Colorectal cancer screening
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death in Germany. The tumor can be treated well if it is diagnosed early. This is why early detection of colon cancer is particularly recommended for people over the age of 50. The earlier the cancer is found, the better the chances of survival.
What is colorectal cancer screening?
Early detection of colorectal cancer involves various examination methods, the aim of which is to diagnose possible colorectal cancer as early as possible . Colorectal cancer develops from growths on the mucous membrane known as polyps . These are initially benign and show slow growth. Therefore, the chances of recovery are high if the change is detected early.
The terms colorectal cancer screening and colorectal cancer screening are often used as synonyms. However, screening is about preventive measures to prevent colon cancer. This includes, for example, a healthy lifestyle. Early detection of colorectal cancer relies on examinations to diagnose changes.
application and function
Early detection of colorectal cancer is important because colorectal cancer is common. In addition, it often runs without typical symptoms pointing to it. Therefore, a late diagnosis is not uncommon. Because colorectal cancer usually responds well to therapy, early detection of colorectal cancer can save the patient’s life. It is therefore the task of early detection of colorectal cancer to detect a possible tumour .In addition, the various methods for detecting intestinal polyps are used. In most cases, colon cancer develops from polyps. Accordingly, these can also be described as the precursor of the tumor. If they are discovered in time and then removed, the risk of colon cancer is reduced for those affected.
The need for early detection of colorectal cancer is linked to familial factors. Because colorectal cancer occurs more frequently in people whose families have already had cases of the tumor, those affected should attach importance to regular early detection of colorectal cancer.
methods and procedures
There are different methods for early detection of colorectal cancer. A hemoccult test can be used to make traces of blood visible in the stool. Such a stool test is used primarily in patients between the ages of 50 and 54.
In addition, the rectum can be palpated for tumors. However, these are mostly located in higher regions of the intestine. That is why health insurance companies offer regular colonoscopy from the age of 55 .
During the examination, tissue samples can be taken and any polyps can be removed. If the mirroring in the early detection of colon cancer remains without findings, it is only repeated after ten years.
What does the patient have to consider?
If a colonoscopy is ordered for early detection of colon cancer, it needs to be well prepared. Patients are not allowed to eat grain-containing foods three to four days before the appointment. This includes bread and muesli, but also kiwis , tomatoes and grapes. Grains impede the examination by possibly blocking the examination device, the endoscope.
In addition, fiber is removed from the diet before the colonoscopy. White bread, jam and vegetable broth are suitable instead. From 6 p.m. patients should abstain from solid food and only drink. The laxative solution is added to the lecture. When this is taken depends on the respective preparation.
On the day of the colonoscopy, only liquids may be consumed. If you are very hungry, you can drink lemonade. Blood-thinning medication is discontinued a week beforehand with the doctor’s agreement.
If the patient wants a sleeping pill, he is not allowed to drive a car, bike or motorbike after the colonoscopy. After the examination for the early detection of colon cancer, you can eat again immediately, unless the doctor tells you otherwise. If in doubt, an inquiry is appropriate. As a rule, the early detection of colorectal cancer proceeds without complications.
process and implementation
In the case of a colonoscopy for early detection of colon cancer, the cooperation of the patient is important. A colonoscopy is only possible if the patient adheres to the prescribed diet. Finally, the bowel must be completely emptied before the examination. The reflection itself is usually performed on an outpatient basis. The gynecologist or family doctor can issue a corresponding referral.
After 15 to 30 minutes, the reflection as part of the early detection of colon cancer is complete. Before starting, patients are given the opportunity to take a sleeping pill. Certain medications inhibit bowel movements. This puts the organ in a relaxed state. The patient then assumes a left-hand position and the doctor feels the rectum.
During the actual colonoscopy, an endoscope is pushed into the anus . The scanning device is connected to a tube, which allows it to pass through the entire intestine, sending images of the condition of the tissue. The device has small forceps and snares that can be used to take samples if necessary.
If a test to examine hidden blood is ordered for early detection of colon cancer, those affected receive three test letters. Stool is applied to this on different days. For evaluation, the samples must be sent in or returned to the doctor.
Self-service or health insurance – who bears the costs?
Early detection of colorectal cancer is part of the statutory health insurance offer from a certain age. Accordingly, they assume the costs. From the age of 50, the patient himself does not have to contribute financially to the examinations.
A test for blood in the stool is paid for every year if the person concerned is between 50 and 54 years old. From the 55th birthday, two colonoscopies are taken over. There is a period of 10 years between the reflections in the early detection of colon cancer.
Risks, dangers and complications
A colonoscopy for early detection of colon cancer can have side effects and risks. Some patients cannot tolerate the sedative used. This causes itching , nausea and other allergic reactions.
In very rare cases, the wall of the colon is punctured with the tube. The patient needs immediate surgery to prevent peritonitis . Eventually, bacteria can get into the abdominal cavity because of the hole.Sepsis is very rarely caused by a colonoscopy . Because this can be particularly dangerous for people with artificial heart valves, they must take antibiotics before the examination. In this way, the colonization of the bacteria on the heart valves can be avoided.
Overall, however, side effects from a colonoscopy for early detection of colon cancer only occur in very few patients. However, the offer for early detection of colon cancer should be used from the age of 50.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.