HWS Syndrome
The cervical spine syndrome usually involves both chronic and acute painful symptoms and restricted movement of the cervical spine. The term cervical spine syndrome refers to a restricted area of the body, the cervical spine (cervical spine).
What is the cervical spine syndrome?
In the case of diseases of the spine, the cervical syndrome (cervical spine), the thoracic (thoracic spine) and the lumbar, the lumbar spine or lumbar spine syndrome are classified. A syndrome, especially a cervical spine syndrome (cervical spine syndrome), always represents a complex of special and also general symptoms.
Spinal diseases and special combinations of symptoms in the cervical spine (cervical spine), which are summarized as cervical spine syndrome, accompany more and more people in their everyday life. Those affected come from a wide variety of age groups, although the likelihood of developing cervical spine syndrome can increase with age.
The causes of a cervical spine syndrome can lead to extremely protracted and painful symptoms.The causal relationships of a cervical spine syndrome usually consist of internal changes in the cervical spine, which can lead to so-called blockages in special nerve areas.
In addition, the symptoms can also be caused by blockages in the cervical vertebrae.
Permanent incorrect posture and excessive stress on the cervical spine as well as age-related wear and tear on the bony vertebrae themselves and impairment of the intervertebral discs irritate the nerve areas that promote cervical spine syndrome.
When to the doctor?
After a fall or accident involving the cervical spine, a doctor’s consultation must take place as soon as possible. In many cases, complaints can only be assigned with difficulty or not at all without an extensive investigation. In order not to cause permanent damage, a doctor should be consulted immediately after a neck injury.
If you experience dull pain in your arms, shoulders, neck or back, you need to see a doctor. If the affected person notices skin irritation, he should consult a doctor. Sufferers report a feeling in their hands or arms that they describe as pins and needles. It tingles and is considered uncomfortable. If the headache, dizziness or nausea persists , you must consult a doctor. Repeated vomiting, exhaustion and a sudden loss of strength should be examined and treated by a doctor.
If you have vision or hearing problems, you need to see a doctor. If you experience loss of appetite, sluggishness or loss of taste, you should see a doctor. Disturbances in the functioning of the joints or limitations in the range of motion are considered to be of particular concern. The movements are to be slowed down and a doctor should be consulted if possible without further concussions. Additional loads can lead to permanent damage to the nerve tracts along the spine.
symptoms and course
Possible symptoms of cervical spine syndrome:
- Sensory disturbances (tingling) in the arms
Since the cervical spine syndrome involves very different symptoms that also affect other organs, the diagnosis is often accompanied by so-called misdiagnoses. In addition to permanent and regularly recurring tension pain, which manifests itself in particular as a nagging headache, cervical spine syndrome can lead to numbness, tingling in the arms, dizziness, blurred vision and other abnormal sensations. The great complexity of the symptoms of the cervical spine syndrome is reflected in the fact that mobility is restricted by the more or less severe pain. Mobility is more difficult in the back as well as in the arms and legs.
To diagnose cervical spine syndrome, the doctor must physically examine the patient after taking the medical history. He feels the muscular strands in the shoulder and neck area. By palpating, he determines to what extent the inner edges of the shoulder blades cause pain. Many patients also have restricted head movement in the form of what is known as a stiff neck. The patient’s complaints are usually due to static overload, which only affects the muscles in the area of the cervical spine.
Following the physical examination, the doctor arranges for a further examination using imaging methods to confirm the diagnosis of cervical spine syndrome. With their help, other diseases of the spine or the intervertebral disc can be ruled out. He has several options for this.
An X-ray gives him information about possible misalignments of the spine. However, the doctor cannot tell from the X-rays whether the patient’s pain is due to this. Computer tomography, on the other hand, also makes intervertebral discs, nerves and muscles visible.
If a herniated disc is the cause of the pain, the CT will show it . MRI offers even better diagnostic options . With the help of magnetic resonance imaging, they can detect changes in the intervertebral disc at an early stage. Other causes of the pain such as tumors or changes in the vessels also become visible.
The cervical spine syndrome is primarily associated with severe pain. This pain usually occurs in the shoulders and neck and can significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life. The pain often spreads to the head. Furthermore, those affected often suffer from reduced resilience and exhaustion. Dizziness and circulatory disorders occur. Visual disturbances and hearing problems can also occur as a result of the cervical spine syndrome and significantly restrict the affected person’s everyday life. Especially in young people, visual or hearing problems can lead to psychological limitations or depression .
Furthermore, the cervical spine syndrome can also lead to tingling or sensory disorders and even paralysis. Because of the pain, the person affected may also adopt a relieving posture, which, however, only aggravates the symptoms. The treatment of the cervical spine syndrome is usually through various therapies and massages. The symptoms can also be reduced with the help of painkillers. There are no complications. The life expectancy of those affected may be reduced by the cervical spine syndrome if it is caused by a tumor.
treatment and therapy
The treatment of the cervical spine syndrome depends on its severity and the localization of the causes and the symptoms. As a rule, specifically selected medications are used against the cervical spine syndrome.
In addition to muscle-relaxing and anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs, physiotherapeutic therapies are also considered effective treatments. Alternative procedures such as acupuncture and chiropractic interventions are also quite helpful against cervical spine syndrome.
In addition, techniques such as osteopathy and Rolfing have proven themselves in the context of alternative therapies for the treatment of cervical spine syndrome.Existing underlying diseases, which represent organic impairments to the extent that they lead to a cervical spine syndrome in the form of arthritis due to wear and tear, are also treated in a targeted manner. Meaningful sporting activities are often suitable for relieving the intervertebral discs and compensating for poor posture.
Special therapies for a cervical spine syndrome mean that surgical interventions bring those affected final relief from their symptoms and freedom from pain with a cervical spine syndrome. These invasive surgical methods are reserved as a last resort against cervical spine syndrome.
In addition to avoiding incorrect posture, which can often be caused by incorrect strain and various stressors, it is important to avoid constant one-sided movements and to exercise actively in order to prevent cervical spine syndrome.
In addition to preventive back training, special sports and movement exercises are suitable for prophylaxis in cervical spine syndrome. Reducing excess weight and regularly strengthening the back and abdominal muscles are also part of an effective prophylaxis against cervical spine syndrome.
Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.