Acute nephritis – causes, symptoms & therapy

Acute nephritis

Acute nephritis is an inflammation of the kidneys that should be treated as soon as possible. Various options are available for this. The acute illness can also be prevented.

What is Acute Kidney Inflammation?

Acute kidney inflammation can occur in different regions of the kidneys. Since the two kidneys are located to the right and left of the spine, the origin of the pain is relatively easy to localize.

However, the actual treatment can be difficult because there are different types of kidney inflammation and it is difficult to distinguish between an acute disease and an unproblematic one. The simplest option is to avoid acute kidney inflammation by taking preventive measures. At the first symptoms, a doctor should also be consulted immediately.


Acute kidney inflammation is usually triggered by bacteria , whereas viruses and other pathogens hardly play a role. The disease usually develops when the bacteria enter the kidneys via the urinary tract, where they infect the renal pelvis. Women are particularly at risk because their urethra is very close to the anus. As a result, the bacteria can get into the urethra more easily and, due to the shortened urethra, reach the bladder and from there the ureters and finally the kidneys within a short time.There are a number of risk factors that favor acute kidney inflammation. For example old age, pregnancy , a decrease in hormone production or kidney and bladder stones . Metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus and gout as well as a weakened immune system can also trigger kidney inflammation. Likewise, a permanent catheter, changing sexual partners and inflammation of the prostate .

In addition, there may be a defect in the closure mechanisms of the ureters. This causes the urine to flow back towards the kidneys, where it triggers inflammation. The same happens when the urine can no longer drain completely due to residual urine formation. Then the urine builds up back into the kidneys.

symptoms and course

Typical symptoms of acute kidney inflammation:

Acute kidney inflammation can have many symptoms. However, these only occur when the disease is already well advanced, which makes treatment difficult. Fever, nausea, chills and a general feeling of being unwell then develop. In addition, severe pain sometimes occurs in the flank, which increases with physical activity. When you urinate, you may experience burning pain and sometimes blood in your urine. In addition, there are abdominal pains and headaches and a general feeling of illness.

Since the symptoms usually only appear when the inflammation is already well advanced, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible. This is especially true if the symptoms mentioned are accompanied by nausea, exhaustion, weight loss and dull back pain. Then you could already have chronic kidney inflammation. The course depends very much on how quickly the inflammation of the kidney is treated.

In the worst case, it can lead to kidney dysfunction and even kidney failure . High blood pressure also sometimes occurs. A negative course is to be feared if a kidney abscess develops. If left untreated , this leads to what is known as urosepsis . This is life-threatening blood poisoning . Treatment is therefore absolutely necessary in the case of acute kidney inflammation.

When to the doctor?

Since acute kidney inflammation is a serious illness, the suspicion should be clarified by a doctor as soon as possible. This is the only way to ensure that progression of the disease is prevented and long-term damage avoided. The first point of contact is the general practitioner. If there is a concrete suspicion of acute kidney inflammation, you can go straight to the urologist or, if necessary, a specialist in kidney diseases (nephrologist).

The insidious thing about this disease is that clear symptoms only become noticeable as the disease progresses. At this point, the organ is already inflamed and in some cases its detoxification function is severely impaired. To make matters worse, the symptoms can differ from one another, depending on the trigger of the inflammation.

A particularly noticeable symptom of acute nephritis is the change in urine, both in quantity and in texture. If the amount of urine is significantly reduced and the urine is unusually discolored (reddish or brownish, cloudy, formation of small “foam crowns”), these are serious signs of the disease that must be clarified with a doctor. Also conspicuous are strong water retention ( oedemas ) in various parts of the body, e.g. B. the hands, feet or legs. Flu-like symptoms such as headache and joint pain or fever often occur at the beginning . In some cases, the skin appears yellowish and shows irritation or rashes.


Acute kidney inflammation can be diagnosed based on the symptoms. The doctor will also ask about any previous illnesses and then begin the physical examination. Within this, he checks by palpating and tapping the kidney region, where exactly the pain is located. Tapping can cause severe pain, especially in the case of an inflammation of the renal pelvis . Blood and urine tests provide information about the CRP values, which can be used to clearly identify inflammation. The creatinine value also plays an important role here.


Acute kidney inflammation is usually uncomplicated and heals without consequences under medical treatment. If left untreated, the disease can cause permanent kidney damage and even acute kidney failure. A severe inflammation can also develop into a purulent inflammation of the renal pelvis, in which pus boils form in the renal pelvis. This often results in a severe kidney abscess, which can cause high blood pressure and electrolyte imbalances. In severe cases, a kidney abscess can lead to kidney failure and blood poisoning. In addition, there may be problems with urination.

Those affected often suffer from blood in the urine or feel burning pain when urinating, which requires independent treatment. If the infection occurs during a hospital stay, further complications can occur, depending on the pathogen. In general, there is a risk that an acute illness will develop into a chronic one. In pregnant women, acute kidney inflammation can lead to problems during pregnancy, including miscarriage or premature birth. Diabetes mellitus patients and patients with a narrowing of the urinary tract have an increased risk of further serious health complications.

treatment and therapy

Acute kidney inflammation is treated with antibiotics if the symptoms are only mild. If there are serious symptoms such as high fever and a general poor condition of the patient, the disease must be treated in the hospital. There, highly effective antibiotics are administered by infusion, which in most cases promises an improvement. After two to three days, treatment can be continued at home.

In principle, the treatment must be followed to the end even if the symptoms improve, otherwise there is a risk of a relapse. In addition, bed rest is recommended. Rest and recovery are just as important as staying hydrated and taking homeopathic remedies such as Apis, Berberis, Cantharis and Sulfur.


Acute nephritis can be avoided by sparing the kidneys. This is done by maintaining good intimate hygiene as this is where most infections take place. A healthy lifestyle with adequate fluid intake also helps to keep the kidney healthy and thus prevent kidney inflammation.It also helps to have regular check-ups if you have any pre-existing conditions. This allows dangerous areas to be identified. Older men and women in particular should have their urethra and kidneys examined at regular intervals and consult a doctor immediately at the first symptoms. This also applies to people who are prone to diseases of this type.

Dorothy Farrar

Hello and welcome to my Health Guide & Encyclopedia! My name is Dorothy Farrar, and I'm the founder and main author of this platform.
My passion for health and wellness started at a young age when I became interested in the connection between the food we eat and the way we feel. This fascination led me to study nutrition and dietetics in college, where I learned about the importance of a balanced diet and the impact of various nutrients on the body.

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