Adynamia – causes, symptoms & therapy


Adynamia is a state of severe listlessness and exhaustion. It arises as a result of physical and mental disorders and manifests itself through clear symptoms. Treatment focuses on the causes of the state of exhaustion.

What is adynamia?

Adynamia is a state of great tiredness and exhaustion that usually occurs suddenly and in connection with illnesses such as burnout syndrome. The symptoms include listlessness and great fatigue as well as joint and muscle pain, depressive moods and chronic gastrointestinal problems. The treatment of the complaints is therefore usually physiotherapeutic and in combination with various medications and therapy measures adapted to the cause, such as diets or reducing everyday stress through relaxation methods. However, the best way to avoid adynamia is to take preventive measures.


The exact causes of adynamia have not yet been fully elucidated. Presumably, a wide variety of factors are required, which in combination lead to a chronic state of exhaustion. Possible triggers include infectious diseases , immune system dysfunction and nutrient deficiencies on the one hand, and psychological stress such as traumatic life experiences and depression on the other. It is also assumed that an unbalanced diet can at least exacerbate existing disorders. Likewise toxins and bacteria such as legionella and chlamydia. So far, there is no clear evidence that individual pathogens lead to adynamia. It can be assumed that the genetic predisposition and the general condition of the affected person at the time of a stressful phase of life also play a role.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of adynamia:

Adynamia manifests itself primarily through a significantly accelerated fatigue, which usually occurs relatively suddenly and even with less strenuous activities. This can be accompanied by headaches, acute or chronic muscle pain, drowsiness, abdominal cramps and fever. Other physical symptoms: sore throat and joints, swollen lymph nodes, irritable bowel syndrome and chills. Depending on the severity, the physical complaints can in turn lead to a deterioration in the general condition.

Sufferers usually complain of increased irritability, along with trouble sleeping and an inability to recover within a normal amount of time. This leads to further side effects such as depression and apathy over the course of the disease . Symptoms can progress to a debilitating mental and physical fatigue unlike normal fatigue. Rest and sleep do not make the symptoms go away; instead, the state of exhaustion worsens as a result of even average exertion. It often does not happen immediately, but with a delay of 12 to 40 hours. Adynamia is referred to when the symptoms persist for a period of at least three to six months or longer.


Adynamia is similar in appearance to various other disorders, such as hypothyroidism , allergic reactions , and infectious diseases such as hepatitis and tuberculosis. The doctor must therefore first rule out other diseases and determine the underlying disease based on the symptoms described. For this purpose, various blood and urine tests are carried out, which show, among other things, whether the cellular immune system is damaged and whether the inflammatory values ​​are increased.

Various criteria can be used to decide whether adynamia is present: the symptoms must have existed for more than six months, do not improve even with sleep and relaxation measures and cannot be attributed to permanent overload. If one or more of the criteria apply, adynamia can be assumed. Possible sleep disorders and impairments of memory performance can be determined in the sleep laboratory.

An examination in the sleep laboratory also makes sense if the exact cause of the exhaustion cannot be determined using conventional examination measures. By considering the evaluated data on the one hand and the observed symptoms on the other hand, the doctor can then make a clear diagnosis and initiate treatment in consultation with the patient.


The symptoms and complications of adynamia depend heavily on their cause, the severity and the duration of the disease. In most cases, however, the patient suffers from a general malaise and severe exhaustion that cannot be directly attributed to a specific symptom or activity. As a rule, the affected person can no longer actively participate in life and social events and is extremely restricted in his everyday life. Physical and sporting activities are also no longer possible.

It also leads to insomnia and often to psychological problems or depression. Due to the constant tiredness, most patients also suffer from sadness. In the worst case, this can lead to suicidal thoughts and ultimately to suicide. Further complications depend heavily on the underlying disease. If the adynamia occurs due to a tumor , for example, it can lead to death in the worst case. The treatment itself is based on the cause and usually does not lead to any further complications. However, the symptoms and complications of the underlying disease must be taken into account.

treatment and therapy

The treatment of adynamia focuses on the treatment of the individual symptoms and consists of drug and non-drug measures. Pain-relieving drugs are prescribed for joint pain and headaches, while preparations such as Captagon, AM1 or Ritalin can be used for chronic fatigue and exhaustion. In addition, certain psychotherapeutic measures are used to alleviate the symptoms.

Cognitive behavioral therapy helps those affected to overcome sleep disorders and relax more easily. In addition, a change in diet is often useful: vitamins and nutrients promote the activity of the immune system and prevent general exhaustion, while avoiding an unhealthy diet , alcohol and cigarettes can improve general well-being. Therapy for adynamia otherwise focuses on gradually relieving fatigue and prolonging active phases. This is achieved by restructuring everyday life and various relaxation methods, possibly also with medication that can support the recovery process.

In addition, depressive states and anxiety disorders must be treated separately, which often takes place as part of a lengthy therapy. The respective therapeutic measures depend on the severity of the disease and the constitution of the patient as well as his medical history. Patients who suffer from daytime sleepiness are treated with the help of relaxation techniques, medicines and the like. Under certain circumstances, underweight or overweight can also be the underlying cause, which must be treated as part of a comprehensive diet, often accompanied by psychological counseling. Preventive measures help to avoid the onset of adynamia in the future.


To prevent adynamia, a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise, a balanced diet and abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes is recommended. Avoiding stress can prevent overloading of the body and the development of typical diseases that cause exhaustion. Existing physical and mental disorders must be treated quickly in order to avoid an increase in the symptoms and the development of accompanying symptoms. Is already a depression or a physical disorder such as Addison’s diseasebefore, stress should be completely avoided in everyday life. Regular routine check-ups at the family doctor help to identify serious illnesses and disorders and to treat them early, which means that serious problems can be avoided in most cases.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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