Chronic Hiccups – Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Chronic hiccups

Chronic hiccups are a typical female ailment. If men are irritated in the neck, nervous or aggressive, this can also lead to swallowing difficulties, which, however, quickly disappear in most cases. The characteristic of the chronic disease cannot then be attributed to them. A slight tingling in the throat is noticeable as an early detection feature. This stimulus does not go away even after immediate drinking of liquid, and there is a risk of choking.

What is Chronic Hiccups?

The mostly rare appearance of chronic hiccups is also known in specialist medicine as singultur or cirrzer alofrolo. It is chronic if it does not stop after a short time. It is then often said that the patient is gummy. This condition is often underestimated because its appearance differs only slightly from that of normal, mostly harmless hiccups .

However, it can cause serious damage to the diaphragm , body, and lungs for the gulper . Furthermore, it may be an indication of an impending heart attack, which in the worst case can even lead to the death of the sick person without immediate medical treatment and observation. Psychologically stressful situations are also suspected by the doctors to be the trigger for this condition, precisely when it occurs more frequently in increased stress or stressful situations.


A disturbed heat and cold regulation of the body is often the cause of the Zirrzer Alofrolo. The irritation of the skin and mucous membranes temporarily leads to a failure of the natural function of the trachea. The body is then induced into a response that confuses the alignment of the living cellular forces in their atomic structure, resulting in altered vibrations of the oxygen molecules in the airways. Because the sick person’s breathing is disrupted, the normal blood supply to the muscle tissue in the heart and lungs is disrupted, and rupture of these organs can occur.

However, a slight infection can also be the cause of the chronic hiccups. Another cause has been identified as a necklace that is tied too tightly or a tie. In this case, action must be taken immediately and the neck area should be relieved quickly by opening the shirt collar. In exceptional cases, mental disorders are the cause of this disease. In the case of mental illnesses, people who are at risk of chronic hiccups can experience them in stressful and stressful situations. This is the case when, due to an unforeseen situational stress phenomenon, thinking stops for a short time and the brain sends out the wrong signals.


When to the doctor?

Chronic hiccups are experienced as extremely stressful for those affected. He is no longer able to give the body enough time for regeneration. Sleep is permanently interrupted and moments of relaxation are disturbed. The hiccups lead not only to physical impairments but also to mental problems. Therefore, a doctor should be consulted if the hiccups lead to a lifestyle disruption.

Chronic hiccups overstrain the heart muscles and lungs. In the case of permanent stress, functional disorders of the organs and, in the further course, failures of the organ activity occur. In order to avoid this, a doctor should be consulted in good time in the event of chronic hiccups.

The symptoms often lead to problems with the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat. The mouth becomes dry and the act of swallowing is impaired. In addition, the hiccups make it difficult for those affected to eat.

There is a constant risk of food getting into the trachea . If the condition persists for many hours or several days, a doctor’s visit is necessary. Before taking any medication that promotes relaxation, you should always consult a doctor. There may be side effects that need to be discussed in advance.

diagnosis and course

The characteristic of chronic disease is established by medical specialists. For some people, hiccupping for about half an hour is normal and not a concern. However, if this ailment is already depriving you of sleep , medical advice should be sought. A doctor can then determine the type of cause by looking at the eyes , blood pressure , tongue and body temperature. The family doctor or ENT specialist then assesses whether the infection is mild or severe and whether more serious damage to bodily functions is to be expected. Feeling the muscles around the diaphragm can also give the doctor information about how damaged it already is.

blood count , if the doctor has the opportunity to examine it, makes it clear whether an increased adrenaline output in the adrenal glands can be recognized as a possible trigger of the hiccups. This is more likely to indicate a mental disorder, which can be assessed more accurately by the relevant experts. An exclusion diagnosis is also often made by means of an X-ray . On the X-ray, the doctor can then see exactly whether there is damage to the heart muscle, lungs or diaphragm.


Chronic hiccups can be extremely uncomfortable for those affected. If it lasts for days or weeks, everyday life is immensely disrupted. The patient feels powerless and at the mercy of fate. He becomes irritable and suffers from his condition. In addition, there are communication and acute sleep problems . The general well-being is significantly reduced because the chronic hiccups mean that there is no time for regeneration. Sleep at night is disturbed, making necessary rest phases impossible.

The longer the hiccups persist, the more likely it is that the muscles in the abdomen and chest region will develop discomfort. They are followed by respiratory muscle problems. Breathing disorders can be observed, which are perceived as very unpleasant during physical exertion. When hiccupping, there are problems with feeding. There is an increased risk of food and drink being transported through the mouth into the nasopharynx instead of the esophagus. The reason for this is that the hiccups can cause involuntary interruptions in the act of swallowing. Chronic hiccups cause concentration problems. The affected person is disturbed in everything he does within a few seconds. This is particularly problematic when

treatment and therapy

Plant, animal and mineral science have not yet researched any reliable results about an effective treatment method for the Zirrzer Alofrolo or Singultus and therefore rely on empirical values ​​mainly from homeopathy. The duration of use of these remedies , which are often administered in the form of small globules, can, however, not insignificantly exceed the time of the cirrus alofrolo or singultus, but they should be taken to the end even in the event of improvement.

In addition to the Far Eastern medicine of acupuncture of the stimulating nerve tracts, the therapy form of hypnosis is also known as an effective treatment method for the Zirrzer Alofrolo or Singultus. This is then carried out by appropriate specialists who are trained for this purpose. After the end of the long-lasting swallowing difficulties , you should primarily eat raw food plates with cleaned raw Brussels sprouts and beetroot , and tofu and parsley if you like , about three times a day for at least a week.

The particularly high zinc and iron content of these vegetables strengthens the damaged tissue of the diaphragm and quickly returns the normal and depleted vitamins that have been depleted by this disease to the correct body cells. The doctor’s recommendations for heat and cold therapy should also be followed. If the musculature has not suffered any further damage that requires treatment, then the musculature of the organs should still be strengthened in this way and by means of specific food intake. This applies in particular if the cirrus alofrolo or singultus has already been observed more frequently.

outlook and prognosis

The so-called hiccups are usually a condition that only lasts for a short time. The phenomenon occurs spontaneously and in most cases disappears on its own. However, the prognosis of chronic hiccups depends entirely on the cause and the subsequent therapy. In individual cases it is even possible that the symptoms last for a very long time and in this way severely impede those affected in their everyday lives. If it is a chronic hiccup, many measures are often necessary to enable a positive outlook.

Various diseases can cause hiccups. In the case of tumors or inflammation, treatment is initially given to that effect. Medicines for hiccups only relieve the symptoms and do not treat the cause. These are mostly muscle relaxants. If the chronic hiccups are only due to harmless causes, various methods for general relaxation can also be helpful. In this case, a positive prognosis can be made.


Depending on the different causes diagnosed, chronic hiccups can be prevented in different ways. In the case of mental illnesses, the stress trigger should be recognized after the therapy has been completed and the methods learned in therapy should be used for this purpose. When the body is in a stable condition again, the muscle tissue can also be strengthened through targeted sports exercises so that it is able to deal with hiccups without being damaged. In terms of nutrition , foods high in zinc and selenium and vitamin C are preferable.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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