Chinese cabbage – allergy & intolerance


Chinese cabbage is a nutritious vegetable plant. He is from China.

Here’s what you should know about Chinese cabbage

The so-called Chinese cabbage (Brassica raba) is a vegetable plant. It is also known as celery cabbage, Peking cabbage or Japanese cabbage. The characteristics of the Chinese cabbage include its oval or narrow cylindrical solid head and its weight, which varies between 1 and 3 kilograms. Its leaves are usually yellow-green in colour. Their broad, white ribs are slightly curled.

As the name suggests, Chinese cabbage originated in China. It was planted there around 1500 years ago in the province of Canton. From the 15th century, its cultivation also took place in Korea. In the 19th century he came to Japan.

The cabbage variety is believed to have evolved from a cross between a Chinese vegetable and a type of turnip. Chinese cabbage has also been cultivated in Europe since the early 20th century. In contrast to the Asian varieties, the European Chinese cabbage is only an annual plant. The vegetable plant is usually offered in two variants. These are the broad “Nagaoka” and “Hong Kong” varieties, as well as the “Garnet” and “Jade Pagoda” varieties.

In Europe, Chinese cabbage is sown in June. The cabbages are ready for harvest after about two or three months. The Chinese cabbage can reach a maximum height of 60 centimeters. In Germany, the cabbage variety is primarily grown in the federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria.

In principle, Chinese cabbage is available all year round. Its main harvest time is in the months of October and November. Chinese cabbage from outdoor cultivation is commercially available in Germany between September and March.

The Chinese cabbage variety that is on the market in this country comes from the Chinese variety “White Dragon’s Tooth”. From a botanical point of view, there is only a very distant relationship between Chinese cabbage and domestic cabbage. Chinese cabbage has the advantage that its tender leaves hardly have the typical cabbage taste. So they taste pleasantly fresh.

importance to health

The Chinese cabbage is not only a tasty but also a healthy vegetable. So it contains hardly any fat and calories . Therefore, it can also be enjoyed without a guilty conscience by people who value a good figure.

Chinese cabbage is also rich in healthy vitamin C. 100 grams of cabbage contain 25 milligrams of vitamin C. According to the German Society for Nutrition, this is a quarter of the recommended daily dose.

Chinese cabbage is easy to digest thanks to its high content of folic acid and mustard oil. In addition, the mustard oils are responsible for the typical taste of cabbage. Health experts also attribute immune-boosting and anti-cancer properties to it.

Ingredients & nutritional values

In addition to vitamin C, Chinese cabbage also contains other important vitamins. These include vitamin A , vitamin B1 , vitamin B2 , vitamin B6 , niacin, and vitamin E. In addition , it contains nutritious minerals such as potassium , calcium , phosphorus , sodium , magnesium and a little iron . It also has a high water content. However, the Chinese cabbage must not be cooked for more than 7 to 10 minutes, otherwise the important substances would be destroyed.


In rare cases, there may also be a food allergy to Chinese cabbage. This often shows up in early childhood. The allergy manifests itself in various forms such as hives , reddening of the skin , itching , feelings of pressure in the gastrointestinal area , flatulence , cramps or diarrhoea . In such cases, consumption of Chinese cabbage must be avoided.

Shopping and kitchen tips

When buying Chinese cabbage, you should pay attention to the freshness and crunchiness of its leaves. In addition, they must not have any dark spots. It is important that the cabbage has a juicy green appearance and a firm consistency.

If the Chinese cabbage is purchased fresh, it should be stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. It can usually stay there for at least a week. The tender leaf ribs of the Chinese cabbage can usually be eaten without difficulty. Their preparation does not take much time either. If there are wilted leaves, they are removed. In addition, the Chinese cabbage is washed in a sieve. After draining, it is crushed accordingly.

preparation tips

The Chinese cabbage can be eaten raw, although it tastes best with a salad dressing. It can also be cut into strips and fried or steamed. It is also suitable as an accompaniment to stews, fish, pan-fried dishes, stir-fried vegetables, soups or casseroles.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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