values

Coriander contains a high concentration of essential oil. In the seeds, this consists primarily of monterpenols (linalool), monoterpenes, esters and monoterpene ketones. Typical ingredients are α- and β-pinene, limonene and borneol. Linalool and geraniol in particular are responsible for the pleasant scent of the seeds. They fully develop only after the seeds have dried. Some of the oils contained are also classified as fatty oils. These include petroselinic, oleic and palmitic acids.

Coriander herb and root consist of decanal, fatty oil, proteins, starch, tannins and flavonoids. Organic acids, coumarins and scopoletin are also included. Coriander herb also contains vitamin C.

Calories and nutrients (per 100g)
kilocalories/kilojoules313 kcal/ 1311 kj
protein12,40 g
carbohydrates25,90 g
Fett17,80 g
Water8,66 g
fiber29,12 g
Vitamin B32100 µg


Side effects and interactions are not known for coriander. Few people are allergic to cilantro. External use of the fresh plant juice can also lead to slight sensitivity to light .

Shopping and kitchen tips

Coriander leaves should be used fresh if possible. In dried form, they have significantly less flavor. A coriander plant can easily grow in a herb pot on the windowsill. This means that fresh leaves can always be harvested when needed. The green of the coriander can also be frozen well.When buying coriander seeds, the unground seeds should be preferred. The essential oils evaporate quickly, so the coriander powder quickly loses its taste and scent. Before use, the dried coriander seeds must be crushed or crushed with a mortar. The essential oils develop a special aroma when the cracked seeds are briefly roasted before use.

preparation tips

The fresh coriander herb should always be added to the food just before serving. If it is cooked, it loses its aroma. With its intense musky and lemony taste, coriander harmonises well with meat and vegetable dishes from Asian and South American cuisine. Fresh coriander is also part of the famous mojo verde. The herb can also be served with cheese dishes or used in salads .

The ground coriander seeds are used to flavor bread , pastries, legumes and vegetable dishes. Coriander is also a component of gingerbread spice and curry paste. It can be used both to refine hearty dishes and to flavor sweet desserts or compotes.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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