Barking cough
Cough can come in many different forms. A barking cough is primarily unpleasant for those affected and those around them. As a rule, this symptom occurs in the course of an illness. Most of the time it is a harmless disease. In addition to adults and the elderly, children are also very often affected by the barking cough.
What is barking cough?
The barking cough got its name due to the resemblance to a dog’s barking. This type of cough is characterized by short, powerful expiratory movements. This phenomenon occurs most often due to irritation of the respiratory tract. The barking cough is usually very loud and harsh. The affected person usually finds the cough to be very dry and, due to the lack of sputum, not productive or soothing.
The barking cough also occurs mostly at night, which often prevents the affected person from sleeping . In addition to the symptoms and diseases usually associated with it, the barking cough is also very annoying. The causes of the barking cough are varied and should be checked carefully, because in some cases an associated disease can also be dangerous.
The causes of the barking cough are varied. In some cases, this form of cough heralds an infection caused by bacteria . These bacteria were mostly picked up by the affected people in public spaces, since these pathogens can survive on door handles for a long time. Viruses can also be the trigger for the barking cough as an accompanying symptom.
Regardless of the disease, the barking cough always has the same place of origin: the respiratory tract. The larynx and lower-lying areas of the airways in particular lead to this symptom. This can be due to either inflammatory or non-inflammatory causes, but in both cases the condition results in narrowing of the airway. This creates the barking cough.
Irritation of the airways can also lead to this symptom. This could be, for example, large amounts of dust that have been inhaled. This irritates the airways, which in turn causes the cough without sputum. Sometimes excessive strain on the voice, such as screaming or singing, can also lead to this type of cough.
When to the doctor?
A barking cough that occurs in connection with shortness of breath is always a reason to see a doctor. In children, it can be pseudocroup, especially if the cough occurs at night. This disease can lead to life-threatening choking attacks and requires medical attention.
Barking coughs in adults together with symptoms such as shortness of breath or high fever should also be clarified by a doctor. The symptoms can indicate laryngitis, which may need to be treated with antibiotics.
Another reason for a visit to the doctor is if the cough does not go away for at least two to three weeks despite treatment with home remedies. Even in such a case, more serious underlying diseases must be ruled out. Pain in the chest or even when coughing are other symptoms that make a doctor’s visit necessary. If blood appears in the sputum with a barking cough, a doctor should also be consulted urgently.
Difficulty swallowing , hoarseness, weight loss, night sweats and fatigue are also among the symptoms that can accompany a barking cough. A doctor should be consulted, especially if they persist for more than a few days or if they worsen. These signs of illness can indicate various diseases that must be thoroughly medically clarified.
Diagnosis and course
In some cases, medical help is required for the present cough: For example, if the barking cough is still present after several days or if accompanying symptoms such as rattling breath , fever or whistling noises occur when breathing. These symptoms can point to the disease pseudocroup, which, if left untreated, can even lead to palpitations and shortness of breath. Due to the spongy symptoms, early diagnosis is often difficult in contrast to other diseases.
Basically, if there is no relief after a few days and no sputum during the cough, a doctor should be consulted. Then a cold is unlikely. Laryngitis is usually accompanied by hoarseness and pain in the larynx area. This diagnosis is made with symptoms such as a severely reddened larynx mucosa and extremely irritated and also reddened vocal cords, which are often covered with tough, whitish or pus-like deposits. A swab can confirm the diagnosis. In some cases, a barking cough is also a chronic disease of the respiratory tract. This is often COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. A lung function test provides information here.
Barking cough is associated with severe respiratory strain. The vessels are irritated and tears can form in the vessel wall. If the barking cough occurs during the night’s sleep, the resting phase is interrupted and leads to a lack of regeneration. The person concerned feels powerless and without energy. At the same time, he may suffer from restlessness. The causes of the barking cough are individual. The cough can occur once during the inhalation of toxic substances or indicate a serious illness. The barking cough is a dry cough . As a result, the affected person often has the feeling afterwards that they have not achieved any improvement in their well-being.
In addition, there may be a feeling of dry mouth . If viruses are responsible for the cough, it should be noted that they are contagious. They can be transmitted by touching objects or by greeting. The barking cough can be triggered by voice overload. Yelling or intense singing should then be avoided in order not to cause permanent damage or loss of voice production. The barking cough can come with other complications. They often include fever, headache, noises when breathing or tachycardia. The bronchi or larynx activity may be impaired.
Treatment and therapy
Treatment for barking cough depends on the symptoms present and the condition diagnosed. A cough usually goes away on its own after a few days or is accompanied by sputum after a few days, which relieves the exertion of the barking cough. Here home remedies can be used to support the relief: It usually helps to drink a lot here. Quark wraps are also often used. It is also useful to humidify the room air with wet cloths.
If the cough is very dry, a cough suppressant can be used. This helps the affected person to find peace and sleep at night. During the day, with a classic cold, it is worth using an expectorant. This promotes ejection. If a child suffers from the barking cough in the course of pseudo-croup disease, it is important for the parents to calm the child down.
Restlessness and anxiety can make symptoms worse. The addition of glucocorticoids , a steroid hormone, proves to be particularly effective in pseudo-croup. In severe cases, adrenaline is also given. In severe cases, laryngitis is treated with cortisone, but in many cases it is sufficient to protect the vocal cords. If bacteria are involved in the disease, an antibiotic is also prescribed here.
Treating a chronic disease like COPD is much more difficult. Medicines with the active ingredients bronchodilators are often administered here, which widen the airways again and thus counteract the barking cough.
Outlook and prognosis
Barking cough is a symptom that has various causes. It is caused by irritation of the airways. If, for example, a foreign body is aspirated , a fit of coughing occurs in order to remove the foreign body from the respiratory tract. In the best case, the foreign body is completely coughed out of the trachea. However, the prognosis depends on the size and depth of the foreign body aspiration. As the body slips deeper into the windpipe, it becomes more difficult to remove. Shortness of breath and further coughing are likely to occur.
But infectious diseases such as bronchitis also cause a barking cough. In the case of acute bronchitis, which is usually caused by viruses, the prognosis is very good and can be treated well with a visit to the doctor and the prescribed medication. In the case of chronic bronchitis, which is usually caused by smoking, the prognosis is no longer as good. There is a high probability that the airways will also be blocked and this will lead to COPD. The life expectancy of a patient with COPD is shortened.
Pseudocroup, a viral disease of the respiratory tract, causes coughing and usually shortness of breath. The disease usually resolves spontaneously and has a good prognosis for full recovery. Whooping cough is also responsible for barking cough. It is a bacterial disease and can last for months. The administration of antibiotics can contain the disease well and reduce the risk of infection. However, one in four sufferers develops secondary diseases such as pneumonia or middle ear infections .
In order to prevent the barking cough, care should be taken to ensure adequate hygiene. This prevents bacterial infections. Furthermore, a healthy diet promotes the immune system, which counteracts colds. Other respiratory diseases can also be prevented. Smokers, for example, should make an effort to give up smoking, as both the vocal cords and the larynx suffer greatly from the toxins. This also reduces the risk of developing COPD.
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My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.