The term biofeedback therapy is understood as a medical procedure with which unconscious bodily processes can be made recognizable. In this way, the patient gains better control over his body.
What is biofeedback?
The English term biofeedback means “feedback” or “feedback”. Biofeedback therapy is used to make unconscious bodily functions recognizable. With the help of medical devices, the therapists show changes in bodily processes such as blood pressure, pulse or digestion. With the help of biofeedback therapy, the patient has the opportunity to actively influence processes in the body that he would otherwise not be aware of. This in turn causes an improvement in his symptoms.
Biofeedback therapy is a scientifically recognized method that comes from behavioral medicine and behavioral therapy. Feedback makes psychophysiological processes optically or acoustically perceptible. The actual biological values are measured non-invasively. Blood pressure, respiratory rate, blood oxygen content, brain waves, skin temperature, skin resistance, muscle potential and human pulse can be recorded.
The term biofeedback has been around since the late 1960s. At the time, some doctors hoped to be able to dispense with taking medication for high blood pressure and similar diseases through biofeedback therapy. Various electrophysiological measurement methods have been used since the early 1960s. Biofeedback therapy is already widespread in the USA.
When is biofeedback therapy performed?
Biofeedback therapy is suitable for different areas of application and can be used to accompany the treatment of different complaints and diseases. For example, biofeedback has a positive effect on diseases of the cardiovascular system. This includes:
- cardiac arrhythmia ,
- a hypotension (low blood pressure) or a
- Hypertension (high blood pressure).
Make further indications:
Respiratory diseases such as:
Disorders of the digestive organs such as:
- Sorry but
An important field of application are also mental-neurological diseases, which include:
- anxiety ,
- epilepsy ,
- ADHD and
- count paralysis .
In addition, biofeedback can be useful for the following complaints:
- urinary retention ,
- incontinence ,
- Fibromyalgia ,
- sleep disorders ,
- sexual disorders
- stress and
- post-traumatic stress disorder
Biofeedback therapy is also used in pain and relaxation therapy. It is often combined with relaxation methods. Biofeedback also helps people to better perceive their bodies.
What techniques and methods are there?
Biofeedback therapy can be applied in different ways. There are a variety of different techniques and methods. Which one is ultimately best for the patient depends on their symptoms.
Electromyography feedback
One of the most common biofeedback methods is electromyography feedback, which gives the patient information about their muscle tension. In addition, the relaxation of the muscles is trained.
heart rate biofeedback
Another method is heart rate biofeedback, which can be used to control the heartbeat. This can improve the function of the lungs and blood pressure, which in turn is helpful against restlessness and anxiety.
Temperature Biofeedback
In temperature biofeedback, the patient’s skin temperature is measured using sensors attached to the patient’s hands or feet.
Another method is galvanic skin resistance training. Both the activity of the sweat glands and the amount of sweat that forms on the skin are measured.
The advantage of these biofeedback methods is that they do not require any surgical interventions, are also suitable for pregnant women and often save on medication. In addition, biofeedback therapy is often considered an alternative to other treatment methods that are not tolerated by the patient or are unsuccessful.
However, it has not yet been possible to clarify exactly how biofeedback therapy develops its positive effect.
What does the patient have to consider in advance?
In order to be able to carry out biofeedback therapy, it is important to find a suitable therapist in advance. However, this is not that easy. Although interest in this modern treatment method is high, there are relatively few qualified therapists in Germany.
Once the patient has found the right therapist, it is advisable to pay attention and follow the feedback. In the further course, it is possible to learn how to change and improve the body’s reactions by specifically influencing the behavior with thoughts or feelings.
What can the patient do?
Biofeedback therapy is carried out with special devices. These have the function of registering and recording so-called biosignals. In doing so, they convert the signals in such a way that they can be heard as sounds via a loudspeaker or visible on a computer screen.
In the context of biofeedback therapy, the patient has the task of relaxing. Physical changes can be shown through the connected devices. This enables the patient to recognize the influence his thoughts and emotions have on the body. In addition, he learns which physical and psychological processes cause either favorable or unfavorable reactions of the body. Finally, there is special training that enables the patient to positively control certain physical body reactions such as blood pressure .
If the biofeedback training goes according to plan, the patient is able to use this ability even without the special equipment. However, this requires regular exercise, which should be done every day. In most cases, different relaxation methods can be learned as part of biofeedback therapy. It is also important that the patient registers what external processes are causing his symptoms and how he can avoid them.
Biofeedback therapy is also suitable for children. They learn even faster than adults, for whom successful implementation depends on the method and individual problems. Exercises that are carried out at home are considered more promising than outpatient treatment.
Self-service or health insurance – who will bear the costs?
Since the statutory health insurance companies in Germany do not cover the costs, the patient has to pay for the biofeedback therapy himself. Expect to pay between 50 and 100 euros per session. At least part of the treatment costs are covered by private health insurance companies if this is contractually agreed.
Are there any risks and side effects?
There are few risks associated with biofeedback therapy. They mainly affect patients suffering from a schizophrenic psychosis. There is a risk that the feedback signals will trigger delusions again.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.